ローマイヤ(株) 那須工場

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ローマイヤ(株) 那須工場

住所 :

Shimakata, Nasushiobara, 〒329-3152 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.lohmeyer.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
街 : Tochigi

如月リント on Google

Yoshida Tochigi on Google

We often have factory direct sales at the end of the month.
DX sadako on Google

An interesting company that lacks in-house collaboration, communication, unity, sense of responsibility, etc.? is.
宮野博(宮ぴー) on Google

This is the company I work for now. I am very busy at the end of the year.
坂本幸一 on Google

年に2~3回くらい直売会に伺いますが、特別感、お得感が感じられないような気がします。 今日は、6:30ごろ着いたけどもう70人くらい並んでいました。
I visit the direct sales event two or three times a year, but I don't think I can feel any special or profitable feeling. Today, I arrived around 6:30, but there were already about 70 people in line.
taichi tanifuji on Google

毎月第四土曜に直売会があります。 直売会場には工場裏手の駐車場の方が近いです。足の不自由な人はそちらの方に車を停めた方が良いかと思います。
There is a direct sales party on the fourth Saturday of every month. The parking lot behind the factory is closer to the direct sales venue. I think people with limited mobility should park their car there.
yuko 、、、 on Google

今月は、先月よりこんでた気がします。通常午前8時~午前11時までなのですが、8時20分頃で3列も並んでいて整理券が無くなるぐらいの人が来ていたみたいです。私が並んで10分後ぐらいには1列ビッシリと人が並んでました( ´•д•` )?ちなみに、私は40分待ちでした笑 ギリギリセーフでノーマルのウィンナー1kg手に入ったけど、すぐ売り切れになってました(๑°ㅁ°๑)‼ 冬は寒いから極暖の用意しないと……凍るかと思うぐらい激寒です:( ; ´꒳` ;):ガタガタガタガタ ~2018.12.16(日)~ 現
I feel that this month is more crowded than last month. Normally it is from 8:00 am to 11:00 am, but at around 8:20, there were three rows lined up and it seems that there were enough people to run out of numbered tickets. About 10 minutes after I lined up, people lined up in a row (´ • д • `) ? By the way, I was waiting for 40 minutes lol I got 1kg of normal Wiener at the last minute, but it was sold out soon (๑ ° ㅁ ° ๑)‼ It's cold in winter, so I have to prepare for extreme warmth ... It's so cold that I think it'll freeze :(; ´꒳`;): ~ 2018.12.16 (Sun) ~ Present
秀男関口 on Google

I visited the factory sale once a month about twice. There are variations in the products, and there is not much explanation about the products. ⁉️ The ones that I felt delicious were roast ham and roast pork. ️Bacon has slices and lumps but can't be distinguished, it's quite salty, and the buyer said there was a lottery, but it wasn't! ️ About 20 minutes on foot from Nasushiobara Station, about 10 minutes from AEON MALL! ️

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