
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滝山渓谷

住所 :

Shimokimita, Takahagi, 〒318-0106 Ibaraki,Japan

街 : Ibaraki

Shimokimita, Takahagi, 〒318-0106 Ibaraki,Japan
kado gmail on Google

san sea on Google

ここに行こうと思ったら、それなりの格好をしようね。長袖 長ズボン 帽子と首にはタオルそして、虫除けスプレー。駐車場が無いが一台位なら入口に停められそう、
If you want to go here, let's dress up. Long sleeves, long pants, a towel on the hat and neck, and an insect repellent. There is no parking lot, but if there is only one car, it seems that it can be parked at the entrance,
ヨコハマにカジノは不要ヨッシー(ヨコハマ ヨッシー) on Google

Promenades were temporarily rehabilitated because they were damaged by the typhoon last year. In summer, you need insect repellent spray.
ichicou High.B on Google

秘境すぎるぜー かなりの悪路、?がない 車を止めるとアブの嵐 無理矢理作ったであろう遊歩道 抜け落ちそうな観漠台 クモの巣に再三かかる 滑る階段 実に危険だ 誰もこないような場所だし それでもこの渓谷は素晴らしいですよ もう水が綺麗すぎるぜー
It's too mysterious! The valley is wonderful. The water is too beautiful.
かぶおさむ on Google

It is an unexplored valley. There is a temporary observatory, but it's scary because the floor seems to fall out.
aki mun on Google

I didn't know the location of the parking lot, but there was a more decent (?) "Waterfall" than I expected, and it was a little-known spot on the promenade that was just right for a light hike. I am a local resident, so I will continue to visit.
北本剛 on Google

There are stairs to get to the waterfall. Please note that the caution note says up to 3 people. It seems that the locals do not often go here, but it is a superb view.
西権助 on Google

すごい静か ふたつ滝が見られる穴場です 「遊歩道」はこの場合滝近辺の小道なんだけど そこまで600メートルほど林道をてくてくします ちょい藪なんで肌は出しすぎないほうがいいよ 地元ィーたちはきっとこの林道も車で行っちゃうんだろうけど、正直デカイ四駆で自信あるんじゃないならやめたほうがいい えぐれが深いとこあるし、ちょっと入ったら転回もできないよ 歩いてもさほど高低差なくて大変じゃないから… 途中から、おっ川の側だな的な音も涼やかでいい 遊歩道は全体的に川沿い湿り気味の小路なので、トレッキングとかトレランのシューズおすすめ 滑りやすいよ 降りるとさっそくひとつめの滝、Googleマップでは「滝山の滝」になってるやつ 下滝って呼ばれてる模様 けっこう勢いあって涼しげ~いいね~苔もいいね~観瀑台もあるよ 脇を通る形でまだ続きがあるので進むとちょっとスリリング 滑りやすい道、腐り落ちそうな渡し木、同時に3人以上乗るな階段等を経て 上君田の滝がドバー おおっ こっちはさっきよりスゲー 迫力の左側とチョロチョロの繊細右側と表情楽しめる 滝壺にも寄ろうと思えば寄れるかも 足元心もとないのでヤメタけど ここの観瀑台は腐っちゃったのか、立ち入り禁止だった 行こうと思えばなんか踏みあとっぽいのも続いてたけど、ふつうに来た道もどった 立ち止まると蚊に刺されるけど ヒンヤリして静かでよかった 車は林道にもギリギリ停めておけるとこあるけど、近くのお寺さんの駐車場に失礼するのが一番なんじゃないかなー
This is a secret spot where you can see the two waterfalls “Promenade” is a path near the waterfall in this case, Take the forest road about 600 meters to there You shouldn't get too much skin Locals will surely go by car on this forest road too, but if you're honest and you're not confident with the 4WD, you should stop There are deep spots and you can't turn around once you get in Even if you walk, it ’s not too difficult to find any difference in height… On the way, the cool sound of the river is cool The promenade is a moist alley along the river, so trekking and trelan shoes are recommended. The first waterfall when you get off, it ’s called “Takiyama Waterfall” on Google Maps. It's pretty cool and cool-nice-moss is nice-there is also a viewing platform There is still a continuation in the form of passing by the side, so a little thrilling as you go After going through slippery roads, falling rotting trees, and staircases where 3 or more people can ride at the same time Kamimita Falls is a Dover This is Suga from a while ago. Enjoy the expression on the left side of the force and the delicate right side of Choro Choro. If you want to stop at the waterfall Because I don't have my heart The viewing platform here was rotten or was not allowed If I thought I was going to go, it was a bit like a tread, but I came back normally When I stopped, I was bitten by a mosquito but it was nice and quiet There is a car that can be parked on the forest road, but it would be best to rude to the parking lot of a nearby temple.

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