北星交通株式会社 本社

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北星交通株式会社 本社

住所 :

Shigemorishincho, Hirosaki, 〒036-8261 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.hokuseikotsu.co.jp/php/company.php
街 : Aomori

Shigemorishincho, Hirosaki, 〒036-8261 Aomori,Japan
kamisama 2016 on Google

The driver's attitude and driving manners are good, and the cars are equipped with the latest vehicles, and they are the most favorable among local taxi companies.
リチャードサイモン on Google

The driver of this company is God-friendly.
シートジョアン on Google

個人的には地元のタクシー会社では一番の優良企業ですね。 社内研修なども徹底しているようで、 基本的マナーがしっかりしています。
Personally, it's the best local taxi company. It seems that in-house training is also thorough, Basic manners are solid.
Hm Hm (Gam-isan) on Google

弘前で唯一のまともなタクシー会社です。 接客、サービスなど文句なしです。
The only decent taxi company in Hirosaki. There is no complaint about customer service and service.
mimi (mimi) on Google

今のこの時期 コロナ対策を県外タクシー等は徹底してるのに こちらのタクシー運転手はマスク等もしてなく乗る際違和感を感じました。会社側は運転手にマスク義務付けしたほうがいいと思います。タクシーを呼ぶのが怖くなりました。
At this time of the year, taxis outside the prefecture are taking thorough measures against corona, but this taxi driver felt a sense of discomfort when riding without a mask. I think that it is better for the company to oblige the driver to mask. I was afraid to call a taxi.
オスカル on Google

態度が悪い事故りそうになるはメーター高く取るはお客をお客と思ってない 社長はおろか本社もダメケアもダメ 利益だけ優先ならケアクラブ廃したら速いですよ
I don't think the customer is a customer Not to mention the president, neither the head office nor bad care If only profit is prioritized, it will be faster if the care club is abolished.
からく24 on Google

I think there is a big difference between drivers who respond well and those who do not. I feel that the traffic manners are much worse than that. I'm sure there are some drivers who are decent, but I've seen bad manners many times. When I'm running, I forcibly enter a place where the distance between vehicles is short, or I frequently go back and forth between the left and right while overtaking in two lanes. Even if there are no passengers on board, I think that driving is dangerous.
ももも on Google

弘前でタクシーを利用するなら北星交通さんをお勧めします。 ナビが搭載されており、住所を伝えるだけで目的地まで行くことができます。目的地の説明を一々しなくても良いのはすごく快適です。 質の悪いドライバーさんに当たったことも一度もありません。電子決済もスムーズです。 北星交通しか勝たん!
If you want to take a taxi in Hirosaki, we recommend Hokusei Kotsu. It is equipped with a navigation system, so you can get to your destination just by telling your address. It's very comfortable that you don't have to explain your destination one by one. I have never hit a poor driver. Electronic payment is also smooth. Only Hokusei Kotsu won!

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