
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact きりしまフラワー新橋店

住所 :

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : https://kirishima-flower.com/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Retail at the entrance of shopping arcade offering seasonal bouquets & orchids, open late night.

Shinbashi, Minato City, 〒105-0004 Tokyo,Japan
たなかたかひさ on Google

I learned that Phalaenopsis is the lowest price.
Goto Fumihiko on Google

I think that the cospa was the best at the nearby flower shop. There is no love for the clerk.
櫻井茂七 on Google

The flowers were nice and the shop responded nicely.
るねっさんすまっちゃん on Google

If you tell only the image of a bouquet such as your birthday, it will be finished according to the image and the person who sent it will be pleased.
k s on Google

便利な場所にあるので利用しやすいです。 店員さんによって態度が違いすぎて困惑します。最初に名前を伝えたのに聞こえなかったのか、領収書を貰う時にになんで最初に名前を言わないんだと叱責されて嫌な気分になりました。 それがあったのはその時一回だけだったので、一部の店員さんの対応が残念なんだと思います。
It's in a convenient place so it's easy to use. The clerk's attitude is too different and I'm confused. I didn't hear it even though I gave my name first, but when I received the receipt, I was reprimanded for not saying my name first. It happened only once at that time, so I think it's a shame that some of the clerk responded.
milk milk on Google

送別会用の花束を作成してもらいました! 新橋の花屋さんを色々とくらべましたが作成料なども無料だったので1番安いと思いました。花の組み合わせやラッピングもオシャレでした。予約の時に店員さんとイメージを共有したからかもしれません。 予約しなくてもオシャレな花束が沢山店頭に並んでいたので急な時にも買えると思います。 また利用したいと思います。
We had you make bouquet for farewell party! I compared Shimbashi's florists in various ways, but I thought it was the cheapest because the creation fee was free. The flower combination and wrapping were also fashionable. It may be because the image was shared with the clerk at the time of reservation. Even if you don't make a reservation, there are a lot of stylish bouquets in the store, so you can buy them even in a sudden situation. I want to use it again.
Y H. on Google

3月なのに、極寒の日にふと訪れたら 3名のスタッフの方々が、せっせとお花を整えていました✨ 「オレンジを中心にセンスでお願いします!」という無茶なオーダーにも丁寧に応えていただけて大満足でした。 定期的に行こうと思います♪
Even if it's March Three staff members were preparing flowers with no effort. I was very pleased to be able to carefully respond to the unreasonable order of "Please give me a sense around oranges!" I'm going to go regularly ♪
s nishio on Google

It was easy to understand because it was right next to Karasumori Exit and there were Phalaenopsis orchids for sale outside. When I visited in the evening, the clerk seemed to be in a hurry. When I asked for a small bouquet of ready-made items in a gift wrap, they wrapped it quickly! It was a small bouquet of 2160 yen! The location is also very convenient, so I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity!

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