
3.3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact 滝乃山不動尊

住所 :

Shimotaga, Atami, 〒413-0102 Shizuoka,Japan

街 : Shizuoka

Shimotaga, Atami, 〒413-0102 Shizuoka,Japan
秀久仙石 on Google

Chorori and dampness ❗ Waterfall ❓
SL 65 on Google

No guide, depth of 100m.
小関光明 on Google

It is located on the right side of Prefectural Road 80 from Shimotaga to Yamabushi Pass, and is quietly settled on the hillside. There is a Sanskrit dial on the left pillar of Yashiro!
猫たま on Google

桜の咲くころは町内で集まり花見を楽しみました憩いの場「2022/3/28」最新情報更新染井吉野は見頃です。前回2021/3/27 年配の方から綺麗に今年も咲いているかな見事な花を咲かせていました。何もない場所であっても下多賀町内では昔から大切にされてきた場所と海岸から歩き聞いております。馬頭観音が祀られています。大仁方面に向かう険しい道を峠を越えたそうです。50年以上前に聞いたお話です。県道80号熱海大仁線沿いに滝乃山不動尊周辺には静かな場所でも歴史を感じる石碑が発見できます。桜は満開です。あずまや/簡易トイレあり公園工事途中の模様です。ところどころに廃棄物がそのままでした。 道端にある馬頭観音碑7塔 祀られているよ文政12年(1829年)4月建立が最初の模様です。和田木にも馬頭観音碑があります。昔は重い荷物も運んでくれ大切な 存在で御霊を祀った証し 車も馬力は猫は匹と数えられるよ!漁師町ではネズミを追い払ってくれるので頑張っていたそうだよ!猫碑は?函南町にネコ踊りがあると聞いているよ!人間が=^_^=のメイクして踊るそうだよ調べてみたいニャー 県道80号宮川河川敷にある「一心徹天地」の碑は杉の木伐採されいつまでも木々が天を支え 新たな木々が育つ事を願い建立された碑でした。建立された方のお名前のルーツを調査し材木を扱っていました。ソメイヨシノです。山桜 原種も近くにあります。開花は4月です。
When the cherry blossoms bloomed, we gathered in the town and enjoyed cherry blossom viewing. "2022/3/28" Update of the latest information Yoshino cherry tree is in full bloom. Last time 2021/3/27 I wonder if the elderly people are blooming beautifully this year as well. Even if there is nothing, we walk and hear from places and beaches that have been cherished for a long time in Shimotaga Town. Hayagriva is enshrined. It seems that he crossed the pass on the steep road toward Ohito. This is a story I heard over 50 years ago. Along the Atami Ohito Line on Prefectural Road 80, you can find a historical stone monument around Takinoyama Fudoson even in a quiet place. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Azumaya / There is a simple toilet It seems that the park is under construction. The waste was left as it was in some places. The 7 towers of the Hayagriva monument on the side of the road are enshrined. The first pattern was built in April 1829. There is also a horse head Kannon monument in Wadagi. In the olden days, carry heavy luggage as a proof that you worshiped the Spirit as an important existence. Cars and horsepower can be counted as cats! In the fisherman's town, he was trying hard because he would drive away the mice! What about the cat monument? I heard that there is a cat dance in Kannami Town! It seems that humans make up = ^ _ ^ = and dance. The monument of "Isshin Toru Tenchi" on the riverbed of Miyagawa on Prefectural Road 80 was a monument that was erected in the hope that new trees would grow, with the trees being cut down and the trees supporting the heavens forever. I investigated the roots of the name of the person who was erected and dealt with timber. This is Yoshino cherry tree. The original species of wild cherry blossoms is also nearby. Flowering is in April.

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