
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うお屋

住所 :

Shinden, Kisarazu, 〒292-0832 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887999
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/uoya1137/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shinden, Kisarazu, 〒292-0832 Chiba,Japan
みれく on Google

Yuri T on Google

新家初枝 on Google

山田たろう on Google

Kind, fresh and cheap! I want to go again.
A W on Google

The fish is fresh! It is overwhelmingly delicious and cheaper than buying at a supermarket. It is also helpful to fillet the three pieces
Brave Waves on Google

大きなマグロカマや中骨などあまり見たことのない部位が売ってました。 その他、カニやはまぐり、切り身も売ってます。 朝7:00より15:00の営業時間はサラリーマンにはなかなか買いにくい営業時間ですがチャンスがあれば買って帰りたいです。
I sold parts that I hadn't seen much, such as big tuna kama and middle bones. We also sell crabs, clams and fillets. Business hours from 7:00 to 15:00 in the morning are difficult for office workers to buy, but if there is a chance, I would like to buy it and go home.
my way on Google

種類も豊富、新鮮なものやスーパーでは見かけない珍しいものを置いてるので見てるだけでも飽きない!値段も安めです! 江戸前オイスター買って行けば良かった〜と後悔…。 隣の店では1,100円で出してました(何個かは不明) お家で殻付きの生牡蠣が食べれたら最高ですよね! 帆立の稚貝も安いし、鯛のアラ(お頭)も安いし、いいお買い物ができると思います。 お刺身のところの照明、もっとキレイに見えるライトに変えた方がいいと思います! せっかくの新鮮な美味しそうなお魚が暗くてもったいないです。
There are a lot of kinds, fresh ones and rare ones that you can't find in supermarkets, so you won't get tired of just looking at them! The price is also cheap! I regret that I should have bought the Edomae Oyster. At the store next door, it was sold for 1,100 yen (I don't know how many) It would be great if you could eat raw oysters with shells at home! The scallop fry is also cheap, and the sea bream ara (head) is also cheap, so I think you can do good shopping. I think you should change the lighting of the sashimi to a light that looks more beautiful! The fresh and delicious fish is dark and mottainai.
teru kitazaki on Google

半年程前に開店したみたいです。店内はカフェのような雰囲気で木更津にはちょっと無い佇まいでした。 市場内なのでお魚が新鮮なのとボリュームの多さに声を上げている人達もいました。 「マグロとしらす丼」(?)を食べましたが、この他に食べた鱈の「白子ポン酢」「殻付きホタテ」も絶品でした❗ その割にお値段もリーズナブルで大満足です。
It seems that the store opened about half a year ago. The atmosphere of the store was like a cafe, and it didn't look like Kisarazu. Some people said that the fish was fresh and the volume was large because it was in the market. I ate "tuna and shirasudon" (?), But the cod "shirako ponzu" and "scallops with shells" that I ate were also excellent ❗ For that reason, the price is reasonable and I am very satisfied.

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