
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 子平堂本店

住所 :

Shiheimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0944 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Shiheimachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0944 Miyagi,Japan
kiokuryoku zerokichi on Google

The other day, I went for the first time in over 30 years. I bought it with Kodaira Manju at the time of Ichigo Daifuku, but I was happy with the taste. It is a store that you want to continue forever.
Y Y on Google

素朴なお菓子を売っている和菓子屋さんです。町の名前にある、子平まんじゅうが有名です。 黒糖餡の薄皮まんじゅうで、大変美味しいです。お値段も手頃で、餡こ好きの方は是非。 他の和菓子もお手頃価格にもかかわらず、なんだか懐かしくなるものばかり。 周辺の道がかなり狭く、一方通行も多いので注意が必要です。
A Japanese confectionery shop selling simple sweets. Kodaira Manju, which is named after the town, is famous. It is a very thin manju made from brown sugar bean paste and is very delicious. The price is reasonable, so if you like bean paste, please come. Other Japanese sweets are all nostalgic, though they are reasonably priced. Please note that the roads around the area are quite narrow and there are many one-way streets.
うんこたれぞう on Google

I received the manju, which is a signboard product, but I didn't feel it was particularly delicious because the packaging was bad or it was dry. The aftertaste that remained in the mouth was not good either. Also, there was a description of red 3 red 106 as a coloring agent, but I feel that it is an extra additive.
石川ゴン on Google

I bought Manju and Dorayaki. Delicious ❤️ It's cheap ?
もりぼう on Google

有名な子平まんじゅうは税込86円(2020年)、激安です。 御主人は高齢で後継ぎがいませんので、食べられるうちにご賞味下さい。玉砂糖を使った独特のあんこの味を覚えておいてほしいです。
The famous Kodaira Manju is 86 yen including tax (2020), which is very cheap. Your husband is old and has no successor, so please enjoy it while you can eat it. I want you to remember the unique taste of red bean paste made from sugar balls.
石垣真理 on Google

子平まんじゅうもっちりで美味でした♪ 可愛いきのこ求肥と白あんです。傘のとこは あんこです。こちらも旨し?‍♀️
Kodaira Manju was chewy and delicious ♪ Cute mushroom fertilizer and white bean paste. The place of the umbrella This is red bean paste. This is also good ?‍♀️
kay tie on Google

お饅頭、変わらぬ味で美味しいです。 餡子がたくさん入っています。 豆大福も必ず一緒に買います。
Manju is delicious with the same taste. It contains a lot of bean paste. Be sure to buy Mame Daifuku together.
MAKI ODA on Google

和菓子の好きな方へプレゼントしたく、来店。 店には誰も居らず。声かけても返事もなく。 石油ストーブついたままなので、在宅だろうと思い粘りましたが、何度呼んでも返事もなし 店主はご高齢のお二人なので心配でしたが、用事あり店を後にしました。 和菓子買えず残念。(2022/2/20 14:30頃)
I came to the store to give a present to those who like Japanese sweets. No one is in the store. There was no reply even if I called out. Since the kerosene heater is still on, I thought that I would be at home, but no matter how many times I called it, there was no reply. I was worried because the owners are two elderly people, but I left the store for business. I'm sorry I couldn't buy Japanese sweets. (Around 2022/2/20 14:30)

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