女性専門整体院 トトノエル

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Contact 女性専門整体院 トトノエル

住所 :

Shimonakano, Kita Ward, 〒700-0973 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://happiness-seikotsuin.com/
街 : Okayama

Shimonakano, Kita Ward, 〒700-0973 Okayama,Japan
a on Google

Thank you for your help in postpartum pelvic correction. Please point out the distortion and deviation of the body accurately and perform the treatment that suits you individually. Now my pelvis is tight and my back pain that I had before I was pregnant has disappeared. Now I'm asking for a new beauty menu and playing radio waves. I'm looking forward to going every time as I will return to my prenatal weight. All the staff are women, so you can have a good time by being friendly and giving advice and chatting. Even after the beauty menu is over, I would like to ask for pelvic maintenance in the future.
mii 333 on Google

骨盤矯正で通っています。 もともと腰痛があり、友人の勧めで通い始めました。施術は痛みもなく気持ちよく受けることが出来ます。不調な箇所を伝えると、施術終わりには改善してます! 骨盤周りは通い始めから10cmほどサイズダウンしました! スタッフも女性ばかりで、とても通いやすいです!
I go for pelvic correction. Originally I had back pain and started going to school at the recommendation of a friend. The treatment is painless and comfortable. If you tell us what is wrong, it will improve at the end of the procedure! The size of the pelvis area has been reduced by about 10 cm from the beginning! The staff are all female, so it's very easy to go!
hitomi y. on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で通っています。 まず、初回にしっかりカウンセリングをしてもらえるので、安心して通うことができています。 通い始めたときから、10cmほど骨盤まわりがサイズダウンしました!ズボンをはいてもお尻から太ももにかけて余裕ができて、シルエットが違うのがわかるほどです。 家でできる簡単なストレッチなども教えてくれて、それを思い出したときにはやるようにしていると、次の時にちゃんと結果が出ていて、体もラクになるのを実感出来ました。 子連れで通えることもありがたいです。 冬に通い始めましたが、院内もベッドもあたたかくて、加湿もしっかりされていて、女性にはうれしい環境だと思います。
I go for pelvic correction after childbirth. First of all, you can get counseling for the first time, so you can go there with peace of mind. The size of the pelvis area has been reduced by about 10 cm since I started going! Even if you wear trousers, you can afford to go from the butt to the thighs, and you can see that the silhouette is different. He also taught me simple stretching that I can do at home, and when I remembered it, I tried to do it, and the next time I got the results properly, I realized that my body became easier. I am grateful that I can go with my children. I started going to winter, but the hospital and beds are warm, and the humidification is good, so I think it's a nice environment for women.
大賀夕子 on Google

It's been seven months since I started attending Happiness. Seven months ago, I was having a hard time every day, my autonomic nerves were disturbed, I was suffering from stiff shoulders and lazy legs, and I was walking around with various manipulative treatments, chiropractic, acupuncture and moxibustion, and massage. Mr. Happiness, who visited for the first time at that time, listened to my physical condition through counseling and gave me a treatment that suits me! I was very grateful for the explanation of the discount coupons and prepaid cards! While I was there, I found out that the new menu was dull, so I immediately tried it. I realized that my body was getting better during the procedure, and now I can't think of a life without dullness! The director also sent me a video to loosen the shoulders and taught me various stretches ♪ If you are really suffering from physical problems, I would definitely like you to try it ♪ ♪ Corona measures are taken in the hospital, and all the staff are kind and kind, so it is a safe osteopathic clinic where mothers with babies come to the store!
みぃ on Google

We ask for pelvic correction by regular physical maintenance. Since the treatment is performed by female staff, it is easy for them to discuss their concerns and let them go with peace of mind. Thank you for your continued support.
ふわり on Google

Always I am indebted. Children are also welcome. The toys are carefully sterilized one by one when they are replaced due to corona damage, which is reliable in terms of hygiene. During the treatment, he taught me various things such as talking about nutrition after childbirth. Thank you for your continued support.
on Google

Postpartum pelvic correction, now I am indebted to manipulative treatment. If you tell us that you are not feeling well, the treatment will be accurate and you will feel sick after the treatment. If you take care of me regularly for maintenance, you will be able to understand my physical condition well, so I can trust you. I would like to ask you for a long time.
かさ on Google

紹介で初めて行かせて貰いました☺︎ 腰痛と冷え性の相談をしました! カウンセリングは悩みを言いやすい雰囲気でとても印象が良かったです♪ 施術は1つ1つ痛みの具合や動き具合を確認しながら丁寧にして下さり、変化がすぐに分かりました‼️ 痛くない整体なので安心して子供も連れて行きたいと思います♪ ラジオ派を使った施術はとても気持ちよくエステにきているみたいで身体がポカポカになりました♪ 女性スタッフならではの気遣いで居心地よく、その上身体も整い、満足でした〜リピ確定です?
I was allowed to go for the first time by introduction ☺︎ I talked about back pain and poor circulation! The counseling was very impressive because it was easy to talk about. The treatment was done carefully while checking the pain and movement of each one, and the change was immediately noticeable! ️ It's a painless manipulative treatment, so I'd like to take my child with confidence ♪ The treatment using the radio group seems to be very comfortable to come to the beauty treatment salon, and my body became warm ♪ I was satisfied with the care that only female staff can provide, and I was satisfied with my physical condition.

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