
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほたるの里

住所 :

Shimoshizu, Sakura, 〒285-0841 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shimoshizu, Sakura, 〒285-0841 Chiba,Japan
Akihiko Kozuka on Google

It's a nice place. However, there is no dragon station.
しきね文裕 on Google

Fireflies fill up near summer. We consider the natural environment by refraining from using pesticides for fireflies.
2424 Kumachin on Google

7/3 20:30 たくさんの蛍が見れました。幻想的な光景に感動しました^ ^
7/3 20:30 I saw a lot of fireflies. I was impressed by the fantastic sight ^ ^
2022 moimoi on Google

こんな場所に野生のホタルの生息地があったとは驚き! 沢山の蛍が飛んでいてとても幻想的だった!
I was surprised that there was a wild firefly habitat in such a place! A lot of fireflies were flying and it was very fantastic!
佐藤由美 on Google

7月20日。夜8時過ぎに行きました。 沢山飛んでいて感動しました。 子供も初めて見るホタルに喜んでいました。
July 20th. I went there after 8pm. I was very impressed with the number of flying. Children were happy with the fireflies they saw for the first time.
さっちん on Google

まだ見れるか半信半疑でしたが行ってみました! 小さな蛍だから平家蛍かな? 可愛い光を灯している姿に感動?
I was skeptical if I could still see it, but I went! Is it a Heike firefly because it is a small firefly? Impressed by the cute light ?
くじら on Google

6月中頃にいったけどホタルいないじゃーん。 もっと時間たたないとだめかなあって時間潰そうにもまわりなにもねえ!こわい。 結局みれずに帰っちゃいました…;;
I went to the middle of June but I do not have fireflies. I have to wait for more time, so I can't kill time or go around anything! Scared. After all, I came home without notice ... ;;
山口さやか on Google

Sometimes a handsome single uncle, about 60 years old, is taking a walk. It might be a good idea to take a walk for middle-aged and older remarriage activities.

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