
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パン工房モナモナ(社会福祉法人)

住所 :

Shinhocho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Tokyo

Shinhocho, Higashikurume, 〒203-0002 Tokyo,Japan
たかさん on Google

There are fun and delicious breads.
米山浩司(コウ) on Google

People with disabilities are baking bread skewers. Affordable and delicious salmon
グリとグラ on Google

The cookie was dry and unpleasant
池田瞭太郎 on Google

In Monamona, mornings and afternoons, people in the morning work until noon, people in the afternoon work until 14:00. But are there few?
karu gon on Google

クッキーを購入 非常に美味しい
Buy cookies, very delicious
kiyoshi kiyopon on Google

I knew it had existed for a long time, but I'm doing my best surrounded by rival stores that I entered for the first time! Bread is also reasonably priced and small in size, so I'm doing my best.
櫻井さやか on Google

たまごサンドイッチはふわふわで最高。 アップルパイも家族用に買ったのですが 焼いて出したら取り合いになり、あっという間に完食でした。。 原材料にこだわってらっしゃるとの事で、他のパン屋さんと比べても明らかにレベル高めです。
Egg sandwiches are fluffy and the best. I also bought an apple pie for my family When I baked it, it became a battle, and it was a complete meal in no time. .. It is said that they are particular about raw materials, so it is clearly higher than other bakeries.
さーきぃでーきぃ on Google

ちょっとGoogle Mapでパン屋を探して遠征してます。 ネーミングも謎めいているモナモナさんへGO! 開店30分後くらいに到着。先客1名あり。店はカフェゾーンもあり間口は広いが奥行きは余り無し。パンの製造されている姿が見える感じ。頑張っておられますなぁ。 お好みパンやヤンニョンチキン、俺のコロネ、ウィンナーのやつ、レモンタルトを買いました。タマゴサンドも具だくさんで迷いましたが珍しいヤンニョンチキンにしました。 ヤンニョンチキン美味っ!これは美味い。 ウィンナーのはパンとの比率がちょっと物足りないかな。 コロネはクッキーでクリームがフタされててお得感あり。サクサク感は少し失われるがコロネのコーヒークリームつけて食べちゃう。ん~甘くて美味い。パンも食感があってよい。 妻はお好みパンはあんまりみたいで、レモンタルトは満足したようでした。 値段も高くないし、色んなバリエーションもあって良かった。 コロナに負けるな!モナモナ!
I'm on an expedition looking for a bakery on Google Maps. Go to Monamona-san, whose naming is also mysterious! Arrived about 30 minutes after opening. There is one customer. The store also has a cafe zone and the frontage is wide, but there is not much depth. It feels like you can see the bread being made. You are doing your best. I bought my favorite bread, Yangnyeom chicken, my cornet, Wiener's one, and lemon tart. I was at a loss because of the lot of egg sandwiches, but I chose the rare Yangnyeom chicken. Yangnyeom chicken is delicious! This is delicious. I wonder if Wiener's ratio with bread is a little unsatisfactory. The cornet is covered with cookie cream and has a great deal of value. The crispy feeling is lost a little, but I eat it with cornet coffee cream. Hmm, it's sweet and delicious. Bread may also have a texture. My wife didn't like her favorite bread, and she seemed satisfied with the lemon tart. The price wasn't too high, and it was good that there were many variations. Don't lose to Corona! Mona Mona!

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