サブスクセルフエステサロンshare(シェア) 大阪 京橋

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact サブスクセルフエステサロンshare(シェア) 大阪 京橋

住所 :

Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Webサイト : http://share-osk.com/
街 : Osaka

Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0024 Osaka,Japan
大森智樹 on Google

wakame chan on Google

数ヶ月通っています。 お店の雰囲気がとても良いです! 通う前に比べて効果が出てると思います。
I've been there for a few months. The atmosphere of the shop is very good! I think it is more effective than before I went there.
YURI NAKA on Google

少し久しぶりのセルフエステだったので、とても楽しみにしていました!やはり、効果がすぐ実感できるのが素晴らしいです!まず来た時と、肌の艶が違いました!嬉しいです^_^ 機械の使い方にむいても、久しぶりで忘れてしまっていましたが、オーナーさんがわかりやすくまた教えてくださり、すぐ思い出しました! いつもありがとうございます♪
It's been a while since I had a self-esthetic treatment, so I was really looking forward to it! After all, it is wonderful that you can feel the effect immediately! The gloss of the skin was different from when I first came! I'm happy ^ _ ^ I had forgotten how to use the machine for the first time in a while, but the owner taught me again in an easy-to-understand manner, and I immediately remembered it! Thank you always ♪
A T on Google

京橋に移転する前から通わせてもらってます。私はフェイシャルのコースを利用させてもらってます!普段は働きながら子育てしてる事もあり、中々自分のケアに時間がかけれないんですが、こちらのサロンは短い時間でケアができる事、定額制なのでお財布にも優しく続けられてます。 スタッフの方も笑顔が素敵な方なので気負いせずにお話もできます。移転された京橋のサロンはとても清潔感があり、コロナ対策もしっかりされてますのでより安心して通わせ頂いてます!サロン内の雰囲気もピンクっぽくって可愛らしくて綺麗です!機械も毎回綺麗にされてますので衛生面も安心かと思います。使い方を忘れてしまったりしたら気軽に聞けるのでそちらも有難いです。自分のペースで続けられますし、駅からも近いので場所も便利と思います!
I have been attending before moving to Kyobashi. I am taking a facial course! I usually take care of myself while working and raising children, so I can't take time to take care of myself, but this salon can take care of me in a short time, and since it is a flat rate system, I can continue to be kind to my wallet. The staff also have a nice smile, so you can talk without worrying about it. The relocated Kyobashi salon is very clean and has good corona measures, so I can go there with more peace of mind! The atmosphere inside the salon is also pinkish, cute and beautiful! The machine is also cleaned every time, so I think it is safe for hygiene. If you forget how to use it, you can feel free to ask it, so I'm grateful for that too. You can continue at your own pace, and the location is convenient because it is close to the station!
あい on Google

移転前から通い始めて1年経ちました。 年齢とともに肌荒れがひどくなり赤み湿疹が出来て化粧も出来ませんでした。色々試したものの効果がなく、こちらのフェイシャルエステに通い始めました。 エステは初めてでしたが、スタッフの方は優しく丁寧に教えて下さったので分かりやすかったです。 通い始めて3か月ほどで、肌が改善され荒れることもなくなり、化粧が出来る様になりました! さらに嬉しいことにトーンアップ、リフトアップもされていいことづくしです(^^) セルフエステなので、顔の肌の調子がいい時は、脱毛をしたり、キャビテーションで気になる二の腕や太ももを引き締めたりと、自分の好きなように出来ることが嬉しいです。 無理な勧誘もなく定額で安心して通えます!
It's been a year since I started going there before I moved. As I got older, my skin became rough and I had redness and eczema, and I couldn't even make up. I tried various things, but it didn't work, so I started going to this facial beauty treatment salon. It was my first time to have a beauty treatment salon, but the staff taught me kindly and politely, so it was easy to understand. About 3 months after I started going to school, my skin improved and I didn't get rough, and I was able to make up! Even better, it's nice to be able to tone up and lift up (^^) It's a self-esthetic, so when the skin on my face is in good condition, I'm happy that I can do whatever I want, such as removing hair and tightening my upper arms and thighs, which I care about with cavitation. You can go with peace of mind for a fixed amount without unreasonable solicitation!
Rogers Nozomi on Google

I used it for a facial. I was surprised that my skin lifted up so that I could see the change while I was doing one face! I was happy that the pores on my nose and cheeks that I was worried about became less noticeable! I've had a lot of stiff shoulders lately, but I'm glad that my shoulders are lighter because I hit the machine on my nape and shoulders!
T K on Google

遅くまで営業していて、仕事終わりでも通えるエステを探していました。京橋に20時でも開いてるお店は少なく、見つけたお店がこちらでした。セルフエステは初めてで、いろいろ不安でしたが入り口が可愛く個室は上品で落ち着いた雰囲気で安心しました。気になるお尻や太ももを見られるのが恥ずかしくてエステ通いは躊躇していましたがセルフなのでそのストレスもありませんでした。ダイエットがきっかけでしたが、フェイシャルや脱毛もやっていきたいです。スタッフの方も丁寧で安心して気になる事も聞けました。 金額も追加料金もなく良心的です。 理想のお店に出会えて良かったです。
I was looking for an esthetic salon that was open until late and I could go there even after work. There are few shops in Kyobashi that are open even at 20:00, and the one I found was here. It was my first time to do self-esthetic treatment, and I was worried about it, but I was relieved that the entrance was cute and the private room had an elegant and calm atmosphere. I was embarrassed to see the buttocks and thighs that I was worried about, so I hesitated to go to the beauty salon, but I was self-sufficient, so I didn't have that stress. I was on a diet, but I also want to do facials and hair removal. I also heard that the staff were polite and worried about it. It is conscientious with no amount or additional charge. It was good to meet the ideal shop.
mai kws on Google

I have been refraining from taking care of it at home recently, but I was looking for an esthetic salon that can remove hair and bust up, which is difficult for self-care. I found this self-esthetic when I thought about giving up because every shop has to set up a course and the fee for one treatment is high. The experience taught me how to use the machine carefully, so I feel like I can do it alone. The Nagahori Tsurumi Ryokuchi Line can be reached, so it was convenient for me as well!

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