Setagaya Driving School - Setagaya City

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Setagaya Driving School

住所 :

1 Chome-14-14 Kasuya, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 157-0063
Webサイト :

1 Chome-14-14 Kasuya, Setagaya City, Tokyo 157-0063, Japan
匠の箱きせつとこうげい on Google

自分は社会人(40歳)だったので、教習所通いと仕事の予定を両立させるのが大変でした。 技能予約は、時期が悪かったのか(コロナの緊急事態宣言後)、なかなか取れなくてスマホで1時間ごとにチェックするくらいでやっと取れる感じでした。 夜のシステムの更新のタイミングが空きが出やすいです。 キャンセル待ちは使えます。午前早い時間だと意外とキャンセルあります。 PASMOをタッチするだけなので簡単ですし、学科に来たついでによく使ってました。 効果測定や学科試験の対策には、スマホ版のMUSASHIが非常に有効でした。 自分は効果測定で一度落ちましたが、MUSASHIで1時間勉強したら通過できました。 免許取った今でもたまに勉強してます。 技能は、初めての時にガチガチに緊張してましたが、面白い指導員の人に当たって楽しくできました。 指導員は毎回異なる人ですが、素晴らしい指導員の人が多かったです。 雑談をする余裕は自分にはなかったですが、コース指示に「はい。左ですね。右ですね。」と答えれば車の雰囲気も良くなって運転しやすいと思います。 記憶に残っている指導は「車の運転は時にマイペースでもいい」「セーフティーな運転がかっこいい運転」。 本免の直前の教習で「もう買う車決まってるんですか?」と言ってもらえたのが嬉しかった。 教習の期間なんて終わってしまえばあっという間です。 車に乗れると世界がまったく変わりますよ。
Since I was a member of society (40 years old), it was difficult to balance my work schedule with going to a driving school. Perhaps it wasn't the right time to make a skill reservation (after Corona's state of emergency was declared), I couldn't get it easily, and I could finally get it by checking it on my smartphone every hour. It is easy to get a vacancy when updating the system at night. You can use waiting for cancellation. There is a surprising cancellation early in the morning. It's easy because I just touch PASMO, and I often used it when I came to the department. The smartphone version of MUSASHI was extremely effective in measuring the effects and preparing for the department test. I failed once in the effect measurement, but after studying for 1 hour at MUSASHI, I was able to pass. Even now that I have a driver's license, I still study occasionally. I was nervous about my skills for the first time, but I enjoyed being an interesting instructor. The instructors are different each time, but there were many wonderful instructors. I couldn't afford to chat, but if I answered "Yes, left, right," to the course instructions, the atmosphere of the car would improve and it would be easier to drive. The memorable guidance is "Driving at your own pace is sometimes acceptable" and "Safe driving is cool". I was glad that the lesson just before this exemption asked me, "Have you decided which car to buy?" Once the training period is over, it's quick. The world changes completely when you get in a car.
ocha neko on Google

大型二輪免許を取得するために通っています。 コロナ禍により四輪は予約を取るのも大変なようですが、大型二輪は予約に困ることは無いです。 教官の質は一般的な自動車学校といった感じです。 プロテクター入りの持参バイクウェアで教習を受けさせてくれるのには非常に助かっています。 2021年5月時点での教習車は1段階がゼファー750、2段階がNC750です。 施設は今まで通ったことのある上〇沢自動車学校より遥かに綺麗でした。
I go to get a large two-wheeled license. It seems difficult to make a reservation for four wheels due to the corona disaster, but there is no problem with making a reservation for large two wheels. The quality of the instructor is like a general driving school. It is very helpful for me to be trained with my own bike wear with a protector. As of May 2021, the first stage of the training vehicle is Zephyr 750 and the second stage is NC750. The facility was much cleaner than the Kami-Ozawa Driving School I had attended.
金谷仁孝 on Google

I visited for the first time on the shuttle bus and experienced a lecture and a hands-on drive. I was very satisfied with the instructor's easy-to-understand explanation and the actual flow systematically.
s y on Google

入校はやめたほうが良いです。 社会人としてありえない言葉遣いや振る舞いをとる人が多数います。受付の人間は特に仕事に対しての責任感がありません。どこから自分たちの給料が発生しているのか考えたほうがいい。
You had better stop entering the school. There are many people who use words and behaviors that are impossible as a member of society. The person at the reception is not particularly responsible for the work. You should think about where your salary comes from.
鈴木一整 on Google

私は、66年前この自動車学校で、免許を取得しました。当時は受講者も多く、教習車も沢山動いていましたが、今日は、高齢者講習で、久し振りに来ましたが、受講者も少なく、教習車も余り動いていませんでした。人口が減っているんだなぁと、しみじみ感じる一時でした。頑張れ 世田谷自動車学校‼️
I got a license at this driving school 66 years ago. At that time, there were many participants and many training cars were moving, but today, I came here for the first time in a long time for the elderly training, but there were few participants and the training cars were not moving very much. It was a time when I felt that the population was declining. Good luck Setagaya Driving School! ️
河合良樹 on Google

50数年ぶりの自動車教習所。 高齢者講習を受講してきました。 内容は簡単な講習と動体視力検査、教習所コース走行でした。 待合室には70歳以上の我々以外は若い人ばかりで、ちょっと照れくさかったが、教習所の対応は良かった。
Driving school for the first time in more than 50 years. I have taken a course for the elderly. The contents were a simple course, a dynamic visual acuity test, and a driving school course. There were only young people in the waiting room except us who were over 70 years old, and it was a little embarrassing, but the driving school responded well.
N on Google

基本的にほとんど全員が横柄で不愉快。それは大前提として、太った白髪のオバサン教官の態度が特に酷かった。全てにおいて嫌味かつ意味もなくダラダラと長く返してくるだけなので会話の意味がない。教えられるというより常に怒られている感じ。それなのに無駄に質問させてくる。こっちは運転ができないから、できるようになりたいから、大金払って通ってるんだけど? 事務受付も、電話対応さえまともにできない横柄な人間だらけ。何もしなくとも人が押し寄せてくるからいいと思ってるんだろうが、基本的なマナーさえなっていない。新規の問い合わせ者がおそらく校舎の予約状況を確認していた際に対応を聞いていたが、完全にキレ口調で予約はいっぱいなんで!と言っていて引いた。普通、新規顧客になるかもしれない人が問い合わせしてきたら「ありがとう」という立場でしょ… バスの運転手の方々や来校した時に出迎えてくれるおじさまたちはとっても優しくて良い人でした。 しかしここに書ききれないほど不愉快なことが多すぎたので二度と行きたくないし、友人知人にも絶対行かない方がいいと伝えます。
Basically almost everyone is arrogant and unpleasant. As a major premise, the attitude of the fat white-haired instructor Obasan was particularly terrible. There is no point in conversation because everything is sarcastic and meaningless, and it just returns for a long time. I feel always angry rather than being taught. Even so, it makes me ask questions in vain. I can't drive here, I want to be able to do it, so I'm paying a lot of money to go there? The office reception is full of arrogant people who can't even answer the phone. I think it's okay because people come in without doing anything, but it doesn't even have basic etiquette. A new inquirer was probably asking for a response when he was checking the reservation status of the school building, but the tone was completely sharp and the reservations were full! I said and pulled it. Normally, when someone who might become a new customer makes an inquiry, they say "Thank you" ... The bus drivers and the uncles who welcomed me when I came to school were very kind and nice people. However, there were so many unpleasant things that I couldn't write here, so I don't want to go there again, and I tell my friends and acquaintances that I should never go.
じゅんじゅん on Google

もし一発で大型バイク免許取ろうと思っている方は おすすめしません、混んでて検定受けられるのは 月に一度合格するまで半年以上かかります。 私は5回挑戦しましたが納車が早まったので途中から世田谷自動車学校に通いました。約1ヶ月で大型バイク免許所得しました。指導員の方皆さん親切丁寧教えてくれます。入口に入るおじいちゃんは本当に優しく案内してくれます。バイクは少し古いけど検定用は状態のいいバイクを提供してくれます。 予約の取り方では2週間ぐらいで大型バイク免許を所得する事ができます。その他改めて勉強になる事もあります。世田谷自動車学校いい教習所です。
If you are thinking of getting a large motorcycle license in one shot I don't recommend it, it's crowded and you can take the test It takes more than half a year to pass once a month. I tried 5 times, but the delivery was quick, so I went to Setagaya Driving School from the middle. I got a large motorcycle license in about a month. All the instructors will teach you kindly and politely. The grandpa who enters the entrance will guide you really kindly. The bike is a bit old, but it provides a good bike for certification. By making a reservation, you can earn a large motorcycle license in about two weeks. In addition, I may study again. Setagaya Driving School is a good driving school.

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