(社)日本能率協会 JMAマネジメントスクール

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (社)日本能率協会 JMAマネジメントスクール

住所 :

Shibakoen, Minato City, 〒105-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Tokyo

Shibakoen, Minato City, 〒105-0011 Tokyo,Japan
Akinori Kurachi on Google

t able on Google

ikimasuka 1990 on Google

Passionate training
Tomoya Tanaka on Google

会社の研修で度々行きます 研修後の、港区スナップことばっかり考えてしまうけど?
I often go to company training After the training, I just think about Minato-ku snaps ?
walker kyoto on Google

駅から遠い… 研修は講師によりけりって感じでしょうか。
Far from the station ... Do you feel that the training is done by the instructor?
YN nomuzico on Google

The building and internal facilities are shiny, probably because the number of days after construction is still short. The meal (lunch on the day) was the worst, but other than that, it was a really beautiful training center.
空也 on Google

研修でお世話になりました。 建物内はきれいで、設備もよかった。 行きは御成門駅から徒歩数分。 帰りは神谷町駅を利用したが、かなり急な下り坂道。 神谷町駅から向かうなら、時間に余裕をもった方がいいと感じた。 お昼はコンビニに行こかと思っていたら、 地下1階でお弁当が売っていた。 平日11時15分~13時までで、売り切れたら終わりらしい。 和食・洋食・中華・アジアン・カレーと多種多様だった。 食べるスペースも同階にあり、お弁当を購入後、 電子レンジも利用できて、とても便利だった。 某コンビニのスイーツやおにぎりの自動販売機もあり、 外出せずにお昼休憩を満喫できた。 建物脇『都立芝公園』の桜が満開で、ちょっとしたお花見気分を味わえた。
Thank you for your help during the training. The inside of the building was clean and the facilities were good. A few minutes walk from Onarimon Station. I used Kamiyacho Station on the way back, but it was a fairly steep downhill road. If you are heading from Kamiyacho Station, I felt that you should have plenty of time. If you were thinking of going to a convenience store for lunch, Lunch boxes were sold on the first basement floor. It's from 11:15 to 13:00 on weekdays, and it seems to be over when it's sold out. There was a wide variety of Japanese, Western, Chinese, Asian, and curry. There is also a space to eat on the same floor, so after purchasing a bento, A microwave was also available, which was very convenient. There are also vending machines for sweets and rice balls at a certain convenience store. I was able to enjoy the lunch break without going out. The cherry blossoms in "Metropolitan Shiba Park" beside the building were in full bloom, and I could enjoy a little cherry blossom viewing.
平井真弓 on Google

It is a new building and is located in a convenient place.

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