たこやき・たいやき としちゃん

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たこやき・たいやき としちゃん

住所 :

Shinkawa, Mitaka, 〒181-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Shinkawa, Mitaka, 〒181-0004 Tokyo,Japan
いそのなみへい on Google

特別上等ではないが、ふと食べたくなるたこ焼き。 なぜかお家じゃ再現できないんだなぁ。 近所なので食べたい時にサッと買って食べれるので このお店はありがたい。 私は紅ショウガが効いたのが好みなので コンビニで紅ショウガを買って乗せて食べてます。
Takoyaki isn't particularly good, but you'll want to eat it. I can't reproduce it at home for some reason. Because it's a neighborhood, you can buy it quickly when you want to eat it Thank you for this shop. I like pickled ginger I buy red pickled ginger at a convenience store and put it on it and eat it.
シューマ on Google

ねぎだこ4個280円を頂きました。 ここで4、5年やっているんだそう。 美味しかったです、ごちそうさまでした!
I received 4 green onions for 280 yen. He's been doing it here for four or five years. It was delicious, it was a feast!
古屋克敏 on Google

A shop that passes by unless you look carefully. Taiyaki is cheaper in the evening service time.
a yamada on Google

地元の人に人気が有るお店。 子供達も羽付きたい焼きが大好きです。
A shop that is popular with locals. Children also love Taiyaki with wings.
Kazu F on Google

I'm really sorry. To be honest, I have left behind a family who loves takoyaki and taiyaki. First of all, takoyaki has a ticky dough, and I think it's better to make it frozen or at a home party. Why is Taiyaki bitter when it's not burnt? Is there anyone who buys Lipi? It's extra care, but taking an anonymous questionnaire may give you a chance to manage and survive in the future. .. Maybe I can't buy it anymore. ..
Homura AOI on Google

【熱々ふわとろ系で食べ応え十分☆たこ焼き&たい焼き屋さん】 東京都三鷹市新川。吉祥寺通り沿いで、人見街道と交差する立地。たこ焼き&たい焼き屋さんです。2017年オープン。最寄りは、どこからも離れていますが、比較的アクセスしやすいのは中央・総武線の吉祥寺駅、京王線の仙川駅またはつつじヶ丘駅。杏林大学病院とキャンパスが近くにあります φ(..) こちらはオープン当初から知っていましたが、車を停めるところがないので、毎回通り過ぎていました( ´_ゝ`)ゞ 吉祥寺方面から戻る途中、車を裏道のとある場所に駐めて覗いてみました。店員さん2名。いかにもな頭にタオルを巻いた店主さんと、若い女の子。対面販売です(*^ω^) ◆本日の注文◆ ねぎだく8個 520円 女の子にマヨネーズかけますか?と聞かれたので勿論イエース v(・∀・*)とお願いしました。さっそく車内で頂くことに♪油で揚げ系ではなく、くるくる回して焼いていくふわとろ系ですね。表面はカリッ♪中はとろーり♪タコも中くらいのが入っています。ネギの辛さ、鰹節の風味、ソースの甘さとマヨネーズのコク。なかなか旨いですね(≧∇≦)b たい焼きもあるし、4個売りもしているので、ウォーキングやジョギング中のオヤツとしてもありかも ρ( ^o^)b_♪♪ #前頭 #としちゃん #テイクアウト #たこ焼き #ふわとろ系 #たい焼き #吉祥寺通り #人見街道 #再訪可能性有り
[Takoyaki & Taiyaki shop] Shinkawa, Mitaka City, Tokyo. Located along Kichijoji-dori, crossing the Hitomi Highway. Takoyaki & Taiyaki shop. Opened in 2017. Although the nearest station is far away from anywhere, it is relatively easy to access to Kichijoji Station on the Chuo / Sobu Line, Sengawa Station on the Keio Line, or Tsutsujigaoka Station. Kyorin University Hospital and Campus are nearby φ (..) I knew this from the beginning, but there was no place to park the car, so I passed by each time ('_ ゝ) ゞ On the way back from the Kichijoji area, park the car at a place on the back road and peek It was. Two clerk. The shopkeeper with a towel wrapped around his head and a young girl. Face-to-face sales (* ^ ω ^) ◆ Today's order ◆ 8 green onions, 520 yen Do you want mayonnaise on the girl? Of course, I asked Yace v (・ ∀ ・ *). I got it in the car right away ♪ It's not a fried type, it's a fluffy type that turns around and bake. The surface is crispy ♪ The inside is thick ♪ The octopus is medium. Spicy leek, bonito flavour, sweet sauce and rich mayonnaise. It's pretty good (≧ ∇ ≦) b There are taiyaki and 4 are sold, so it may be used as an oya for walking and jogging ρ (^ o ^) b_ ♪♪ #Frontal #Toshichan #Take-out #Takoyaki #Fluffy #Taiyaki #Kichijoji Street #Hitomi Highway #Revisit possible
りんご on Google

お散歩している中で見つけたお店! 美味しそうな匂いにつられました… 鯛焼きを買いましたが皮付きでパリパリ! 中はクリームたっぷりで美味しかったです。 ぺろりと食べちゃいました!!! 店員さんは優しくて段差に気をつけてねと声かけしてくれました。
The shop I found while taking a walk! I was struck by the delicious smell ... I bought Taiyaki, but it's crispy with skin! The inside was full of cream and delicious. I ate it completely! !! !! The clerk was kind and asked me to be careful about the steps.
RAIN DOG on Google

たまたま歩いて通りかかって評価が高かったので買ってみました。 鯛焼きは羽根つき、美味い‼️ 羽根つきって見ため的にも味的にも、いいですよね‼️ たこ焼きはソース味4個をチョイス。 懐かしい味で美味い‼️ 子供の時に食べたのは、この味で羽根つきだった… どうせなら、たこ焼きも羽根つきにしてほしい… 近くじゃないので通えないが、近かったら通う味だな… そして、何よりも気に入ったのは、保護犬を訴えるポスター‼️ 動物に優しい人に悪い人はいない‼️ 基本的に。
I happened to walk by and the evaluation was high, so I bought it. Taiyaki has wings and is delicious! ️ It's nice to have wings, both visually and tastefully! ️ For takoyaki, choose 4 sauce flavors. Delicious with a nostalgic taste! ️ What I ate when I was a kid was this taste with feathers ... Anyway, I want takoyaki to have wings ... I can't go because it's not near, but it's a taste that I can go if it's close ... And what I liked most was the poster that appealed to the protected dog! ️ No one is bad for animal-friendly people! ️ fundamentally.

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