
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 百蔵山

住所 :

Shimowada, Nanahomachi, Otsuki, 〒409-0622 Yamanashi,Japan

街 : Yamanashi

Shimowada, Nanahomachi, Otsuki, 〒409-0622 Yamanashi,Japan
KBS on Google

Satoshi Mitsuyama on Google

carolina duran on Google

矢野英明 on Google

It is a vertical run from Ogiyama. I wanted Mt. Fuji.
geronica bucchi on Google

The scenery was the best, thanks to the heavy rain the day before brought us trash in the air. The sky was deep blue like the sky in autumn, and Mt. Fuji looked so beautiful that it was unbelievable to be in the middle of the rainy season. It was better than I had imagined, and it was a pleasant mountain for beginners. This time I went to a friend's car, and on the way back I accessed by bus and train, but it's easy to go by either mountain. There are also a set of tables and chairs that can be used by six people at the top. It is subtle when asked if you want to go many times, but it is better to climb once on a sunny day.
相模原散策部3 on Google

山梨百名山、秀麗富嶽十二景 山頂は広々してます。
The 100 famous mountains of Yamanashi and the 12 views of Shurei Tomitake are spacious.
難波伸行 on Google

Lunch is the best while spreading the seat relatively wide on the mountaintop and looking at Mt. Fuji in front.
Y ozo on Google

晴れたので、この間行けなかった 百蔵山に登ってみた! 秀麗富嶽十二景(大月選定)の7番山頂 麓の大月グランド駐車場に車を停めて、 そこから登山開始。(昼前に到着) 駐車場は広いので、問題ないかな。 道のりは、かなり急だ~ やはり、息があがる…歳だな~ ここから、1時間位で頂上に! 頂上からの景色は、かなりよいです 富士山がよく見える?(´- `*) 山頂は小さくまとまった感じで、 6人が座れる長椅子と、テーブルがあり 大勢来ると、のんびり休憩出来ないな~ 帰りは、コタラ山の分岐点から降りたが、 少し急勾配(崖有、落石する)な所が有り 注意が必要ですね!((( ;゚Д゚))) 麓近くのトイレは、冬場は使用禁止でした 晴れていると、気持ちがよいですね! 2021,02
It was sunny so I couldn't go during this time I climbed Mt. Hyakuzo! The 7th summit of the 12 views of Shurei Tomitake (selected by Otsuki) Park your car at the Otsuki Grand parking lot at the foot of the mountain Start climbing from there. (Arrive before noon) The parking lot is large, so I wonder if there is any problem. The road is pretty steep ~ After all, I'm breathing ... I'm old ~ From here, it takes about an hour to reach the top! The view from the top is pretty good You can see Mt. Fuji well ? (´- `*) The top of the mountain feels small and cohesive There is a chaise longue that can seat 6 people and a table When a lot of people come, I can't take a leisurely break ~ On the way back, I got off from the fork of Mt. Kotara, There is a place with a little steep slope (with cliffs, falling rocks) You need to be careful! (((; ゚ Д ゚))) The toilet near the foot was banned in winter It feels good when it's sunny! 2021,02

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