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Contact スタジオコアダイエット

住所 :

Shimadachi, Matsumoto, 〒390-0852 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://diet.a-h-care.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–11PM
Sunday 9:30AM–11PM
Monday 9:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–11PM
Thursday 9:30AM–11PM
Friday 9:30AM–11PM
街 : Nagano

Shimadachi, Matsumoto, 〒390-0852 Nagano,Japan
Mikko Sano on Google

産後ダイエットで利用しています。 子育て経験のあるトレーナーさんなので、産後のストレスで暴食してしまう気持ちにも寄り添ってくれて、甘いものがほしくなった時の食べる物や食べ方も提案してくれて、スナック菓子などは今では滅多に食べなくなりました。 私がトレーニング中は隣の部屋で子どもを預かってもらえるので、気が散ることなく1時間集中してトレーニングできるのがありがたいです。 年会費もかからず、子どもの熱などで当日キャンセルにも理解してくれます。トレーナーさんから色々な知識を教えてもらえるので物の見方や捉え方がすごく変わりました。 体型も生き方も変えられる素敵なジムだと思います。
I use it on a postpartum diet. As a trainer with experience in raising children, he is close to the feeling of eating too much due to stress after childbirth, and he also suggests what to eat and how to eat when you want sweets, and snacks etc. are rare nowadays. I stopped eating. During my training, my child will be taken care of in the next room, so I'm grateful that I can concentrate on training for an hour without being distracted. There is no annual membership fee, and even if you cancel on the day due to the fever of your child, you will understand. The trainer taught me a lot of knowledge, so the way I see and understand things has changed a lot. I think it's a wonderful gym where you can change your body shape and way of life.
雪島光 on Google

I have failed to diet many times, but my first personal training has changed my way of thinking about dieting! Even though I only do it very loosely, I can surely stack it up, so I'm looking forward to future changes in weight.
松井陽介 on Google

I am indebted to my health when I turned 40. Every time I go through the world of the body that I didn't know, I am learning. It's the first time I've been on a diet so well. It feels like a lie that the lightness of your body changes so much just by reviewing your eating habits.
sa ya on Google

もともとは増えすぎてしまった体重を落とすために通い始めましたが、最近は健康的に生活するための体力づくりと思い通っています。 目的に合わせてメニューを調整いただけるのでどなたでも続けられると思います。
Originally I started going to lose weight that I had gained too much, but recently I am thinking of building physical strength to live a healthy life. Anyone can continue because you can adjust the menu according to your purpose.
きかんしゃエミリー on Google

During the training, we can ask for childcare, so we often take two children with us. Children are looking forward to going to play, "When will you go next?" I started to improve my physical strength, but as a result, I am happy that it leads to a diet.
Sachi T. on Google

去年の4月から通い始めて7月までの4ヶ月間で体重が約4kg減の51kg台に! その後は趣味の登山でお休みしてましたが、冬はあまり登れなかったこともあり筋力ダウン。またお世話になります。 トレーニングを始めて良かったことは山の登り下りが楽になったこと。クリスマスお正月に暴飲暴食したにもかかわらず、リバウンドしなかったこと。理由は通えばわかります!
In the four months from April of last year to July, I lost about 4 kg to the 51 kg level! After that, I took a rest for my hobby of mountain climbing, but I couldn't climb much in winter, so my strength was weakened. Thank you again. The good thing about starting training is that climbing and descending mountains has become easier. I didn't rebound even though I had binge eating on Christmas New Year. You can see why!
rie on Google

ダイエットの為に通い始めましたが 約半年で10㎏痩せる事が出来ました。その後も少しずつ減り、週1回の運動と食事を少し気を付けているだけで 週末には飲みに行ってるのに痩せるなんて❗ トレーナーの先生も気さくで『これは食べちゃダメ』ではなく『どうしても食べたい時だけ食べましょう』と言ってくれるのでストレスもなく楽しくダイエットが出来ています。
I started going on a diet, but I was able to lose 10 kg in about half a year. After that, it gradually decreased, and even though I went to drink on the weekends, I could lose weight just by exercising once a week and taking a little care ❗ The trainer's teacher is also friendly and says "Let's eat only when you really want to eat" instead of "Don't eat this", so you can enjoy your diet without stress.
a a on Google

痩せたいとは思いつつも、運動も面倒で自力ではどうにもできずに通い始めました。 約半年で体重−5キロ、ウエスト−10センチのダイエットが出来ました。 食や人間の身体についてのトレーナーさんの豊富な知識、分かりやすい説明、誉めて励ましてくれるので運動も頑張れます! 筋力がついてくると運動も楽になり、嫌になる事もなく通えています。 回数券なので無駄もなく通えるところもいいです。
Although I wanted to lose weight, I couldn't do anything on my own because of the troublesome exercise, so I started going. In about half a year, I was able to lose weight -5 kg ​​and waist -10 cm. The trainer's abundant knowledge about food and the human body, easy-to-understand explanations, and praise and encouragement will help you to exercise hard! As you gain strength, you will be able to exercise more easily and you will not be disgusted. It's a coupon ticket, so it's nice that you can go there without waste.

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