
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルショップ備後屋新市本店

住所 :

Shinichicho, Fukuyama, 〒729-3101 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
街 : Hiroshima

Shinichicho, Fukuyama, 〒729-3101 Hiroshima,Japan
ぱんだ on Google

(Translated by Google) Somehow 〰️ (> _ _<)
大和武蔵 on Google

There is no good thing.
パーラーモモ on Google

高すぎる。新品買った方がマシ 売る気ある?
too high. Are you willing to sell better if you buy a new one?
三阪実 on Google

I use it when I have a small budget to have new items when opening various stores. Is it a little expensive for a recycle shop?
mituru kuwata on Google

There are many assortments. I have fun looking for it
石田和也 on Google

There was a bargain. There are various products and it's fun just to look at them.
左之場備鎚 on Google

売るにも買うにも交渉次第 ただ、値札だけ見て高いとか言っているやつは無能。 店員さんも見た目はアレでも話すと良い人。 潔癖症の日本人には敷居が高いかもしれんけど、アジアを感じる店。 嫌ならチェーン系で損すれば良い。
Whether to sell or buy depends on the negotiation However, the one who says it's expensive only by looking at the price tag is incompetent. It's a good person to speak even if the store clerk looks like that. The threshold may be high for Japanese people who have an obsessive disorder, but it is a store that feels Asian. If you don't like it, you can lose it with a chain.
S45C on Google

府中方面から来る方が入りやすい。 値段設定が適当、しかし、裏を返せば値段交渉のやりようがある、ということ。 とりあえず店内をグルグル回って、めぼしいお宝を見つけたらまとめて買っちゃって店主に言ってみよう。 大きいものについては積み込みまではしてくれる、降ろすのは自力で頑張ろう。 お店は見た目よりも意外に奥行きがあり色々なモノが売っている。しかし保管・陳列状態は良くないため、購入したらまずは雑巾を用意して、買ったものを丁寧にフキフキすること。
People coming from the Fuchu area are easier to enter. The price setting is appropriate, but if you turn the other way around, there will be price negotiations. For the time being, go around the store, find a treasure and buy it all at once, and tell the store owner. He / she loads up big thing, and let's do our best to unload. The store is surprisingly deeper than it looks and sells a variety of things. However, the storage and display conditions are not good, so when you purchase, first prepare a rag, and carefully blow out what you bought.

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