ジェラート ピケ

3.6/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact ジェラート ピケ

住所 :

Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8216 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://gelatopique.com/shoplist.html%23kinki
街 : Kyoto

Shimogyo Ward, 〒600-8216 Kyoto,Japan
ひな。 on Google

alcego on Google

古市謙次 on Google

My wife is a big fan. Fluffy (≧ ∇ ≦)
naon on Google

There was something I wanted and I went to buy it, but the staff was useless. One staff is waiting for customers. This is natural. The other staff member is a bad friend with a friend-like couple. I can't move in front of the product I want to see. I can't see the product. It was a shop that I didn't want to sell.
Wing K on Google

髮油不錯 瓶身是熊造型 Made in Japan 浴帽也很棒
Good hair, the bottle is bear-shaped Made in Japan The shower cap is also great

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