和なり屋 本店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和なり屋 本店

住所 :

Senzoku, Taito City, 〒111-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://wanariya.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo
Description : Japanese-modern shop & studio for hand-dyed & hand- weaved Edo-indigo apparel & goods, & workshops

Senzoku, Taito City, 〒111-0031 Tokyo,Japan
やみさくら on Google

何度か体験させて頂きました。 とても気さくで良いスタッフさんです。 おすすめですよ。
I experienced it several times. It is a very friendly and good staff. It is recommended.
桜ルリ on Google

藍染め体験をしてきました。 とても楽しかったです。 もっといろんな物に藍染したいですね! キレイな色と模様に仕上がりました! 説明も丁寧でわかりやすく大変楽しかったです。
I have had an indigo dyeing experience. It was a lot of fun. I want to dye more things indigo! Finished in beautiful colors and patterns! The explanation was also polite and easy to understand, and it was a lot of fun.
aya on Google

家族四人で とても良い体験が出来ました。 9歳の息子達は、前日より仕上がりのデザインをイメージして、当日 お店の方に伝えると 丁寧に優しく教えてもらえて 大満足。 また、Tシャツがサイズアウトしたら 行きたいなって思いました。オススメです‼️
I had a very good experience with four family members. The 9-year-old sons imagined the finished design from the day before, and when they told the shop on the day, they were very satisfied with the polite and gentle teaching. Also, when the T-shirt was out of size, I wanted to go. I recommend it! ️
yoshiki okita on Google

カルボから入谷駅に向かって歩いてる途中にありました 藍染体験してて今度は自分も参加したいと思った! 今日は巻き物ゲットして帰りました
I was on the way from Carbo to Iriya station After experiencing indigo dyeing, I wanted to participate this time too! I got a roll today and went home
하우하우 on Google

じゃらんで体験を予約して行ってきました。 予約した時間より30分前に着いてしまいましたが、早めに対応して下さり助かりました。 染めの体験は初めてでしたが 分かりやすく説明して下さって楽しかったです! 素敵な物が作れて嬉しいです^^
I booked the experience with Jalan. I arrived 30 minutes before the reserved time, but it was helpful to respond early. It was my first experience of dyeing It was fun to explain in an easy-to-understand manner! I'm happy to make a nice thing ^^
Dobashi Yoko on Google

母からもらったエルメスのカレと、母は故父からのプレゼントのシルクスカーフを持ち込みで藍染体験してきました。 とても親切にサポートして頂き、何回染めると好きな藍になるかを染めながら相談させてもらえて母も楽しんでました。 私も素敵な藍のカレをネイビーのアンゴラセーターに合わせて毎日身につけたい!くらい気に入りました。自分で染めたので愛着も一層わき母との素敵な思い出になりました。
The Hermes boyfriend I got from my mother and my mother brought in a silk scarf as a gift from my late father and experienced indigo dyeing. My mother enjoyed her very kind support, and I was able to consult with her while dyeing how many times she would dye her to become her favorite indigo plant. I also want to wear a nice indigo curry every day with a navy angora sweater! I like it so much. Since I dyed it myself, my attachment became even more wonderful with my mother.
Roibeirt on Google

Not too expensive, very friendly staff, speaks English. A unique experience to make traditionally died clothing.
Tommy Kurauchi on Google

Wanariya is a delightful indigo dyeing studio in Asakusa, just North of the Kappabashi kitchenware shopping district. I participated in a stencil dyeing experience and returned with my nephew to try free hand wax resist technique. The gentlemen running the studio/shop are friendly and expert in their craft. They also do shibori (~tie dye) instruction. I think even very young children can undertake this activity successfully and with engaged interest.

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