
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アネシス整体院

住所 :

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://anesis-kotsuban.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan
田中大貴 on Google

膝の痛みの原因をとてもわかりやすくご説明して頂きました。 どのくらい通院すればいいのかも詳しく教えて頂き、今では歩く時の痛みがなくなりました! 教えて頂いたストレッチも毎日続けています!
He explained the cause of knee pain in a very easy-to-understand manner. He told me in detail how long I should go to the hospital, and now I have no pain when walking! I continue to stretch every day!
竹内沙希子 on Google

I went to the hospital because of back pain. I had a pain when I started to ride my bicycle, but it got better every time I received the treatment. If it gets hot again, please! !!
太田靖士 on Google

最初は膝の調子が悪くお世話になりましたが、他の肩や腰まで治してもらいました。 ゴルフがちゃんとできるようになればと思って通いましたが、今ではすっかりできるようになりました。 また、調子が悪くなることがあればお願いしたいと思ってます。
At first, my knees weren't feeling well and I was taken care of, but I had my other shoulders and hips healed. I went there hoping that I could play golf properly, but now I can play golf completely. Also, I would like to ask if something goes wrong.
jam mon on Google

左膝の痛みがひどくて、去年の10月から通院していました。痛みを取るだけではなく根本の原因を丁寧に説明してくださって、半年間通った結果症状が治りました。 これからはメンテナンスで月に一回ぐらい診てもらおうとかなと思います。
I had a severe pain in my left knee and have been going to the hospital since October last year. Not only did he get rid of the pain, but he explained the root cause carefully, and after six months, his symptoms were cured. From now on, I'd like to have you see me about once a month for maintenance.
加藤健太 on Google

医療系学校の教員です。 知り合いから紹介して頂き、施術を行って貰いました。 結論から言えば、腰痛が全然無くなり、趣味の柔道を思う存分行える様になりました! とても楽になり嬉しかったのですが、施術して頂いた先生も自分の事かの様に喜んでもらいました! 先生含め整骨院の雰囲気がとても良く、最初の問診の際もとても親身に話しやすいように聞いてくださり、とても丁寧だなと思いました。 今後もお世話になろうと思っています!
I am a teacher of a medical school. I got an introduction from an acquaintance and got a treatment. In conclusion, my back pain has disappeared, and I can play judo as my hobby! It was so easy and I was happy, but the teacher who had the surgery made me happy as if I were myself! The atmosphere of the osteopathic clinic including the teacher was very good, and I heard that it was very polite to listen to me in the first interview so that I could talk to myself very easily. I will continue to take care of you!
N K on Google

友人に紹介され通い始めました。毎回身体が軽くなります。 丁寧な施術でストレッチや日々の生活の癖なども教えてくださるので本当に助かります。 かなりおすすめの整骨院です!!
I was introduced to a friend and started going. I feel lighter every time. It is really helpful because the careful treatment will teach you about stretching and daily life habits. This is a highly recommended osteopathic clinic! !!
Y絢乃 on Google

After giving birth, the pain in my body, especially in the pelvis, was so severe that it was difficult to even sleep, but the pain was alleviated with just one treatment! totally different! !! I enjoyed talking with Miwa-sensei during the treatment, and I was able to refresh not only my body but also my mind.
aya mitumori on Google

腰と膝の痛み、生理痛が酷いと相談しました。全身の施術で腰と膝の痛みが和らぎ、生理痛に関係する?腰の痛みも和らぎました。 毎回生理痛が重いのですが、次回少し軽くなってると嬉しいです。 先生は悩みを親身に聞いてくれて的確なアドバイスをいただけます。 話しやすく安心できる女性の院長でおすすめです。
I consulted that my back and knee pain and menstrual pain were severe. Is the whole body treatment relieving pain in the lower back and knees and related to menstrual pain? The pain in my lower back has also eased. My period pain is heavy every time, but I hope it will be a little lighter next time. The teacher will listen to your worries and give you accurate advice. Recommended for female directors who are easy to talk to and feel at ease.

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