Shimofuro Onsen Village - Shimokita District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimofuro Onsen Village

住所 :

Shimofuro, Kazamaura, Shimokita District, Aomori 039-4501, Japan

Postal code : 039-4501
Webサイト :
Description : Hillside onsen village with ocean views, hot-spring baths & simple ryokan inns serving seafood.

Shimofuro, Kazamaura, Shimokita District, Aomori 039-4501, Japan
高橋君枝 on Google

女将はじめ従業員の方が気さくでした。魚中心のご馳走は新鮮で最高の美味しさ、またおじゃましたいこじんまりした旅館です。海岸の景色が良く、お散歩してまた満足です。 (さだ旅館)
The landlady and other employees were more friendly. The fish-centered feast is fresh and delicious, and it's a small inn. The view of the coast is good and I am happy to take a walk again. (Sada Ryokan)
典康 on Google

It is a free footbath that is very well maintained. The temperature of the hot water is low. It smells of sulfur and makes you feel like you are immersed in a hot spring. The color of the hot spring seems to change at that time. The view is also nice and relaxing. You can walk on railroad tracks that you can't usually do. The footbath is narrowly packed and the limit is 8 people. Even after it comes out, the scent of sulfur soaks into my feet for a while. There is a parking lot. It is about 3 minutes on foot from the parking lot. Be careful as the road is narrow. It's a place where you can't reach it unless you go by navigating and go to the information board street on the road.
blakey “旅好きドラマー” arit on Google

コンパクトな温泉街です。 公民館に駐車できるようですが、駐車スペースは広いですが道幅は結構狭いです。 猫さんが居るカフェがあったりと、興味深いです。
It is a compact hot spring town. It seems that you can park in the public hall, but the parking space is wide but the road width is quite narrow. It's interesting that there is a cafe with cats.
bazel Mucho (バゼル) on Google

下風呂温泉郷のお湯は、かなりピリピリと刺激の強いいいお湯♨️。湯の温度も高く、熱い。 熱さとピリピリとした刺激が、身体に良い刺激がくる。 我慢しながら入ってると、なんだか身体が軽くなって、関節痛には良いお湯です。(^_^) 一度お越しを。
The hot spring water of Shimoburo Onsen is a very hot and stimulating hot water. The temperature of the hot water is high and hot. The heat and tingling stimuli give a good stimulus to the body. If you put it in with patience, your body will become lighter and it is a good hot water for joint pain. (^_^) Please come once.
Atsushi Nakamura (anaka) on Google

大湯跡と、新湯跡。 今は海峡の湯に引き継がれています。 いつ行っても、村の人たちが入っているのは相変わらずですが、建物を前にすると寂しいものですね。
Oyu trace and new hot water trace. Now it has been taken over by Kaikyo no Yu. Whenever I go, the villagers are still there, but I feel lonely in front of the building.
Garage House MINAMI (みなみ みゆき) on Google

The quality of hot water is the best! The hot water is very hot, but there are turbid large water with moderate heat and new sulfur water that is almost transparent, so it does not cool and the quality is honestly good! Oma Port is a hot spring village by the sea that can be reached in 20 minutes by car.
tak 666 on Google

直接ここに立ち寄らず、バスで通過しただけですが、下風呂付近一体の海岸線がとりわけ絶景だったのが、 一見者としてはあまりにも印象に残る? 大間~陸奥までのR279区間「むつはまなすライン」 ↓ マグロと鮟鱇のふるさと@荒ぶる津軽の海は、時には南国のごとき穏やかなブルーを見せるのが? (下北エリアは、外海岸と内海岸それぞれに、現実離れした景観がところどころ散見されるのでしょうね) ┗今度こそ途中下車して風呂入るのと、鮟鱇も4649?やっぱり、素通りだけじゃあまりにも勿体ねぇので
I didn't stop here directly, I just passed by bus, but the one coastline near the Shimofuro was especially spectacular. It's too impressive for a first glance ? R279 section "Mutsu Hamanasu Line" from Oma to Rikuoku ↓ The hometown of tuna and anglerfish @ The rough sea of ​​Tsugaru sometimes shows a calm blue like a tropical country ? (In the Shimokita area, there may be some unrealistic landscapes on the outer and inner coasts.) ┗ This time, I got off the train and took a bath, and the anglerfish was 4649 ?.
大瀧秀行 on Google

12月1日にオープンした下風呂温泉「海峡の湯」いい施設です。 大湯 新湯 熱湯 ゆかりの湯がありいろんな源泉が楽しめます。 家族連れできても楽しめる温泉だと思います。 館内には食堂もあります。 美味しいメニューがありますから 温泉に入浴する前 入浴したあとにたちよってご賞味下さい。 是非一度 来館してみてはいかがでしょうか。 観光にはものたりない街ですが 綺麗な場所です。
Shimofuro Onsen "Kaikyo no Yu" opened on December 1st is a good facility. Oyu Shinyu Hot water There is a hot spring related to hot water, and you can enjoy various sources. I think it's a hot spring that you can enjoy even if you can bring your family. There is also a cafeteria on site. There is a delicious menu, so please enjoy it before and after taking a bath. Why don't you visit us once? It's a city that is unprecedented for sightseeing, but it is a beautiful place.

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