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Contact 東薬局

住所 :

Shiba, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0866 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Saitama

Shiba, Kawaguchi, 〒333-0866 Saitama,Japan
大空ユリカ on Google

最低最悪。 仕事関連で息苦しく心療内科だけではにっちもさっちも行かなかった時に訪ねてみたところ、まずは生活習慣が良くない貴方のせいだと説教を食らい、次にその習慣を変えないなら薬は出せないと言われた。 そんなのこっちから願い下げだと怒鳴り返したかったがそんな気力もなかったのでとりあえずハイハイ言って三日分だけ貰って以来行っていない。 貰った薬は正直効いたが毎回あの説教を聞くのは悪化しそう。
Worst worst. When I visited when I was suffocating with work and couldn't go to the psychosomatic medicine department alone, I was told that it was because of you who had a bad lifestyle, and then I couldn't give medicine unless I changed that habit. I wanted to yell at him from here, but I didn't have the energy to do so, so I said hi-hi for the time being and haven't been there since I got three days' worth. The medicine I received worked honestly, but listening to that sermon every time seems to get worse.
竹日 on Google

これほど的確に弁証論治する先生には滅多に出会えないと思います。 大きな病院でMRIをとって専門の先生に診てもらっても「わからない」と言われて途方に暮れたときも、こちらにお世話になりました。 東薬局で処方してもらった薬を飲んだら、翌日にはかなり改善して楽になりました。 薬をくれるだけではなく、生活上の注意点もしっかりとアドバイスしてくれます。病気に対して一時的に対処するのではなく、根本から治したいという熱意を持っている先生です。
I think that I rarely meet a teacher who cures the defence so accurately. Even when I was at a loss when I was at a loss when I was told that I didn't understand even if I took an MRI at a large hospital and consulted a specialist teacher, I was taken care of. After taking the medicine prescribed by the East Pharmacy, the next day it improved considerably and became easier. Not only will they give you medicine, but they will also give you advice on what to look out for in your daily life. He is a teacher who has the enthusiasm to cure the illness from the ground up rather than dealing with it temporarily.

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