
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact なごみキッチン「海いろ」

住所 :

Shimizusawa, Shiogama, 〒985-0061 Miyagi,Japan

街 : Miyagi

Shimizusawa, Shiogama, 〒985-0061 Miyagi,Japan
tomi shoji on Google

柴原章 on Google

Very delicious.
すまないさん on Google

The food was delicious
M on Google

おいしく穏やかな時間でした。 また行きます?
It was a delicious and calm time. I will go again ?
純子 on Google

ウニが食べたいとお願いして雄勝のウニを用意していただきました。 デザートには台湾カステラまで❗ 3000円のコースでしたが満足です。
I asked for sea urchins to eat and prepared Ogatsu sea urchins. For dessert, go to Taiwan Castella ❗ It was a 3000 yen course, but I am satisfied.
pirotara on Google

旬の食材を使い、繊細な料理が楽しめます。 ランチは、1,500円・2,000円・2,500円・3,000円のコースがあります。 2013年10月にオープンした自宅レストランは、鶯の鳴き声も聞こえました♩ 定休日は不定休、予約必須です。 座席数は、カウンター3席・テーブル8席・座敷4席で、駐車場もあります。
You can enjoy delicate dishes using seasonal ingredients. There are 1,500 yen, 2,000 yen, 2,500 yen, and 3,000 yen courses for lunch. At the home restaurant that opened in October 2013, I could hear the cry of Ugui ♩ Regular holidays are irregular and reservations are required. There are 3 seats at the counter, 8 seats at the table, 4 seats in the tatami mat, and there is also a parking lot.
HERO on Google

料理、接客、眺めの全てが最高!! 魚介類は塩釜の仲卸市場から仕入れたもので新鮮でとても美味しい。ウニやホヤは雄勝から仕入れていて、これまた新鮮で美味しい! ランチ、ディナーともにリーズナブル。 牛ほほ肉の煮込みがとにかく美味しい!ことこと長時間煮込まれているため、ホロホロの食感と味がよく染みている。ごはんにのせて食べると何杯でもかきこんでしまいたくなる美味しさ!器はどれもオシャレで斬新なものまで豊富。何度きても感激してしまう。 眺めは晴れていると海まで見える景色!料理とともに眺めも堪能できるお店。
The food, customer service and views are all the best! !! Seafood is purchased from the wholesale market in Shiogama and is fresh and very delicious. Sea urchins and sea squirts are procured from Ogatsu, which is also fresh and delicious! Reasonable for both lunch and dinner. Stewed beef cheek meat is delicious anyway! Because it has been simmered for a long time, the texture and taste of horohoro are well-stained. It's delicious that you'll want to scoop up as many cups as you want when you eat it on rice! All the vessels are fashionable and innovative. I am impressed no matter how many times I come. When the view is sunny, you can see the sea! A restaurant where you can enjoy the view as well as the food.
三遊亭田楽 on Google

旬のもの、地のものを活かした魚介系の料理が中心で、どれも美味しく頂けました。 ホヤは苦手なのですが、こちらで出されたお刺身は食べられました(「好きになる」ほどではなかったけれど、個人的趣向ということで……) 接客も丁寧で落ち着いた時間を過ごせました。 予約制で、ふらっと伺うわけにはいかないのが少しハードルが高いですが、だからこその丁寧なお料理・接客を味わいに是非再訪したいお店です。
Mainly seafood-based dishes that make use of seasonal and local dishes, all of which were delicious. I'm not good at sea squirts, but I was able to eat the sashimi served here (I didn't like it, but it was my personal taste ...) The customer service was also polite and I was able to spend a calm time. It's a bit of a hurdle that you can't just visit by appointment, but that's why it's a restaurant that you definitely want to visit again to taste the polite food and customer service.

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