完熟らーめん本丸 二本松店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 完熟らーめん本丸 二本松店

住所 :

Shibukawa, Nihommatsu, 〒969-1403 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://honmaru.biz/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Fukushima

Shibukawa, Nihommatsu, 〒969-1403 Fukushima,Japan
Seiichi Aikawa on Google

夜のドライブ時に小腹が空いて入店。 明るいスタッフが出迎えてくれて好印象! 色々な種類(とんこつ醤油・味噌・特濃豚骨・醤油)を選べるのですが、別メニューのトマトラーメンに決定。 これが凄く美味しくてはまりました。 良くあるトマトラーメンとは違い結構濃いめで、この濃いめのスープを入れるとリゾット分にして食べることができるチーズ飯も付いて更に満足でした。 麺も中太縮れ麺で汁が絡み美味しかったです。 家族が食べたその他の味噌や醤油も美味しかったそうです。 また来たい店が増えました。
I entered the store when I was driving at night because I was hungry. The bright staff welcomed me and made a good impression! You can choose from various types (tonkotsu soy sauce, miso, special pork bones, soy sauce), but the tomato ramen menu is different. This was so delicious and I really liked it. Unlike other tomato ramen, it's quite thick, and I was even more satisfied with the cheese soup that can be eaten as risotto when I add this thick soup. The noodles were curly noodles and the soup was delicious and it was delicious. It seems that the miso and soy sauce that the family ate were also delicious. The number of shops I want to visit has increased.
MINI_GB _YoC on Google

黒丸らーめん 680円 久しぶりにとんこつ醤油 しかも背脂入り いつもあっさりの中華そばばかり食べてますが、たまにはこってりラーメンもいいですね 店内はニンニクの匂いです 仕事中じゃなかったら生ニンニク潰して入れたいですね
Kuromaru Ramen 680 yen Tonkotsu soy sauce for the first time in a long time Moreover, it contains lard I always eat only light Chinese noodles, but sometimes I like rich ramen. The inside of the store smells like garlic If I'm not at work, I want to crush raw garlic and put it in
小田の山賊親父 on Google

初めて伺いました 頂いたラーメンは味噌チャーシュー麺 スープは若干温い感じがしましたが麺は濃いめのスープに丁度良いストレート麺でチャーシューはトロトロでサービスの生ニンニクの&絞り機も有り生ニンニクの好きな私には嬉しいサービスでした。
The ramen I received for the first time was miso char siu noodles The soup felt a little warm, but the noodles were straight noodles that were just right for the thick soup, and the char siu was a torotoro service with raw garlic and a squeezer, so I like raw garlic. It was a nice service for me.
tomomi adachi on Google

Kuromaru is delicious, but Tokuno is too delicious. There are three tatami mats, chairs for children and bouncers, so it's a nice shop for families with children.
sadab 2 on Google

月曜日の 14時前に訪問! 本日は3年半振りに味噌系で、味噌チャーシューめん+高菜めしを券売機でポチッ❗️ 北海道産の赤味噌と信州産の味噌のブレンドスープは旨いねぇ? チャーシューは柔らか過ぎずいい感じ❗️スープと相性ピッタリ? 麺は自家製麺の中細ストレート麺で甘味感じる美味しい♥️麺❗️ 臭み無い穂先メンマと葱が良い演出をしつつ個々美味しい?そしてチャーシューの下から歯応えナイスなモヤシが出てきて・・・おおっ?と思う‼️ 途中で生にんにくを潰して丼内へ、大好きなにんにくが香り豊かで味もスープと最高にいい組合せで最高でぇーす♥️(すりおろしにんにくとは全く別物) 高菜めしは、高菜の歯応えを楽しみながら白胡麻のあくせんとが◎?旨い(巧い)ので気に入ってます? ご馳走様でした❗️ 月曜日の 12:40 位に1年ちょっと振りに入店! 5種類(黒丸、白丸、特濃、味噌、豚骨)のラーメンが有ります。(季節により限定品も提供有) 今回は、黒丸チャーシューめん大盛+高菜めし+餃子(サービス券で無料)❗️ミニ丼は100円で食べれる時間帯(ランチタイム)もあって、超お得感が有ります❗️ & 黒丸は豚骨醤油で、豚骨の臭みも無く自家製麺の中細ストレート麺と絡んで旨いです❗️また2種類の背脂が入っていてドロドロ系かと思いますが、意外にそうでもなくスープにも甘味を感じます? バラチャーシューは箸で持てる柔らかさで、スープと絡ませて食べると美味しい♥️ メンマは穂先メンマで臭みも無く、柔かで旨いです❗️ 高菜めしは、しっとりとした高菜の歯応えも良く旨いです? 餃子は普通以上だと思います? ご馳走様でした‼️
Visit before 14:00 on Monday! Today, for the first time in three and a half years, it's a miso-based dish, and you can get miso char siu noodles + takana noodles at a ticket vending machine ❗️ The blended soup of red miso from Hokkaido and miso from Shinshu is delicious ? The char siu is not too soft and feels good ❗️ It goes well with soup ? The noodles are homemade medium-thin straight noodles that are delicious and sweet ♥ ️ Noodles ❗️ The odorless tip menma and green onions are delicious individually ? And a nice crunchy bean sprout comes out from under the char siu ... Oh ? I think‼ ️ Crush the raw garlic on the way and go into the bowl, the garlic you love is fragrant and the taste is the best combination with the soup ♥ ️ (It is completely different from grated garlic) I like the mustard mustard because it has a delicious (skillful) taste of white sesame while enjoying the texture of the mustard. It was a treat ❗️ Entered the store at 12:40 on Monday for the first time in a year! There are 5 types of ramen (black circle, white circle, Tokuno, miso, pork bone). (Limited items are also available depending on the season) This time, Kuromaru Char Siu Men Omori + Takana Meshi + Dumplings (free with a service ticket) ❗️ There is also a time zone (lunch time) where you can eat a mini bowl for 100 yen, so it is a great deal ❗️ & Kuromaru is a pork bone soy sauce, and it is delicious because it has no smell of pork bones and is entwined with medium-thin straight noodles of homemade noodles. I also feel the sweetness ? Rose char siu is soft enough to hold with chopsticks and is delicious when eaten with soup ♥ ️ Menma is a tip menma with no odor and is soft and delicious ❗️ The mustard mustard is also delicious with the moist texture of the mustard ? I think dumplings are more than normal ? It was a treat! ️
レイダイヤモンドダスト on Google

ラーメンは美味しい! しょうゆ、みそ、とんこつ、魚介とメニューもまずまずつけ麺もあります。ミニどんぶりや、チャーハン、餃子もサイドメニューとしてあります。味玉もなかなか良い。 ただ、外が結構涼しいのにエアコン効いててラーメン冷えちゃうよ? そこだけ残念。
Ramen is delicious! There are soy sauce, miso, tonkotsu, seafood and tsukemen on the menu. Mini bowls, fried rice, and dumplings are also available as side menus. The taste balls are also quite good. However, even though the outside is pretty cool, the air conditioner works and the ramen gets cold ? Only there is a pity.
R H on Google

黒丸ラーメンと博多とんこつラーメンを食べました。 黒丸の方はとんこつ風醤油ラーメンでしょうか? 博多とんこつは想像通りの味です。 4号線沿いにあり、店内もカウンター7席、テーブル4つ、座敷3つで入りやすいかと思います。(店内環境に間違いがあればすみません。) 駐車場が一部砂利なので気になるかもしれません。 また食べに来てみようと思います。
I ate Kuromaru Ramen and Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen. Is the black circle a tonkotsu-style soy sauce ramen? Hakata Tonkotsu tastes as you would expect. It's located along Route 4, and I think it's easy to enter the store with 7 counter seats, 4 tables, and 3 tatami mats. (I'm sorry if there is a mistake in the store environment.) You may be worried because the parking lot is partly gravel. I will come to eat again.
ぜーたぷらす on Google

発券機で先に購入するシステム とんこつ 大盛 替え玉で発券 これで1000円でお釣りがくる安さ! お好きな席へどうぞーと ホール係の方より案内。 カウンターが混んでいたため 1人でもテーブル席を使えるっぽい コロナ禍に対しての配慮かな とても気分が良いです。 席へつき券を渡して 硬さをバリカタで!注文 5分経たずに着丼 替え玉必要な時伝えてくださいと ホール係さん、とても親切。 麺の細さ!好みです! スルスルと食べれます! 替え玉もバリカタで注文 替え玉のバリカタは どこで食べてもバリバリと 歯応えががあって私好みです! 美味しいです!また来ます。 2021/11/18来店 開店すぐに入店 3人ぐらい 前に並んでた…すげ 今日は特濃を極細(とんこつに入ってるやつ) 大盛バリカタ、替玉 で注文! これでも1000円でお釣りが来ます…。 麺は太さが選べて、通常特濃は 中細の麺らしいのですが、とんこつに入ってる細麺がすきなのでそれをチョイス! 注文時に麺の太さを言わないと 麺は規定のもので作られるのでご注意! ちなみに、極細、中細、太 があるっぽい 5分程で着丼! スープを一飲み…っ濃いーっ! それにスープあつあつです! 美味しいが、やっぱりとんこつかなぁ? でもあつあつで、背脂たっぷりで 魚粉がはいってて、これはこれで良いかな 次は白丸を実食に来ます。 2022/02/10 久しぶりにとんこつラーメンが食べたく来店 オープン5分後で駐車場…結構混んでる… 中に入ると発券機前に人だかり… とりあえず、いつもの とんこつラーメン 大盛 替玉で発券 カウンターへ着席しバリカタで注文 …後から来た人のラーメンが先に出てくる… 10分待ってもまだ来ない 15分待ってもまだ来ない …20分待ってやっと来た… 忘れられてたか? とりあえず、食べよっと! やはり美味しいねー… 遅れるなら理由説明してよって感じ まあ、ラーメンは美味しいから 許すか
System to purchase first with a ticket issuing machine Tonkotsu Omori ticketing with a replacement ball It's cheap to change for 1000 yen! Please go to your favorite seat Guidance from the hall staff. Because the counter was crowded It seems that even one person can use the table seat Is it consideration for corona damage? I feel very good. Give the ticket to your seat Hardness is crunchy! Orde Donburi in less than 5 minutes Please tell me when you need a replacement ball Hall clerk, very kind. The thinness of the noodles! I like it! You can eat it with Suru Suru! Order replacement balls at Balikata The replacement ball Balikata No matter where you eat It's crunchy and I like it! Is delicious! I will come again. 2021/11/18 Visit Enter the store immediately after opening About 3 people lined up in front of me ... Tokuno is very fine today (the one in the tonkotsu) Order with Omori Balikata and spare balls! Even with this, you can get change for 1000 yen ... You can choose the thickness of the noodles, and usually Tokuno It seems to be medium-thin noodles, but I like the thin noodles in the tonkotsu so I chose it! I have to say the thickness of the noodles when ordering Please note that the noodles are made with the specified ones! By the way, it seems that there are extra fine, medium fine, and thick Donburi in about 5 minutes! Have a drink of soup ... it's so strong! And the soup is hot! It's delicious, but after all it's tonkotsu (pork bones)? But it's hot and full of lard There is fishmeal in it, is this okay? Next, I will come to eat the white circle. 2022/02/10 I want to eat tonkotsu ramen for the first time in a long time Parking lot 5 minutes after opening ... It's quite crowded ... Once inside, there are many people in front of the ticketing machine ... For the time being, the usual Tonkotsu ramen ticket issued with a large serving of spare balls Take a seat at the counter and order at Balikata ... the ramen of the person who came later comes out first ... I haven't come even after waiting 10 minutes I haven't come even after waiting for 15 minutes ... waited 20 minutes and finally came ... Was it forgotten? For the time being, let's eat! After all it is delicious ... If you're late, feel free to explain why Well, ramen is delicious Do you forgive

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