陶芸道場 ろくろにチャレンジ

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 陶芸道場 ろくろにチャレンジ

住所 :

Shigarakicho Nagano, Koka, 〒529-1851 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~rokuro/
街 : Shiga

Shigarakicho Nagano, Koka, 〒529-1851 Shiga,Japan
Taka Hiro (midopan) on Google

うんちく色々ですが、気楽に、1時間千円でろくろ回し放題。 焼きたい場合は追加料金というシステム。
There are various kinds of pranks, but you can easily turn the potter's wheel for 1,000 yen per hour. If you want to bake, there is an additional charge.
トコトコくま on Google

春休みに子供と行きました。 ろくろは1台1000円で借り、土は噂通り使い放題。 失敗を存分にして、どうして失敗したのかを考えて何度でも挑戦してみてね、という方針のようで楽しく取り組めました。 まず親父さんがやってみせてくれましたが、土が生き物のよう。 そこまではさすがに出来ませんでしたが、アドバイスをもらいながらなんとか挑戦するうちに、お皿や湯呑み茶碗ができました。 5歳と8歳の子も、親がつきっきりでなくてもそれなりにお皿を作れました。 焼いてもらうのは別料金で、湯飲み茶碗とお皿を1500円から1800円の料金で焼いてもらい、送料を支払い送ってもらうことにしました。 焼き上がりの色などはおまかせです。 時間内に4から5つくらいは作品を作れるので、その中で焼きたいものがあれば、親父さんに聞けば料金を気軽に教えてくれます。 駐車場がいっぱいのときは、すぐ近くの信楽観光協会の駐車場に無料で停められます。 今はコロナの影響で窯への火入れを待つことがあるそうで、長いと2ヶ月くらい焼き上がりまで時間がかかることも。 リピーターも多いようで、出来た作品を受け取りに来て、その日もまた作って帰るという方々もいました。
I went with my child during spring break. You can borrow a potter's wheel for 1000 yen and use the soil as much as you want. It seemed like a policy of making full use of the mistakes, thinking about why they failed, and trying again and again, so I enjoyed working on it. First of all, my father showed me, but the soil is like a living thing. I couldn't do that, but as I managed to get some advice, I made a plate and a teacup. Children aged 5 and 8 were able to make their own dishes even if their parents weren't always there. There is an extra charge to have them baked, and I decided to have them bake a hot water bowl and a plate for a fee of 1500 yen to 1800 yen, and pay the shipping fee. The color of the baked product is left to us. You can make about 4 to 5 works in time, so if you have something you want to bake, ask your father and he will tell you the price. When the parking lot is full, you can park your car for free at the nearby Shigaraki Tourism Association parking lot. Nowadays, due to the influence of corona, it seems that they may wait for the kiln to be burned, and if it is long, it may take about two months to bake. It seems that there are many repeaters, and there were also people who came to pick up the finished work and made it again that day.
Aki Su on Google

甥っ子が先日、ろくろ中に歯が抜けたにも関わらず、楽しいトークで接していただき、良い家族旅行の思い出になりました。 又、訪れたい所です。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
Even though my nephew had lost his teeth in the other day, he had a pleasant talk and became a good family trip memory. Also, I would like to visit. Thank you very much m (_ _) m
賛辞のおやつ on Google

Children are welcome to jump in! So I took my friend and my child. A kind and proficient teacher will guide you very carefully. The potter's wheel is 1,000 yen per hour (as of April 2018), and you can use clay as much as you want (you can replace it with your companion). Leave the coloring to the teacher. Next time I would like to try hand kneading.
ムン青ヒョン(Moon Chong Hyonn) on Google

あっと言う間の幸せな時間でした。 指導されてるヒゲオヤジさん。半端なくゆるくて、最高に気さくです。 アドバイスも、ゆるさの中に常に選択肢を示したイイ感じのゆるさ。こちらも、なかなかうまくいきません。なんとも根気のいる指導だなぁと想像しますが、苦を見せはりません。ヒゲオヤジさんが、こちらのスマホやカメラで気負わず「さらっと」撮影もして下さります。写真も大変お上手でした。また伺います。焼き上がりがとっても楽しみです!
It was a happy time in no time. Mr. Higeoyaji being instructed. It's extremely loose and very friendly. As for the advice, the looseness of good feeling that always showed the choice in the looseness. This too doesn't work. I imagine that it is a patient instruction, but it does not show any pain. Mr. Higeoyaji also shoots "smoothly" without hesitation with this smartphone or camera. The photographs were also very good. I will visit you again. I am really looking forward to the baking!
kazu t on Google

初めてのろくろ体験。 気さくで笑顔で優しく教えてくれた先生に感謝。 1時間1000円でろくろ回し放題、土も追加し放題。 夢中で作ってるうしろからポイントだけそっと教えてくれる!そこが良くて、完璧にできないのも傑作だと褒めてもらえました(^^) また体験したいと思います。
First experience of turning. I thank the teacher who taught me kindly with a friendly smile. Unlimited turning around for 1000 yen per hour, adding unlimited soil. I will tell you only the point from the back that I am crazy about! (^^) that there was good, and it was complimented that it was a masterpiece that could not be perfect I want to experience it again.
hironosin sakurayama on Google

I went with four family members at the end of December. It was my first time, but somehow a bright teacher? Tell me, is it somehow a work? Was completed. The feel of the soil still remains in my hands. The work I received is satisfying for the whole family. Thank you very much.
じんみ on Google

お正月休みに家族3人で伺いました。外は雪でしたが、工房の中は暖かく快適でした。テンポよく説明&案内ののちろくろにチャレンジ。時間の制限はあるものの、気さくかつ的確にポイントも指導していただけ、初心者でも充実して楽しめました。土も使い放題で作品も沢山作れたので家族皆とても満足出来ました。もちろん有料ですが、好きな作品を焼いて色付けもして送ってくれるとのことで、お願し、後日届きました。どれも惚れ惚れするくらい素敵に変身していて感激です。体験出来て良かったで す。ありがとうございました!
We visited with three family members during the New Year holidays. It was snow outside, but it was warm and comfortable inside the workshop. Take on the challenge of explaining and guiding at a good tempo. Although there is a time limit, I was able to teach the points in a friendly and accurate manner, and even beginners could enjoy it. The whole family was very satisfied because I could make many works with all-you-can-use soil. Of course, there is a charge, but he said that he would bake his favorite work, color it, and send it to me, so I requested it and it arrived at a later date. I'm thrilled that all of them have transformed so nicely that I'll fall in love with them. I'm glad I was able to experience it vinegar. thank you!

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