Shimachū Head Shop - Itabashi City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimachū Head Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-37-4 Minamitokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 174-0072
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–9PM
Sunday 5–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–1PM
Thursday 11:30AM–1PM
Friday 11:30AM–1PM

1 Chome-37-4 Minamitokiwadai, Itabashi City, Tokyo 174-0072, Japan
茂木秀夫 on Google

It was used at lunch time, but the rice was delicious and generous.
風間和男 on Google

Today's curry rice ? was delicious. Kazuo Kazama
김상모 on Google

생선회가 싱싱하며 모든 음식이 정성스럽게 만들고 맛이 있습니다
Sashimi is fresh and all the food is carefully made and tastes good
キヨカド on Google

美味しい料理にちょうど良い値段設定。 常連さんで賑わう店内だが、初見お一人様でも優しくフレンドリーに接客してくれる。おまけにお客さんまで優しく人間味のある店。 なかなか珍しい料理が食べれるかも。
Price just right for delicious food. Although the store is crowded with regulars, even a single person at first sight will be kind and friendly. In addition, the shop is gentle and human to the customers. You may be able to eat rare food.
べろんべろんタカ on Google

鳥忠って名前だけに焼き鳥を想像しがちだが、生物の鮮度がよくオススメ 冬だと鍋もいい。 特に 刺身(三点盛、二点も盛など自由) 姫サザエ煮 〆鯖 大根煮 オススメ! 来訪の価値あり
It's easy to imagine yakitori just by its name, but the freshness of the creatures is highly recommended. A hot pot is also good in winter. In particular Sashimi (3 points, 2 points, etc. are free) Boiled princess turban shell 〆 mackerel Boiled radish recommendation! Worth a visit
Takaaki Watanabe on Google

大人数でお座敷を予約させていきました。小さい子供がいたのですが、他のお客さんがいないところにしていただいて気を使わずに食事ができました。 食事はおすすめにしてもらいましたが、鶏ハムサラダ、刺し盛、焼き鳥、あんかけやきそばどれも美味しかったです。 焼酎ボトル1本サービスありがとうございました。また使わせていただきます。
I made a reservation for a tatami room with a large number of people. I had a small child, but I was able to eat without worrying about it because I had no other customers. I recommended the meal, but the chicken ham salad, sashimi, yakitori, ankake and yakisoba were all delicious. Thank you for the service of one shochu bottle. I will use it again.
牧口哲也 on Google

Toritada's yakitori is big, soft and delicious. We also recommend chicken sold only for Christmas.
島max on Google

大人数、お座敷でたまに利用しています。お料理も美味しくフレンドリーな女将さんを中心にアットホームな雰囲気があります。 焼き鳥も美味しいですが、うな重もオススメです。
A large number of people use it occasionally in the tatami room. The food is delicious and there is a cozy atmosphere centered on the friendly landlady. Yakitori is delicious, but Unaju is also recommended.

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