Shijonawate Shrine - Shijonawate

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shijonawate Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-18-1 Minamino, Shijonawate, Osaka 575-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 575-0021
Webサイト :

2 Chome-18-1 Minamino, Shijonawate, Osaka 575-0021, Japan
Junpu mankai on Google

満開の桜の鮮やかさと 神社の静観とした佇まいを 堪能しました。 四条畷駅より健脚でも30分以上かかり、高台にありますのでじわじわ坂に続き、急になっていき、鳥居から 約100段の階段? 足に自信の無いかたには しんどいかなぁ~ 境内からは 四条畷の町並み、門真市の向こうまで見渡せます。 境内より 上にはハイキングコースがあり その手前に古いですが ベンチや小さな広場があり、古い桜の木が満開でした?が、寿命のきた木が多いのでご注意を!!! ⚠️ しかし 子供だけで行くのは危ない場所です。豪雨の時に、山からの雨水や土砂が流れる、深い側溝があり 小さな橋がありますが 手すりはありません。
We enjoyed the vividness of the cherry blossoms in full bloom and the quiet appearance of the shrine. It takes more than 30 minutes from Shijonawate station even if you have a good leg, and since it is on a hill, you will gradually continue to the slope, then suddenly from the torii gate. Approximately 100 steps of stairs ? It's a pain for those who are not confident in their legs. From the precincts, you can see the streets of Shijonawate and beyond Kadoma City. There is a hiking trail above the precincts, which is old but there are benches and a small square, and the old cherry trees were in full bloom ?, but please note that there are many trees that have reached the end of their lives !!! ⚠️ However, it is a dangerous place to go alone with children. During heavy rains, there are deep gutters and small bridges where rainwater and earth and sand from the mountains flow, but there are no railings.
Vminimiezei on Google

初めて参拝しました 自転車で行ったのですがぁなかなか大変でした。 高台にある神社でした
I worshiped for the first time I went by bicycle, but it was quite difficult. It was a shrine on a hill
嶋谷裕昭 on Google

I visit Minatogawa Shrine, which enshrines Prince Okusu, every day, but Shijonawate Shrine is the first to visit. I feel that my heart will be washed again!
陶芸主婦Nao on Google

階段が100段以上あるし踊り場まで50段もあるので登るのが怖くて大変です?でも上からの景色や新緑がとてもきれいで心地よいです✨階段が苦手な方は向かって右側に登り坂があります。 この休憩スペースには自動販売機があります? 夏場は蚊がいるので虫除けスプレーをして行ったほうがいいです? 掃除も行き届いていていつも気持ち良いです。神社の方、いつもありがとうございます?
There are more than 100 stairs and 50 steps to the landing, so it's scary to climb ? But the view from above and the fresh green are very beautiful and comfortable ✨ If you are not good at stairs, there is an uphill on the right side .. There is a vending machine in this rest space ? There are mosquitoes in the summer, so you should spray them with insect repellent ? The cleaning is perfect and it always feels good. Thank you to the shrines ?
たがたかお on Google

It is a shrine that enshrines Masatsura Kusunoki, a military commander who died in the battle of Shijonawate during the Nanbokucho period. Surrounded by cherry blossoms in spring and colored leaves in autumn, you can take a closer look at the beautiful sunset. (I tried to illustrate the statue of Masatsura Kusunoki and Shijonawate Shrine on display at Shijonawate Station)
ありがっ様・Meaning of thank you in JPN dialect on Google

I visited Yoshino Jingu Shrine and learned that there are shrines all over the country that enshrine the loyal retainers of the Southern Court. Therefore, I stopped by at the 4th house of "Namihaya Hen", a night train vandwelling. Masatsura Kusunoki and Mother Church are gods of worship, and I just met a family visiting the shrine. Hearing Akabo's cheerful cry, I feel like God told me to do my best. It is a calm palace. Please note that the road to the parking lot is steep because it is on the hillside.
Fusachika Tanaka on Google

JR四条畷駅から徒歩15分位 少し登り坂ですがそれ程苦にはなりません。 神仏霊場巡礼の旅にて御参り、御朱印を頂きました。
About a 15-minute walk from JR Shijoba Station It's a little uphill, but it doesn't hurt so much. I visited the shrine on a pilgrimage trip to the Shinto and Buddhist sacred sites and received a red stamp.
Prasanth Kumar on Google

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