Shimanami Estate - Onomichi

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimanami Estate

住所 :

843 Takasucho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 729-0141, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888778
Postal code : 729-0141
Webサイト :

843 Takasucho, Onomichi, Hiroshima 729-0141, Japan
青木秀佳 on Google

小西孝明 on Google

I can tell you a good story.
マヤサナ on Google

部屋探し頼んでもなしのつぶて まるでやる気なし。 あまりにも酷すぎる。
Even if you ask for a room It's almost unmotivated. It's too terrible.
やまさん恵子 on Google

I seemed to be in a hurry alone but showed me an interesting property. Unfortunately, it was different from the target one.
平朝臣織田上総介三郎信長 on Google

営業所?に行っても録な挨拶もないまま雑な対応が始まる。 物件を幾らか見繕ってその後 ◯時~◯時までの間に電話差し上げます。 と言ったきり連絡がない………… 何だったのかと考えてたらメールが来た(-_-;) 不信感だらけだった。 特に安いわけでもなく敢えてこの不動産を選ぶ理由はない
Sales office? Even if you go to the site, a rough response starts without a recorded greeting. After some repair of the property We will give you a phone call between 0:00 and ◯ 0: 00. There is no contact to say ... …… I received an email when I was wondering what it was (-_-;) It was full of distrust. There's no reason to choose this property because it's not particularly cheap
A S on Google

When I moved out, I collected the things I had left with the intention of going to pick them up later. Certainly, he came in 0 days and said that he could bring it with him if he left it. When I came to pick it up a day before that, it wasn't there anymore ... on the contrary, it was amazing.
w “A” g on Google

※★1つ付ける価値もない。 でも付けないと評価投稿 出来ないから付けただけです。 私事ですが急遽引越しとなり物件を探していて こちらで掲載されていた物件が1番理想的で 早速 問い合わせた所、以前住まわれていた方の不幸がありお祓いなどは済ませてありますが 家賃などの値引きは大家も柔軟に対応しますと向こうから言われました。コロナなどの影響で 仕事など影響がある私達としては多少なりとも 値引きして頂けるのは有難い事だと思いましたが値引き交渉時にこちらから金額を提案するのも気が引けると思い 大家さんが先に値引きの金額を決めて頂けたらそれで私達は良いですよとお伝えしました。元々そのような値引き交渉の提案をしてきたのはあちら側なのに まさかの 元々の値段での入居金額を提案され、挙げ句に「普通の家族の方に住んで欲しかった」 「コロナの影響で収入が不安定みたい なので今回は見送らせて頂きたい」 と侮辱的なことを一方的に言われ入居を拒否されました。確かに以前程の安定した収入はないですがそれを1番理解してるのは自分達で、それを踏まえて物件探すのは当たり前。そもそも払えそうにない家賃の物件に最初から住もうとする馬鹿は居ないと思います。まぁ、その馬鹿で貧乏人と一方的に認定され侮辱されたのですが。そして普通の家族とは何でしょうか??? ファミリー層限定など物件詳細には勿論書いてありませんでした。世の中、色んな家庭があり、それぞれ複雑な事情もあるものだと思いますが...。まぁ私達の場合は大したものではありませんが。そーいった個人的な所まで侮辱され、あと物件が傾いていてあちこち壊れている所や以前住まわれていた方々が壊した汚したであろう浴槽棚の割れ破損や壁のシミ、玄関の鍵の破損など指摘すると「修理するとお金かかるから、まぁ生活してたらなりますよ。生活傷です。大家さんや業者とも一応話はしてみます」と内見の時に仲介人に言われました。ちなみに内見後の大家、仲介人との話し合いの時はあらかじめ決めていた時間なのにも関わらず仲介人も大家も20分程遅れて来ました。いい大人が客側を連絡も無しに待たせるとは何年社会人して働いているんですかね?最近の若い子は...と言われがちですが いくら歳を重ねて居ても常識ない人は居るもんだとつくづく実感しました。 ...と、まぁ まとめると こちらの しまなみエステートは最悪です。周りの知人に聞いても評判は最悪でした。今回は仲介人も大家も最悪だったので本当に時間の無駄だったと思います。 あまりにも酷くお粗末な体験だったので、 こと細かく 実体験を長々と書かせて頂きました。もう二度と利用しないし周りにも、これからこちらで物件を求める方々にもこちらだけは利用しない方が良いと強くオススメします。 このような不愉快な経験はもう二度としたくないです。
* ★ Not worth adding one. But if you do not attach it, evaluation post I just added it because I can't do it. It's a private matter, but I suddenly moved and was looking for a property The property listed here is the most ideal When I inquired immediately, there was a misfortune of the person who lived in the past, so I have finished purifying it. It was said from the other side that the landlord can flexibly deal with discounts such as rent. Due to the influence of corona etc. For us who have an influence such as work, I thought it would be nice to have a discount, but I think it would be uncomfortable to propose the amount from here when negotiating the discount, so if the landlord decides the amount of the discount first, we are good. I told you. Originally, it was the other side who proposed such discount negotiations, but the amount of occupancy at the original price was proposed, and the phrase "I wanted an ordinary family to live". "It seems that income is unstable due to the influence of corona So I'd like to see you off this time. " I was unilaterally told that I was insulting and refused to move in. Certainly, the income is not as stable as before, but it is ourselves who understand it most, and it is natural to search for properties based on that. I don't think there are any idiots trying to live in a property with rent that is unlikely to be paid in the first place. Well, I was unilaterally recognized as a poor man and insulted by that idiot. And what is a normal family? ?? ?? Of course, it was not written in the property details such as limited to family members. There are various families in the world, and I think each has its own complicated circumstances. Well, it's not a big deal for us. I was insulted to such a personal place, and the property was tilted and broken here and there, and the people who lived before broke it. The tub shelf was cracked and damaged, the wall stains, and the entrance. When I pointed out that the key was damaged, the intermediary told me at the time of the preview, "It costs money to repair it, so I'll have to live well. It's a life injury. I'll talk with the landlord and the contractor for the time being." It was. By the way, the time of discussion with the landlord and the landlord after the preview was about 20 minutes late, even though it was a predetermined time. How many years have you been working as a member of society for a good adult to keep the customer waiting without contact? It's often said that young children these days are ... but I realized that there are people who don't have common sense no matter how old they are. ... and, in summary, this Shimanami Estate is the worst. Even if I asked the acquaintances around me, the reputation was the worst. This time, both the mediator and the landlord were the worst, so I think it was a real waste of time. It was such a terrible and poor experience that I wrote a long and detailed actual experience. We strongly recommend that you do not use this one again, and for those around you who are looking for a property here. I don't want to have such an unpleasant experience again.
カフェめぐり on Google

今まで2回引っ越しをしました。 大手の不動産屋を色々回りましたが、ここは他の不動産屋が持ってる物件より良いのに当たります。 大家さんがいいよって言ってるから1週間前に荷物運び入れてもいいよ〜家賃は1週間分いらないから。 とか、水漏れとかガスの異常があればすぐに業者に連絡してくれたり、 駐車場が被ってて契約しようとしてたところが無しになっても、大家さんのご好意で違うところにタダで借りてくれたり、 ここは大学生が多いから夜の時間帯とか結構にぎやかな音漏れがするかもとか、 細かい希望も含めて親切に一緒に探してくれます。 2回とも"山田さん"という男性でしたが、すごく良い方です? また物件を探す際は、こちらにお世話になろうと思います。
I have moved twice so far. I've been to a lot of big real estate agents, but this one is better than the ones other real estate agents have. The landlord says it's okay, so you can bring your luggage a week in advance ~ I don't need a week's rent. Or, if there is a water leak or gas abnormality, contact the vendor immediately, Even if the parking lot is covered and there is no place to sign a contract, the landlord kindly rents it to a different place for free. There are a lot of college students here, so there may be a lot of lively sound leaks during the night time. They will kindly look for you together, including small hopes. I was a man named "Yamada-san" both times, but he is a very good person ? Also, when looking for a property, I would like to take care of you here.

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