松本養鶏場 産みたてたまご直売

3.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact 松本養鶏場 産みたてたまご直売

住所 :

Shichihongi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0306 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Shichihongi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0306 Saitama,Japan
Seryo naru on Google

不衛生で劣悪な環境での飼育に問題あると思います。 掃除くらいはキチンとしてあげて欲しい。
I think there is a problem with breeding in an unsanitary and poor environment. I want you to give it as a chitin for cleaning.
RIRI 1006 on Google

たまごは新鮮で美味しいです。 でもおじさんがタバコ吸ってて臭かったです。
Eggs are fresh and delicious. But my uncle smoked and smelled.
Wave Honda on Google

Egg vending machine shop. There is a chicken house behind the vending machine where you can buy fresh and delicious eggs. There are 300 yen bags and 200 yen bags, but vending machines can only use 100 yen coins and there are no money changers, so you need to prepare 100 yen coins in advance. It seems to be replenished at night, but sometimes sold out, so it is a popular direct sales store. There are about 14 to 15 pieces in one bag, so it is the same price as a supermarket even for 300 yen. If you have never bought it, please try it. The egg-cooked rice is delicious. Eggs and fried eggs are also delicious.

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