Senryuji - Isesaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Senryuji

住所 :

945 Shibamachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0824, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 372-0824

945 Shibamachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0824, Japan
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If you do not meet the amount of the donation, the number of deliveries, the personality, etc., you will not be treated as a partner.
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A stone Buddha welcomes you as you pass through the long approach to the pine trees. There are many trees in the precincts like an evergreen musical accompaniment, and a small vermilion torii is built like an old temple built in 806.
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伊勢崎佐波観音霊場第十一番 万松山泉龍寺(臨済宗円覚寺派) 聖観音 柴町泉龍寺第一山門から一直線300メートルの地にある。 とても長い山門で、第二山門手前に石仏がずらりと並んでいます。 泉龍寺 泉龍寺(臨済宗)は、山号を萬松山といい、寺伝によると、大同元年(806)に柴崎山玉泉寺(真義真言宗)として創建されました。応永元年(1394)那波城主大江宗広が、白崖宝生禅師を招いて中興開山としました。本尊は、釈迦牟尼如来です。本堂は、平成十年(1998)十一月に建立され、寺宝の白崖宝生禅師画像は、県指定重要文化財になっています。 境内には、柴町にあった蜜厳院から移した観音堂、八十八夜でにぎわう稲含社、当山最古(1394-1437頃)の石仏である延命地蔵や薬師如来があり、墓地には、那波家の墓、那波氏の供養塔、那波十四騎の供養碑があります。 入って左手に大きな本堂があり、目立ちませんが、鐘楼もあります。境内には神社もあり、神仏混合となっています。聖観音のパワーもしっかりと感じられました。 御朱印は、お気持ちでとのことでしたので、泉龍寺と来福寺、1体300円を納めました。
Isesaki Sawa Kannon Sacred Ground Tenth Ichiban Manmatsuyama Senryuji Temple (Rinsai Sect Engakuji School) Holy Kannon It is located 300 meters straight from the first mountain gate of Senryuji Temple in Shibamachi. It is a very long gate, and stone Buddhas are lined up in front of the second gate. Senryuji Temple Izumiryuji Temple (Rinzai sect) is called Manmatsuyama, and according to the temple, it was founded in the first year of Daido (806) as Shibasakiyama Gyokusenji (Shingon Buddhism). In the first year of Oei (1394), Munehiro Oe, the lord of Nawa Castle, invited Zen Master Shirakage Hosho to open the mountain. The principal image is Shaka Nyorai. The main hall was built in November 1998, and the image of the white cliff Hosei Zen Master of the temple treasure is designated as an important cultural property by the prefecture. In the precincts, there are Kannon-do, which was moved from Mitsugon-in in Shibacho, Ina-sha, which is crowded with 88 nights, and Enmei Jizo and Yakushi Nyorai, the oldest stone Buddha of the mountain (around 1394-1437). There is a grave of the Nawa family, a memorial tower for Mr. Nawa, and a memorial monument for the 14 horses of Nawa. There is a large main hall on the left side of the entrance, which is not noticeable, but there is also a bell tower. There is also a shrine in the precincts, which is a mixture of gods and Buddha. The power of Holy Kannon was also felt firmly. I heard that the Goshuin was a feeling, so I paid 300 yen for each of Izumiryuji and Raifukuji.

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