Shimizu Super Market - Maebashi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimizu Super Market

住所 :

465-1 Aoyagimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 371-0056

465-1 Aoyagimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0056, Japan
今井多美子 on Google

I heard that there are Costco products, so I stopped by.
魚ポニョ on Google

Vegetables and sweets are cheap, but meat and sashimi are a little expensive. Therefore, it is recommended to buy meat and sashimi in different places.
藤堂竜白 on Google

同じ人がいつもアゴマスクの店員がいる。 レジ並んでたらジジイが横入りしてきて店員も気づいてたのに注意しない。
The same person always has a clerk at Agomask. When I lined up at the cash register, Jijii came in and the clerk noticed it, but I didn't pay attention.
依田佳代子 on Google

特売日だったので、いろいろ買ってきました。結構混んでましたよ? でも、なかなか他のスーパーではこんなに安く買えないと思います。
It was a special sale day, so I bought a lot. It was pretty crowded ? However, I don't think you can buy it at such a low price at other supermarkets.
肉たぷ on Google

ベルクが出来て厳しいと思うけど頑張れよ! よく買い物に行きますが、いつ行っても混んでいないのでストレスフリーで買い物できます 閉店間際に安くなるマグロのすきみ丼がそれなりに美味しいです
I think it's tough to make Berg, but do your best! I often go shopping, but it's not crowded anytime, so I can shop stress-free. The tuna sukimi-don, which gets cheaper just before the store closes, is delicious as it is.
まぁしゃ on Google

This is my favorite local supermarket. I often go at night, but the cashier's older sister and taller brother are kind.
坂之上千惠子 on Google

金曜日は冷凍食品が割引になるが 普段の価格が他のスーパーより 高い。割り引いた価格が他の店の いつもの価格のような感じ。
Frozen food is discounted on Friday The usual price is higher than other supermarkets high. The discounted price is for other stores It feels like the usual price.
Masanova Japan on Google

すばり安い、カップスター70円台はこのスーパーだけだろう。コストコフェアなどもやっていて、流れは取り入れている。 惣菜などもおおむね安い。 特筆すべきはこのインドカレーでしょうね。これはとてもおいしいです。300円位です量もちょうどいいし次は冷凍用に大量に買いたいと思います。
This supermarket is probably the only cupstar in the 70 yen range, which is very cheap. We also do costco fairs and so on, and we are incorporating the flow. Side dishes are also generally cheap. What should be noted is this Indian curry. This is very delicious. It's about 300 yen. The amount is just right, and next time I'd like to buy a lot for freezing.

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