㈱メディカル・コンシェルジュ 新宿本店

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱メディカル・コンシェルジュ 新宿本店

住所 :

新宿区Shinjuku, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://mc-branchoffice-shinjyuku.net/
街 : Tokyo

新宿区Shinjuku, 〒160-0022 Tokyo,Japan
xiao ya mei on Google

★1つすら付けたくないです。 登録の時に長田さんという女性スタッフが担当されたのですが、とても威圧的かつ事務的に命令口調で話すのでとても怖かったです。 最初に個室に案内してくれたスタッフも含め、あまりの塩対応に心が折れ、理由をつけて登録をお断りしたところ、まるで盤若のような顔で睨まれました。 マニュアルがあるのでしょう。とりあえずお見送りしてくれたのですが、早く出ていけと言わんばかりの態度でした。
★ I do not want to attach even one. At the time of registration, a female staff member, Mr. Nagata, was in charge, but I was very scared because she spoke intimidatingly and administratively in a command tone. The staff, who guided me to the private room at first, was so enthusiastic about salt handling that he refused to register for a reason. Manual will there's is. It was me to your send-off for the time being, but it was the attitude of just you said to get out early.
T K on Google

When I registered for dispatch, the staff did not contact me, so when I called from here, the staff named Nagata was the worst in terms of language and intimidating attitude. It was a waste of time because there was no answer to the question as to how to move. I think it's the same as the ones written by others, but it doesn't seem to improve ...
izumi suginami on Google

登録の予約をしたあとに、こちらで皆さんのコメントを見たので不安な気持ちになりました。 が、案内してくださった方はとても丁寧な言葉遣い、対応でした。 登録してくださった担当の方は皆さんのおっしゃっている方でしたが私はそれほど不快な思いはしませんでした。 確かに営業スマイルはありませんでしたが、必要なことは説明していただきましたし、私が書類を記入している間に例として『例えば、今このような求人がありますよ』とプリントアウトして、内容も軽く説明してくれました。 感じ方は人それぞれです。皆さん、嫌な思いをされたのだとは思いますが、このような不特定多数の人が見るところに個人名を書いてしまうような行為には疑問です。 それが同じ医療系の同業者なら残念です。
After making a reservation for registration, I was worried because I saw your comments here. However, the person who guided me was very polite and responsive. The person in charge who registered was the one you mentioned, but I didn't feel so uncomfortable. Sure, I didn't have a sales smile, but he explained what I needed to do, and while I was filling out the paperwork, I printed out, for example, "For example, I have a job like this now." He also briefly explained the contents. Each person feels differently. I'm sure everyone was disgusted, but I doubt the act of writing a personal name where an unspecified number of people see it. It's a shame if it's the same medical peer.
Kichi Tora on Google

MCナースメットを見て面談していただきました。 電話対応も悪くなかったし、面談してくれた人も細かく話を聞いてくれてよかった。 連絡が若干遅い気もするけどそんなに気にならないし、このまま仕事見つかればOKかな
We had an interview after seeing MC Nurse Mett. The telephone response wasn't bad, and I'm glad that the people who interviewed me listened to me in detail. I feel that the contact is a little late, but I don't care so much, and I wonder if I can find a job as it is
ふわ氏 on Google

MCナースネット経由で面談することになりました。 最初はすごく不安でしたが、担当してくれた方が進行してくれて、私のやりたい仕事を見つけてくれました。 一生懸命頑張ります!ありがとうございました。
I will have an interview via MC Nurse Net. At first I was very anxious, but the person in charge proceeded and found the job I wanted to do. I will do my best! Thank you very much.
ニシカワ徹夜 on Google

面談で行きましたが、すごくコロナ対策が徹底されていて、綺麗でした! わざわざ斜め前に座って面談するのはなかなか面白かったですw
I went for an interview, but the measures against corona were very thorough and it was beautiful! It was quite interesting to sit diagonally in front of me and have an interview.
setagaya k on Google

I don't recommend working here. All the staff, their heads, and their correspondence feel bad. There is no coordination between staff members. When I was absent, I called the emergency contact and found that it was "not currently in use ...". The toll-free number is open from 9:00 to 18:00, but I thought it was necessary to contact me in advance, and when I called 15 minutes ago, he said, "The contact is late." Apparently the phone will connect from 8:00. If so, explain it from the beginning (laughs) In the first place, you should apologize for the wrong emergency contact information. There was no explanation or guidance about employment, which made me feel uncomfortable.
z y on Google

矢杉という人が担当しているコロナ関係の仕事を問い合わせたところ、矢杉という社員は当社にはおりませんと言われた。 担当の名前は確かに矢杉という方で間違いはないと伝えるも、本当にそんな社員いないんですと何故か電話対応した人の方が困ってた。またその求人は原というものが担当のはずです。と言われた。 何でいない人の名前を使っているのか聞いても電話口の方も分かってないようで、担当の原って人に変わって欲しいと頼んでもずっと社内にいないので繋げないと言われた。 電話口の方が嘘を付いているようには感じませんでしたが、いない人の名前を使うなんてあまりにもいい加減。釣り求人なんじゃないかと思う。
When I inquired about the corona-related work that a person named Yasugi was in charge of, I was told that there was no employee named Yasugi at our company. The name of the person in charge is certainly Yasugi, and I told him that there was no mistake, but for some reason the person who answered the phone was in trouble because there really wasn't such an employee. In addition, Hara should be in charge of the job offer. Was told. Even if I asked him what he was using, he didn't seem to know who he was on the phone, and he told me that he couldn't connect because he wasn't in the company for a long time even if he asked him to change. I didn't feel like the phone was lying, but it's too sloppy to use the name of someone who doesn't. I think it's a fishing job.

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