ファッション市場 サンキ 石下店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ファッション市場 サンキ 石下店

住所 :

Shinishige, Joso, 〒300-2706 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
街 : Ibaraki

Shinishige, Joso, 〒300-2706 Ibaraki,Japan
Naleem Hund on Google

It's a large store, but the product lineup is delicate. No soft drinks. The tearful 97 yen corner of the sparrow.
箙信仁 on Google

Nishikawa Atsuka I bought a blanket and a hot mattress.
ちっち on Google

肌着の交換に行きました。袋に入っている商品ではない物で、むき出しで売られている物でした。サイズ違いが欲しくて行きました。袋に入っていないとは言え、試着は出来ないようにタグが着いていたり縫われていて 広げることすら出来ない商品でした。交換は出来ないことなど、購入時に言われなかったので サイズ大きいものにしてもらおうと行ったのですが、コロナの為、袋入りしていない商品の返品交換は出来ないとのことでした。レシートにも、店内にも書かれていない事なのに、ガッカリ。しかも、店員さん達の言い方があまりにきつくて お客相手なのにこんなキツい言い方するのかと思った程でした。私の次に対応していたお客さん、ご年配の方でしたが、その方にも言い方がキツかったので、ここで言わせて頂きます。たまたま だったのか分かりませんが、店員さん二人とも 言葉も態度もキツかったです。買いたいものが無ければ、あまり行きたくないお店だと思ったところでした。
I went to change my underwear. It wasn't a product in a bag, it was sold bare. I wanted a different size. Even though it wasn't in the bag, it was a product that couldn't even be unfolded because it had a tag attached or sewn so that it couldn't be tried on. I wasn't told at the time of purchase that I couldn't exchange it, so I tried to get it larger, but because of the corona, I couldn't return or exchange the item that wasn't in the bag. I'm disappointed even though it's not written on the receipt or in the store. What's more, the clerk's words were so tight that I wondered if they would say such a hard word even though they were customers. The customer who was next to me was an elderly person, but that person also had a hard time saying it, so I will say it here. I don't know if it happened, but both clerk's words and attitudes were tough. If I didn't have what I wanted to buy, I thought it would be a shop I wouldn't want to go to.
左馬助 on Google

筑西市下館のサンキと比べてしまいガッカリしてしまいましたが、PicoのTシャツが数多く販売していました。 気に入った色が数点ありましたので、即購入しました。 割りかし格安だったので、多少満足感で帰宅しました。
I was disappointed when compared to Sanki in Chikusei City, but many Pico T-shirts were on sale. There were several colors I liked, so I bought them immediately. It was cheap, so I came home with some satisfaction.
クラモチイサオ on Google

品揃えが豊富で何でもお求めやすい価格設定です。 但し当たり前ですが、高級感は全くありません。
We have a wide selection of products and the prices are affordable. However, as a matter of course, there is no sense of luxury.
Yのりこ on Google

The prices are low and various items are on sale, and there are items that can be bought by children and the elderly. It's fun just looking at it. There were masks and cup ramen near the entrance. Not only clothes, but also Jutan and Nishikawa futons, sandals, shoes and bags are also available. I bought cute slippers. The inside of the store is spacious. Anyone, regardless of gender, can feel free to drop by.
Sadeepa Prasanga on Google

Nice shop
Hashan Madusanka on Google

Liquors are higher than usual price

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