4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Shichihongi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0306 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト :
街 : Saitama

Shichihongi, Kamisato, Kodama District, 〒369-0306 Saitama,Japan
yukiko on Google

いつもお世話になり、ありがとうございます。 お友達からクローバー?さんを紹介していただいて、ほんと良かったです。 親切丁寧にトリミングしてもらって うちの子も気持ち良さそうに帰ってきます。
Thank you for your continued support. It was really nice to have a friend introduce me to Clover ?. Kindly and carefully trimmed My child will come back comfortably.
まりかのまりかの on Google

The other day, I sent a 12-year-old dog across the Rainbow Bridge to the flower garden. I also changed my shampoo reservation due to examinations and medications at the hospital, but each time I consulted with the owner, I was treated in the best way for this child. I was sick 10 years ago. I am very grateful to you for responding accurately and reasonably even when I was a child, including this time. I introduced it to an acquaintance, but I said a little selfish, but it was accepted. I heard that customers should have good manners and at the same time should not be selfish. Ten people and ten colors. I think that you can agree if you check the website of the store properly. The fact that the number of reservations for the 15th anniversary of the opening of the store is increasing is proof of the popular store.
吉満優信 on Google

Thank you for your help this month as well. I have been indebted to you for more than 10 years. I am a dog with allergies, but I am grateful that you always take care and wash it carefully. My wife sent me a photo of her becoming a man. I look forward to working with you next month.
n m on Google

The scissor cut was rattling, and overall it was a very terrible and ugly cut. It's like a stray dog. I was very shocked and depressed. It may be reasonable because the price is cheap. There is a word of mouth when thinking about dogs, but it is natural as long as you are doing business at a pet salon, isn't it? That is just a major premise. When it was finished, I wore the smell of another dog. You should also take good care of the items you are using. Actually, it is rated as zero stars. I want you to return the money! !!
ソックスソックス on Google

I have been busy with the socks of my dear family, which I truly love, for more than 10 years. I love Clover and today is the day to go to Clover! He expressed joy all over his body with a superb smile. I saw him off to heaven at the end of last month. It was Grandpa One, but it was a tribute to Clover's professional work, and the hair was brushed and glossy. There is also a baby face, so I feel like I'm still young. Sadness continues, but he does not stop and moves forward. Next month, we will have a relationship and welcome Puppy. My parents told me that it is important social study to have Trimmer go to the school regularly, touch it, and take care of it. I am happy to meet Mr. Clover, who has a lot of affection and looks carefully. Get used to people and ones, and grow into ones that can be calm and happy even in places other than home. We look forward to working with you in the future.
T M on Google

仔犬の時から月1で約11年お世話になっております。 本日もシーズーとトイプードルをキレイに仕上げて頂きました? 可愛くなって帰って来ました? 始めて飼うワンコだったので店長さんに色々教えて頂き体調の件なども考慮してもらえて安心してお預けできます。
I have been indebted for about 11 years since I was a puppy. Shih Tzu and Toy Poodle were beautifully finished today ? I came back cute ? It was my first time to keep a dog, so I can leave it with confidence because the store manager will tell me various things and consider my physical condition.
Max Aya on Google

いつも大変お世話になっております!我が家の可愛い大きいチワワはCloverさんが(ご夫婦とお店が)大好きで、毎回尻尾をブンブンさせながら入店しております!お店はいつも清潔で、大きい窓から光が沢山入るので明るいです。我が家のチワワさんは首と腰にヘルニアがありますが、毎回こちらが言うよりも先に体調はいかがですか?と聞いて下さります。今の体調面をお話しすると、注意点や工夫点をお話しして下さいます。ドッグサロンだから当然の事かもしれませんが、毎回必ずサロンさん側から確認して下さるお店は少ないのかなと思います。なので私は安心して我が家のチワワさんを預けております。今まで市内市街含め4、5店舗行った私個人的な意見です。今はずっとCloverさんにお世話になっており、今後もずっとお世話になりたいです^ ^私は動物関係の仕事をしておりますが、周りにCloverさんに行っている方が凄く多く、「うちは明日よ」や、「うちはいま体調が悪いからシャンプー以外をやってもらっているの」等々、Clover仲間としてお話しをしたりしています。オーナーご夫婦共に本当に動物の事を考えてくれています。それはお話ししていて分かります!我が家のチワワさんを綺麗にしてもらった後の、綺麗を維持していくのは飼い主の責任です。毎日のブラッシングや体拭き、そして小さな家族が健康に清潔に暮らせるようにする為には定期的なトリミング、動物と共に暮らして行く上で当然の事をしながら、今後もCloverさんにお世話になります!そして15周年、本当におめでとうございます^ ^
Thank you very much for your continued support! Clover loves our cute big Chihuahua (the couple and the shop), and we enter the shop with a buzzing tail every time! The shop is always clean and bright with lots of light coming in through the large windows. Chihuahua at home has hernias on her neck and hips, but how are you feeling before you say this every time? I will ask you. When you talk about your current physical condition, please tell us your points to note and ingenuity. It may be natural because it is a dog salon, but I think that there are few shops that the salon always checks. So I am relieved to leave my Chihuahua at home. This is my personal opinion that I have visited 4 or 5 stores including the city. I have been indebted to Clover for a long time now, and I would like to continue to be indebted to him ^ ^ I am working on animals, but there are so many people around me who go to Clover, "We are I'm talking as a Clover companion, such as "Tomorrow" and "I'm not feeling well right now, so I'm getting something other than shampoo." Both the owner and the couple really think about animals. You can see that by talking! It is the owner's responsibility to keep the Chihuahua in our house clean after it has been cleaned. Clover will continue to take care of me while brushing and wiping my body every day, trimming regularly to keep my small family healthy and clean, and doing the natural things of living with animals. !! And congratulations on your 15th anniversary ^ ^
ウルリカさくら子 on Google

我が家は多頭飼いでどのワンコも幼犬の時からお世話になりオーナー様のお人柄もありワンコたちとの生活には欠かせないサロン です。今年はお姫様の様に大事にしていたマルチーズを見送ったその日に大変ご迷惑をおかけしたにも関わらず優しいお言葉や親切に対応して頂き若きオーナー夫妻には頭が下がるばかりです。何よりも犬の事を親身になって考えてくれるサロン なのでアトピーのワンコも少し肥満ぎみのワンコも安心してお任せしています。 そして15周年おめでとうございます^ - ^ これからもどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
Our house is a salon that is indispensable for living with dogs because we have a large number of dogs and all dogs have been taken care of since we were puppies and the owner's personality. This year, despite the inconvenience caused on the day when I saw off Maltese, which I had cherished like a princess, the young owners and his wife just got angry at me for their kind words and kindness. Above all, it's a salon where you can think about dogs in a friendly way, so you can rest assured that you can take care of both atopic dogs and slightly obese dogs. And congratulations on your 15th anniversary ^-^ We look forward to working with you in the future.

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