Setagaya Kuritsu Kamiuma Park - Setagaya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Setagaya Kuritsu Kamiuma Park

住所 :

1 Chome-20-6 Kamiuma, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan

Postal code : 154-0011

1 Chome-20-6 Kamiuma, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0011, Japan
Kayoko Takahashi on Google

通勤途中に毎日通過してます。時々ベンチで休憩。 きょうはお腹が痛くなって、近くに借りられるトイレがなくて、ここ和式だしなあ、、と躊躇していたのですが、毎日清掃していただいていて古いけど清潔でした。ありがたかったです。
I pass every day on my way to work. Sometimes take a break on the bench. I had a stomachache today, and there was no toilet available nearby, and I was deceiving that it was Japanese-style, but I was cleaned every day and it was old but clean. Thank you very much.
三島豊数 on Google

It was dusty due to strong winds, but I think it is a good park that is compact and has a toilet. Although it is a small park, there are three entrances and exits.
鈴木。 on Google

The park is dangerous with many obstacles such as narrow stairs (many children in spite of being narrow) and slightly short slopes (many children who get caught on the edge of the stairs and fall) and round flower beds. Also, the homeless are settled in, and in the spring, the homeless are sleeping at the end where the children are playing.
酒井貴之 on Google

It is located in a quiet residential area. There is also a toilet, which is useful in an emergency ~, you can feel relaxed when the nearby nursery school children come for a walk ~
shinya yamaguchi on Google

住宅街の中にある、こじんまりとした公園です。 周りは緑に囲まれていますし、公衆トイレもあります。 目の前の道が三軒茶屋への抜け道でもあるのでタクシーなどの交通量はそこそこありますが、近所の子供さんたちが普通に遊べる場所ですから、今では貴重なことかもしれません。 一応ブランコと鉄棒程度の遊具はありますが、まあそこは過剰な期待はしないように。 でもまだよちよち歩きのベビーから、元気な小学生までが楽しめる空間だと思います。 少し三軒茶屋方面に移動すればコンビニもあるので、利用されてみてはいかがでしょうか。
A small park in a residential area. Surrounded by greenery, there is also a public toilet. There is a fair amount of traffic such as taxis because the road in front of you is also a way to Sangenjaya, but it is a valuable place for children in the neighborhood to play normally. There are swings and horizontal bars for playground equipment, but don't expect too much. But I think it's a space that can be enjoyed by toddlers and active elementary school students. There is a convenience store if you move a little towards Sangenjaya, so why not try it?
Tadashi Ajisaka (mr-gon) on Google

三軒茶屋駅から徒歩で10分強の場所で、閑静な住宅街にある。特徴はV字型の滑り台です。「上馬」の由来は源頼朝がこの土地を通った時に蛇崩の激しい沢筋にさしかかったところ、突然 頼朝の乗った馬が暴れだして沢の深みに落ちて死んだことから、馬には乗らず引くようになったとか。また、この界隈は馬引沢村と呼ばれていた。トイレ有り。
It is a little over 10 minutes on foot from Sangenjaya Station, in a quiet residential area. The feature is a V-shaped slide. The origin of "Kama" is that when Minamoto no Yoritomo passed through this land, when it approached a stream of severe landslides, the horse that Yoritomo rided suddenly rampaged and fell into the depths of the river and died. It seems that you can pull without riding. Also, this neighborhood was called Mabikizawa Village. There is a toilet.
Nikon HONDA on Google

なかなか高い滑り台。補助なしブランコ2台。 公衆トイレにベンチ。以上!遊べ!って感じの公園なのに、木や遊具の配置が絶妙に悪く、よし広い!走り回るぞ!って感じの公園ではない。が、基本的に子供は何人かいつもいるし、危ない!とか汚ねっ!と思った事も無い。なんか落ち着く感じ。派手さが無いから、逆にゆったり過ごせる。1-3歳の子供にはちょうどいい。それでいいんや。
A fairly high slide. Two swings without assistance. Bench in a public toilet. that's all! Play! Even though it's a park like that, the arrangement of trees and playset is exquisitely bad, and it's wide! I'll run around! It's not a park like that. But basically, I always have some kids and it's dangerous! It's dirty! I never thought. It feels calm. It's not flashy, so you can spend a relaxing time. Just right for kids 1-3 years old. That's fine.
JM ! on Google

Nice place. I wish I could live around...

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