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Contact 福岡城跡

住所 :

Setouchi, 〒701-4265 Okayama,Japan

街 : Okayama

Setouchi, 〒701-4265 Okayama,Japan
落下物 on Google

伊勢誠也 on Google

barbernoi on Google

上田豊 on Google

The first place I was surprised.
五郎八 on Google

文明15年(1483年)赤松氏の被官で金川城主の松田元成が反旗を翻し 浦上則国2000が守る福岡城を松田氏 山名氏連合軍6000で攻めること五十日余り籠城戦の末 攻め落とした有名な合戦が有りました いわゆる福岡合戦です
15th year of civilization (1483) Akamatsu's servant and Kanagawa castle owner, Motonari Matsuda, rebelled against Fukuoka Castle, which is protected by Norikuni Urakami 2000. There was a famous battle that was attacked at the end of the battle, the so-called Fukuoka battle.
溝渕利勝 on Google

I am using it for a walk in the morning and evening. It's a great place to take a sunset view.
ラガシュラルサ on Google

石碑があります。 小高くなった所に朽ちかけた神社が建っています。 備前大橋側のサッカーグラウンドあたりから河川敷に降り、川側の砂利道を進むルートを推奨します。車でも可。 ゴルフ場の中を通る一般道を行くルートもありますが、プレイ中だと危険なので非推奨です。
There is a stone monument. A decaying shrine is built in a slightly elevated place. We recommend a route that descends from the soccer ground on the Bizen Ohashi side to the riverbed and follows the gravel road on the river side. You can also use a car. There is also a route that goes on a general road that goes through the golf course, but it is not recommended because it is dangerous while playing.
島猫 on Google

吉井川河川敷長船カントリークラブ内にあります 鎌倉時代末期の築城との事で戦国時代大永年間に洪水で流され廃城になったそうです 山頂部に稲荷神社が鎮座し麓には福岡城跡の石柱と渋染一揆結集の地の石碑、説明板があるのみです 曲輪跡らしき遺構はありますが城との関連は分かりません そもそもこの丘が福岡城であるという確実な資料は無いらしく推定地との事です 観応の擾乱といわれる室町幕府の内乱で室町幕府初代将軍足利尊氏が息子の足利直冬を攻める途中に逗留した城でもあるそうですよ
Located in the Yoshii River riverbed Osafune Country Club It is said that the castle was built at the end of the Kamakura period and was washed away by the flood during the Daiei period during the Warring States period and was abandoned. Inari Shrine is enshrined at the top of the mountain, and at the foot of the mountain there is only a stone pillar of the ruins of Fukuoka Castle, a stone monument of the place where Shibusome Ikki gathered, and an explanation board. There is a remains that seems to be a Kuruwa trace, but I do not know the relationship with the castle In the first place, there seems to be no reliable data that this hill is Fukuoka Castle, so it is an estimated place. It is said that it is also a castle where Takauji Ashikaga, the first shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, stayed while attacking his son Ashikaga Tadafu due to the disturbance of the Muromachi Shogunate, which is said to be a disturbance of the sensation.

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