Shanti Yoga Japan - Shinagawa City

5/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Shanti Yoga Japan

住所 :

Japan, 〒140-0011 Tokyo, Shinagawa City, Higashioi, 2 Chome−16−5 東ハウス4-A Shanti Yoga Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Higashioi

Japan, 〒140-0011 Tokyo, Shinagawa City, Higashioi, 2 Chome−16−5 東ハウス4-A Shanti Yoga Japan
_F Y on Google

I go personally as part of my freediving training. The teacher is a real professional! It also suits your special needs. Also recommended for men.
カズ on Google

ヨガ未経験で緊張しながらも、初めて伺わせて頂いたのですが、ポーズ一つ一つ丁寧かつ的確に御説明して頂き、初心者でも無理なく安心して取り組む事ができました! ヨガ発祥のインドへ武者修行をされ、ヨガ歴15年という経歴の中、大使館へ出向かれていたご経験や、医学に基づいたメディカルヨガインストラクターの養成講師など幅広く活動されているので、それ相応の説得力、技量、信念度でした! 身体の柔軟性を上げ、ストレスリリースし日々の生産性を上げていきたいので、今後もよろしくお願いします!
Although I was nervous because I had no experience in yoga, I was able to visit for the first time, but I was able to explain each pose carefully and accurately, and even beginners could work comfortably and with peace of mind! He trained as a warrior in India, the birthplace of yoga, and has 15 years of yoga experience. He has been sent to the embassy and is widely active as a training instructor for medical yoga instructors based on medicine. It was convincing, skill, and belief! I want to increase my physical flexibility, release stress, and increase my daily productivity, so I look forward to working with you in the future!
好美 on Google

極少人数なのでほぼほぼプライベートレッスンです。その日の状態に合わせてくださり、今回は股関節スペシャルでした。最後のダウンドッグでいつも着かない踵が床にぺたりと着き、ポーズが楽に出来て感動! 先生のリードと音楽が心地良く、たっぷり90分間、心身にスペースを作りながら(先生の受け売り)ゆったりほぐれてゆき、シャバアーサナでは極上のリラックスを味わえます。帰り路にはいつもより元気になってるレッスンです。
Since it is a very small number of people, it is almost a private lesson. It was a hip joint special this time because it matched the condition of the day. The heel that I don't always wear at the last down dog touches the floor, making it easy to pose and impressed! The teacher's lead and music are comfortable, and you can relax and unwind for 90 minutes while creating space in your mind and body (teacher's sales), and you can enjoy the best relaxation at Shaba Asana. On the way back, it's a lesson that makes me feel better than usual.
cutback on Google

40代の男性です。 1年前から妻と2人でこちらのShanti Yoga Japanさんのヨガレッスンを週1で受けてます。 先生1人と私達夫婦2人だけのレッスンに対応していただけるため、体調のヒヤリングからはじまり、不調な箇所に合わせてレッスンメニューを調整してくれます。 それにより終わった後はピンポイントで不調な箇所が回復するのが実感できます。 また細かい体調の質問にも丁寧に回答していただけるので、体の知識も身につきます。 男性でヨガに興味があるけど踏み出せない… 大人数でのレッスンが抵抗ある… 私達のように夫婦2人でヨガをやりたい! ような方にはShanti Yoga Japanさんのレッスンを是非おすすめします!
A man in his 40s. Since a year ago, my wife and I have been taking this yoga lesson by Shanti Yoga Japan once a week. Since we can handle lessons for only one teacher and two of us, we will adjust the lesson menu according to the part that is not good, starting from hearing the physical condition. After that, you can feel the pinpoint recovery of the malfunctioning part. In addition, you will be able to answer detailed physical condition questions carefully, so you will acquire physical knowledge. I'm a man and I'm interested in yoga, but I can't step forward ... I'm reluctant to take lessons with a large number of people ... I want to do yoga with two couples like us! I highly recommend Shanti Yoga Japan's lessons for those who like it!
tsutsui keitty on Google

We meet as a yoga teacher training instructor and ask for personal yoga from a fun and soft impression and a background of abundant overseas experience. Guidance, reasonable adjustment, and attitude to work together on issues. The teacher is a very warm and giving person. I'm always learning a lot.
Mai -S- on Google

I have been taking private lessons once a week with my husband for a year. My job was to take measures against low back pain and to improve my husband's autonomic nerves for the first time in my life. The width of the yoga is widening and I am enjoying it.
lkartono on Google

I started my Yoga journey in Japan 2 years ago after I've met Mitsue. As of now, I'm no longer in Japan but still take online classes with her once a week. Not only is she an amazing and patient Yoga teacher, she's also a wonderful human being that I'm proud of knowing. Highly recommended ✨

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