ウィズコーポレーション売買事業部|ウィズアンドウィズ - Ama

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ウィズコーポレーション売買事業部|ウィズアンドウィズ

住所 :

Shimokayazu, Ama, 〒490-1114 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 490-1114
Webサイト : https://fudosan-wizco.jp/
街 : Aichi

Shimokayazu, Ama, 〒490-1114 Aichi,Japan
木村貴志 on Google

I visited to find land. Everything was new to me, but I learned a lot. I look forward to working with you.
ちりめんじゃこ on Google

先日、新築戸建てを問い合わせをして案内して頂きました。希望に近い物件でしたので、そのまま申込みをして住宅ローンの相談をしました。 住宅ローン減税等、知らないこともたくさん教えて頂きありがとうございます。 引き渡しまで宜しくお願いします。
The other day, I inquired about a new detached house and guided me. The property was close to what I wanted, so I applied as it was and consulted on a mortgage. Thank you for telling me a lot of things you don't know about, such as mortgage tax cuts. Thank you for your delivery.
シモなんとか on Google

神谷店長がとても面白く、不動産経験の長いベテランの方でしたから細かなところまで知識が豊富でお話も分かりやすくて安心してお任せ出来ました! その前に清須のCMとか流れて有名なHから始まる不動産屋さんにも行きましたが、新人さんばかりで頼りにならなくて全然ダメダメでしたから時間を無駄にしました、こちらに最初から伺えば良かったです。
Kamiya was a very interesting store manager and a veteran with a long experience in real estate, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence because he had a wealth of knowledge in every detail and the story was easy to understand! Before that, I went to a real estate agent that started with the famous H, such as a commercial for Kiyosu, but I wasted my time because I couldn't rely on it because it was just newcomers. I should have done it.
マーくん on Google

スタッフが元気でとても好感触でした。 問合せした質問にも、すぐ対処してくれてとても助かりました。 アパマンショップと同じお店なので、売買だけでなく お部屋を借りる方も対応できそうでした。 車なら大通り沿いなので、とても入りやすく車も駐車しやすかったです。 コロナ対策も入口に消毒、接客スペースには仕切りがあって安心しました。
The staff was energetic and felt very good. It was very helpful for me to respond immediately to the questions I inquired about. It's the same shop as the Apaman shop, so it's not just for buying and selling It seemed that those who rented a room could also handle it. It was very easy to get in and park the car because it was along the main street. I was relieved that the corona measures were disinfected at the entrance and there was a partition in the customer service space.
キャタP on Google

When I was looking for a second-hand condominium or a new detached house, I found a real estate agent relatively close to my home. When I made an inquiry over the phone, a woman responded politely, and a salesman also gave me various property information. Please continue to ask for various property information.
まあちゃんねる on Google

The delivery has ended the other day. I was kind to you. I was worried because it was a big purchase, but I am very satisfied.
そらみ on Google

I suddenly went to the store for a sale consultation. Thank you for your kindness and politeness. If you decide to sell your house, I would love to hear from you.
美香 on Google

この度は大変お世話になりました。 家の購入はとても大きな買い物の為、沢山の不動産屋を巡りましたが、長くから地域に密着しているウィズさんにお願い致しました。 聞きにくい質問にもズバズバとお応えいただき、大手にはない聞きやすさがあります。 また細かいことまで詳しく教えていただけて納得ができた上で無事購入にすすむことができました。 購入後の住宅関係の申請のこともしっかり教えてくれるので、こちらで購入できて良かったと思っています。 たくさん不動産会社がある中で信頼できる不動産会社です。 ありがとうございました。
Thank you very much for your help this time. Since buying a house is a very big purchase, I visited many real estate agents, but I asked Mr. Wiz, who has been close to the area for a long time. You can answer difficult questions with ease, which is not found in major companies. In addition, I was able to proceed to the purchase safely after being convinced that I was able to tell me the details in detail. I am glad that I was able to purchase it here because it will also tell me about the housing-related application after purchase. It is a reliable real estate company among many real estate companies. Thank you very much.

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