Shibasaki Kasen Park - Gojo

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shibasaki Kasen Park

住所 :

Takicho, Gojo, Nara 637-0024, Japan

Postal code : 637-0024

Takicho, Gojo, Nara 637-0024, Japan
倉田広勝 on Google

エメラルドグリーンの川 近づいたら、真っ透明な川 素晴らしい渓谷! 一部、マナーの悪い方のゴミがヒドイ、、、 あの美しい渓谷をもっと地元の観光で生かすべきです!みごと!
Emerald green river When approaching, a clear river Great valley! Some of the garbage with bad manners is terrible ... You should make the most of that beautiful valley for more local tourism! Great!
シロくま on Google

I happened to see it during solo touring. It was very nice to have a toilet and a vending machine. However, a lot of garbage had fallen, probably because there were many people who did BBQ near the river.
鹿男 on Google

屋根付きの無料休憩所が有ります。 又自動販売機も有りますので水分補給も出来ます
There is a free covered rest area. There is also a vending machine so you can rehydrate.
魯肉飯スープ付き on Google

最高に良いロケーション。 東屋に座って川を眺めるだけで癒やされます。 駐車場がなんと無料。 以下スポットの評価ではない内容です そこら中にに炭が放置されてます。 炭は木由来ですが自然に土に帰りません。しかも砂地に捨ててあるので混じってしまって撤去しにくいのなんの。 ザルなんかを持ってなかったので大きいかけらだけ回収しました。 ペグ打てなさそうな岩場には重しに使ったと思われる砂の入った1.5ペットボトルもが放置。 果ては着火剤を岩の上で燃やしたんでしょう。焼けたビニルのようなものが岩にこびりついてる始末。 キャンプするならちゃんとしましょうよ。 ゴミは持ち帰りましょう。
The best location. You can be healed just by sitting in the eastern house and looking at the river. The parking lot is free! The following is not a spot evaluation Charcoal is left everywhere. Charcoal is derived from wood but does not naturally return to the soil. What's more, it's thrown away in the sand, so it's mixed and difficult to remove. I didn't have a colander, so I collected only a large piece. A 1.5 PET bottle containing sand, which seems to have been used as a weight, was left in the rocky area where it was unlikely to be pegged. In the end, I think I burned the ignition agent on the rock. The disposition of something like burnt vinyl sticking to the rock. If you want to camp, let's do it properly. Let's take the trash home.
西村康司 on Google

モンベルさんのラフティングコースでもあり、魚もたくさんとれるし、飛び込みもできます。安全のために必ず、ライフジャケット等着用で! 2017年0716また来ました。今年は水量が少なくなってましたが、飛び込みも初心者、中級、上級、クレイジーレベル向けの場所は健在でした。 あと流れがほとんど無く、浅い場所もあるので小さいお子様も大丈夫です。バーベキューもできますがゴミの処理は必ずお願いします。 みんなで綺麗に使えば、素晴らしい場所になります、
It is also a rafting course of Montbell, where you can catch a lot of fish and jump in. Always wear a life jacket for safety! 20170716 came again. This year the water level was low, but the dives were alive for beginners, intermediate, advanced and crazy levels. There is almost no back flow, and there are shallow places so small children are OK. You can have a barbecue, but please be sure to handle garbage. If you use it beautifully, it will be a wonderful place,
雲外蒼天123 on Google

I could see the toilet, so I stopped by. You can't see it from the road, but you can see a good view of the Yoshino River on the other side. Moreover, it has a staircase shape so you can sit down and hang out.
Ajay Pandey on Google

Great view
Amit kandwal on Google

Beautifull place!

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