Shibuya Deseo

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shibuya Deseo

住所 :

Dogenzaka, Shibuya City, 〒150-0043 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo

Dogenzaka, Shibuya City, 〒150-0043 Tokyo,Japan
古橋啓二(トナカイ) on Google

It's hard to tell where to get down to the basement, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Although it was relocated to this area due to the redevelopment of the original location, it is an area with many live houses nearby.
ゆたゆた on Google

It's a small box. The stage is also low, so if you go ahead, it's better to go early.
Minoru Yanou on Google

It's underground, but it has radio waves and the product sales space is bright, so I like it because I can take beautiful pictures and cheki.
ビフィズス菌 on Google

☆3.5 音響はまずまず良し ステージに対して客席の奥行きが広くないので少し圧迫感がある。 ステージの高さは腿の辺りで女性アーティストだと満員の時は頭だけ見える感じ
☆ 3.5 The sound is reasonably good There is a feeling of oppression because the depth of the audience seats is not wide with respect to the stage. The height of the stage is around the thighs, and if you are a female artist, you can only see your head when it is full.
Masakatsu Kimura on Google

ステージ高めで音響、照明も良く見やすい箱 バーカンがステージ脇なので混んでるとちょっと大変 物販スペースは3組程度できる広さ、ただ逃げ場はほぼない 喫煙室は細長で気候に左右されるが退避スペースとしては静かで良い
A box that is easy to see with good sound and lighting at a high stage Barkan is on the side of the stage, so it's a little difficult when it's crowded The product sales space is large enough to accommodate about 3 groups, but there is almost no escape. The smoking room is slender and depends on the climate, but it is quiet and good as an evacuation space.
Kenichi Matsuo on Google

【withコロナ2021.10.6】 最前列は7人程度スピーカー見切れ気味の位置も含めると9人程度 7人の両端がバミリ2番の正面ぐらい フットマークはありません ドリンク代600円アルコール提供あり ステージ高さは60cm程度 docomoの電波はメインフロアだと少し弱いけど入ります トイレがきれい コインロッカーあり キャリーケースが入る大型ロッカー無し 受付で45リットルゴミ袋サイズのクロークサービスあり
[With Corona 2021.10.6] There are about 7 people in the front row, about 9 people including the position where the speakers are slightly cut off. Both ends of 7 people are about the front of Bamili No. 2 There is no footmark Drink fee 600 yen Alcohol is provided The stage height is about 60 cm The radio wave of docomo is a little weak on the main floor, but it enters The toilet is clean There is a coin locker No large locker for carry case There is a 45 liter garbage bag size cloakroom service at the reception
Deniz Zoeteman on Google

Great new location for venue. Good sound, good bands. Good availability of drinks.

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