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Contact 平塚漁港の食堂

住所 :

Sengokugashi, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0803 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://facebook.com/gyokonoshokudo/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa
Description : Portside, cafeteria-style space serving set menus with raw sashimi & hot seafood dishes.

Sengokugashi, Hiratsuka, 〒254-0803 Kanagawa,Japan
N. Miyazaki on Google

テレビで見てずっと行きたくて、初めて来店しました。 朝9時に予約の電話をしてから行きました。 おまかせ刺し盛膳を頼みました。カレイやサワラ、太刀魚の刺身は初めてで、漁港近くならではです。
I came to the store for the first time because I wanted to go there all the time watching on TV. I made a reservation call at 9am and went. I ordered the sashimi sashimi set. This is the first time for flatfish, Spanish mackerel and cutlass fish sashimi, which is unique near the fishing port.
Minoru Hamada on Google

わざわざ1時間以上待って食べる価値は無いと思った(あくまでも個人の感想です)。2021年10月 昼に行きました。129号と134号の交差点近くの湘南大橋の袂にあります。国道沿いの入り口から入ると2階部分から入ることになり、1階入り口の受付まで降りて客席の間を歩かなければならなく、その一本の裏の道からは行ったほうが良いと思います。 受付では40~1時間ほど待つとのことでした。周りには特に見るところは無いので海のほうまで行き釣りをしている人など見て暇をつぶしました。注文したのは特刺身定食、海鮮丼、天丼です。 天丼のエビ15㎝大が3尾入っていますが、当然、地産のものではなく、ごくごく普通の安い蕎麦屋で天ぷらとして調理されるようなpH調整剤でプリプリになっているエビだと思われます。海鮮丼も地産の白身魚が入っているものの、トビッコやアサリの佃煮、錦糸卵などありふれた食材が幅を利かせていました。刺身定食はまぁ地産と思われる魚が入っており良いのかなと思いました。アジフライは大きく美味しかったです。日本海側や北海道の魚を普段よく食べている人達にとってはわざわざ並んでまで食べる意味はないと感じました。値段相応だとは思います。若い人たちのドライブデートや関東内陸の人達の観光スポット的に使うには良いかなと思います。
I thought it wasn't worth the wait for more than an hour to eat (it's just an individual impression). I went to noon in October 2021. It is located on the side of Shonan Ohashi near the intersection of No. 129 and No. 134. If you enter from the entrance along the national highway, you will enter from the 2nd floor part, you have to go down to the reception desk at the entrance on the 1st floor and walk between the audience seats, I think it is better to go from the back road of that one .. At the reception, it was said that they would wait for about 40 to 1 hour. There is nothing to see around me, so I killed my time by seeing people fishing by going to the sea. I ordered a special sashimi set meal, a seafood bowl, and a tendon bowl. There are 3 15cm-sized shrimp in a bowl of tempura, but of course, it is not a local product, but it seems to be a shrimp that is pre-prepared with a pH adjuster that is cooked as tempura at a very ordinary cheap soba restaurant. increase. The seafood bowl also contains locally produced white fish, but common ingredients such as tobiko, tsukudani lajonkairia lajon, and brocade eggs were widespread. I wondered if the sashimi set meal should contain fish that seems to be locally produced. Aji fry was big and delicious. For those who usually eat fish from the Sea of ​​Japan side and Hokkaido, I felt that there was no point in eating them side by side. I think it's worth the price. I think it's good to use it as a drive date for young people or as a tourist spot for people in the Kanto region.
箕輪加代子 on Google

午後1時過ぎに訪問。店の外にはならんでいる人が! 店の中に入って名前を記入して貰い 待つこと30分、海鮮丼を頂きました。 少し離れた場所に専用の駐車場が約20台停められらます。
Visited after 1 pm. People lined up outside the store! I entered the restaurant, filled in my name, and waited for 30 minutes, and received a seafood bowl. About 20 private parking lots can be parked at a distance.
Ken I on Google

国道沿いにある人気のお店です。 駐車場が国道から入ってお店の反対側にあるので少し分かりにくいのと、国道側の入り口は2階になり、正規の受付は1階になるので2階で待っていてもいつまでも呼ばれません。 料理は新鮮で質は高いですが値段もそれなりです。天丼は天つゆと塩が両方ついていて、好みで好きな方(両方でも)で食べれるのがポイント高いです。 人気なので13時頃だとメニューの半分くらいは売り切れになってしまいます。 平日でも昼時は、30分以上待ちますが店内では待てないので悪天候や炎天下だとそれなりに準備した方がいいかもしれません。
It is a popular shop along the national highway. The parking lot is on the opposite side of the shop from the national highway, so it's a little difficult to understand, and the entrance on the national highway side is on the 2nd floor, and the regular reception is on the 1st floor, so even if you wait on the 2nd floor, you will be called forever. not. The food is fresh and of good quality but the price is reasonable. The tempura bowl comes with both tentsuyu and salt, and the point is that you can eat it if you like (both). It's so popular that about half of the menu is sold out around 13:00. Even on weekdays, we wait for more than 30 minutes at noon, but we can't wait in the store, so it may be better to prepare accordingly in bad weather or in the scorching sun.
小幡浩幸 on Google

I visited a restaurant that I've always been interested in, and today I went to lunch with a colleague. The parking lot is a little far away, so please check the map attached ?️. I visited around 1 o'clock, but the popular menu was already sold out ~ ?☀️ However, the grand menu was also good. This time, in private ... Revenge ?️ When you enter the store facing the road, you will be on the second floor. Go down the stairs to the dining floor. Please be careful ?️??
pepekichi on Google

9時過ぎに電話して、11:30で予約して入りました。いつもより待っているお客さんが少ない気はしましたが、相変わらず混んでいます。 フライと刺身の定食をいただきました。アジフライと3種類のフライ、刺身が5種類付いてます。 フライはさっくり、刺身も味がしっかりしていて、美味しくいただきました
I called after 9 o'clock and made a reservation at 11:30. I felt that there were fewer customers waiting than usual, but it is still crowded. I had a set meal of fried and sashimi. Aji fry, 3 types of fry, and 5 types of sashimi are included. The fried chestnuts were crisp and the sashimi had a solid taste, and it was delicious.
T Baccaro on Google

平塚漁港のほど近く、国道134号線沿いに新線な魚を売りにした食堂があります。平塚漁港の食堂は名前のまま、平塚港で採れる新鮮な魚を中心とした食堂です。 地産地消ということで、地元の方が漁師を助けるために開いたお店らしく賑わっていました。 写真は特刺盛膳で、刺身6種にアジフライまでついたものです。 小田原に行かずとも相模湾の魚を食べられるのはありがたいが、やはり小田原まで足を延ばした方が魚の質は良いと感じました。 刺身に鯵がなかったのと、待ち時間が長いので星は一点減点。
Near the Hiratsuka fishing port, there is a cafeteria selling new fish along National Route 134. As the name suggests, the restaurant at Hiratsuka Fishing Port is a restaurant centered on fresh fish from Hiratsuka Port. Because of local production for local consumption, it was crowded with local people like a shop opened to help fishermen. The photo shows the special sashimi set, which includes 6 types of sashimi and even fried sashimi. I am grateful that I can eat the fish in Sagami Bay without going to Odawara, but I felt that the quality of the fish was better if I went to Odawara. There was no horse mackerel on the sashimi, and the waiting time was long, so the star was deducted by one point.
如月迅 Jin Kisaragi on Google

平塚漁港の食堂。平塚漁港近くの超人気の食堂で、その日に水揚げされた地元の新鮮な魚をリーズナブルに食べられます。魚好きな方々には是非オススメの海鮮食堂です。 人気過ぎて、いつも行列ができています。来店する際は「事前に予約」してからの来店をオススメします。また、水揚げや、さかなの仕入れが少ない日や、来客が多すぎる日は、早めの閉店や、品切れでメニューの選択肢が少ない場合もあります。予約をして、早めに来店された方が満足感が得られるかと思います。
Hiratsuka fishing port cafeteria. At the super popular dining room near Hiratsuka fishing port, you can eat the fresh local fish landed on that day at a reasonable price. This is a seafood restaurant that is highly recommended for people who like fish. It's so popular that there are always lines. When you come to the store, we recommend that you make a reservation in advance before you come to the store. Also, on days when there are few landings and fish purchases, or when there are too many visitors, the store may close early or the menu may be out of stock and there are few menu options. I think that you will be more satisfied if you make a reservation and come to the store early.

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