
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハートアイランド耳鼻いんこう科

住所 :

Shinden, Adachi City, 〒123-0865 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : http://heart-ent.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Shinden, Adachi City, 〒123-0865 Tokyo,Japan
Alexandra Vasilyeva-Holoborodko on Google

A very good teacher. Nurses are also child-friendly.
T sk on Google

He is very kind and kind. Nurses also have a good impression.
菊地雅子 on Google

The nurse is kind, the teacher listens to me properly, and the medical examination is solid. Suspected Meniere's disease was not clear at other hospitals because of dizziness, but I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease by medical examination and now I am fighting with drugs!
O hanabo on Google

口コミで、先生の技術が高いと読んだので、少し遠いけど来ました。 私は、鼻から入れる器具やカメラがとても苦手だったのですが、びっくりするくらい楽でした。 喉をカメラで見て頂きましたが、殆ど辛くなかったです。 看護師さんも優しく、検査中は背中をさすって下さったので、その心遣いに感動しました。 今までかかった病院の中で、一番良かったです。
I read in the word of mouth that the teacher's skill is high, so I came a little far. I wasn't very good at nasal instruments and cameras, but it was surprisingly easy. I had you look at my throat with a camera, but it was almost not painful. The nurse was also kind and rubbed my back during the examination, so I was impressed by the consideration. It was the best hospital I've ever visited.
神山 on Google

はっきり言って看護師が邪魔。 患者の事をやたらと急かすのはやめて欲しい。 やたら早い診察。 丁寧に診察したらどうでしょうか。
To be clear, the nurse is in the way. I want you to stop rushing about the patient. Very early medical examination. Why don't you have a careful examination?
Nellet on Google

息苦しくて診てもらったらどうやら花粉症のようでした。 鼻から細いチューブ状のカメラを入れることになり怖いな~と思いましたが、ちょっと気持ち悪いぐらいで全然痛くなかったです。 たぶん先生の腕が良かったんだと思います。 おかげさまで自力では見られない中の様子がよくわかりました。(鼻の中がかなり炎症を起こしていました。) 子どもの頃はよく耳鼻科に通ってましたがこんなお医者さんなら子どもでも安心だろうなと思いました。(鼻からチューブは嫌がるとは思いますが…)
When I was suffocated and had a medical examination, it seemed to be hay fever. I thought it was scary to put a thin tube-shaped camera through my nose, but it was a little uncomfortable and didn't hurt at all. I think the teacher's skill was good. Thanks to you, I could understand the situation inside that I could not see on my own. (The inside of my nose was very inflamed.) I used to go to otolaryngology when I was a kid, but I thought that a doctor like this would be safe for a kid. (I think I hate tubes from my nose ...)
北島雄造 on Google

喉に何か異常があると思って、少し遠いですが評価が高かったので来ました。 鼻からカメラを入れて喉まで見ていただく検査をしました。 強い嘔吐反射持ちなので正直めちゃくちゃビビってたのですが、痛みもほぼ無く、看護師さん?も、ビビってる僕を察してか、安心するように努めてくれて、とても嬉しかったです。 結果は大したことありませんでした(喘息持ちなので、おそらくそちらが原因な気がする)が、結果が知れて良かった。 またなにかあったらお願いします。
I thought there was something wrong with my throat, so I came because it was a little far away but the evaluation was high. I put a camera through my nose and had an examination to see my throat. I had a strong vomiting reflex, so I was really scared, but there was almost no pain, and was it a nurse? However, I was very happy to see that I was scared and to try to be relieved. The result wasn't a big deal (I have asthma, so I think it's probably the cause), but I'm glad I knew the result. If anything happens again, please.
43 h on Google

めまいの症状でお世話になりました。表通りから一本裏の一方通行にあり、ちょっと分かりづらい立地です。駐輪場は数台置けるかな?程度の大きさ、駐車場はないので近くのコインパーキングを利用することになります。 院内はコンパクトサイズですが、明るく清潔感があります。待合室は2階にもあるようです。私が来院したときには空いていて待ち時間は殆どありませんでした。 診察はスムーズで診察後の症状の説明や薬の服用法などとても丁寧に分かりやすく説明してくれて納得できました。また、受付の方の電話対応、看護師さんの対応も良かったです。 なお、支払いは現金のみでした。
Thank you for your dizziness. It's a one-way street from the main street, so it's a little difficult to understand. Can I put several bicycle parking lots? Since there is no parking lot, you will need to use a nearby coin parking lot. The hospital is compact in size, but it is bright and clean. The waiting room seems to be on the 2nd floor as well. When I came to the hospital, it was vacant and there was almost no waiting time. The examination was smooth and I was convinced that he explained the symptoms after the examination and how to take the medicine in a very polite and easy-to-understand manner. Also, the receptionist's telephone response and the nurse's response were good. The payment was cash only.

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