Sengawanagurado Acupuncture - Chofu

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sengawanagurado Acupuncture

住所 :

103 2 Chome-18-8 Sengawacho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 182-0002
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

103 2 Chome-18-8 Sengawacho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-0002, Japan
宮崎 on Google

腰痛でお世話になりました。 お陰様でで治療が始まって1ヶ月くらいで、ほぼ完治しました。 痛みを取るだけでなく、身体の使い方など日常生活でも気をつけるべきポイントを丁寧に教えて下さるので、根本的に良くなりたいという方にオススメです。妻にも紹介しました。
Thank you for your back pain. Thanks to you, the treatment started and it was almost completely cured in about a month. Not only does it relieve pain, but it also carefully teaches you points to be aware of in your daily life, such as how to use your body, so it is recommended for those who want to improve fundamentally. I also introduced it to my wife.
神永典郎 on Google

いつも元気な挨拶に、私自身も元気をいただき、毎回お世話になり、ありがとうございます。 肩こりがひどく、腰が辛くて受診ました。 きっかけは、当時高3でダンス部だった娘からです。 娘は運動のケアでお世話になっていましたが、私が肩や腰が辛いことを話すと、一度施術してもらうといいでと、紹介してくれました。 そして、一度目の施術を受けての感想は、もっと早く来ればよかったということです。 肩や腰は、直ぐに楽になりました。 それから10年、椅子に座ってPCに向かって仕事をすることが多いため、首から肩に張りが出やすいため、週に1、2度通って身体のメインテナンスをしてもらっています、 EMSや針もしてもらって、辛い肩こりや腰痛も少なくなって、とても助かっています。
Thank you for your continued support and encouragement for the cheerful greetings. I had a severe stiff shoulder and had a pain in my lower back. The reason was my daughter who was in the dance club at the time of high school 3. My daughter was taken care of by exercising, but when I told her that she had a pain in her shoulders and lower back, she told me that she should have a treatment once. And the impression after receiving the first treatment is that I should have come earlier. My shoulders and hips soon became easier. For the next 10 years, I often sit in a chair and work toward my PC, so it's easy to get tension from my neck to my shoulders, so I have to go once or twice a week to maintain my body. I got EMS and needles, and my painful stiff shoulders and back pain were alleviated, which is very helpful.
佐々木辰美 on Google

It started with numbness in the index finger of the right hand, and after a few days, it worsened to severe pain in the entire right arm. As a result of searching, I decided to go to Nagura-do because it is open on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, and I can go to the hospital on my way home from work. After a few treatments, the severe pain in my arm disappeared, and now I am going to the hospital to recover from the numbness of my index finger. It should have been a light feeling, but now it is fun to go to the hospital thanks to the kind teachers who give me appropriate treatment.
岩井友里恵 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正で通わせて頂いています。 通い始めてまだ1ヶ月ですが、産後太ももまでしか上がらなかったズボンがなんとかお尻が入ってファスナーが閉まるようになりました! まだまだ見苦しいのですっきり履けるように頑張って通います! 先生方も皆さん親切で子供連れでもOKなので楽しく通わせて頂いております! 骨盤矯正のほかにも治療をして頂いていますが、骨盤周りだけでなく、肩こりや首こりもすごく軽くなりました。
I am allowed to go for pelvic correction after childbirth. It's only been a month since I started going, but my trousers, which only went up to my thighs after giving birth, managed to get my butt in and the zipper closed! It's still unsightly, so I'll do my best to wear it neatly! The teachers are all kind and it's okay to bring children, so I'm happy to attend! In addition to pelvic correction, I have been treated, but not only around the pelvis, but also the stiff shoulders and stiff neck have become much lighter.
yu sa on Google

肩の痛みが酷く通い始めました。 だいぶ前から患っているのですが、ひと月程で既に痛みが軽くなってきており驚いています。 痛みそのものだけではなく痛みの根本を治療する方針との事でとても心強いです。 親身に話を聞いてくださる先生方ばかりで、痛みの相談をしやすく助かっています。 完治まではまだ暫くかかる予定ですが、先生方となら治療を頑張れそうです。
My shoulder pain started to go bad. I've been suffering from it for a long time, but I'm surprised that the pain has already eased in about a month. It is very encouraging because it is a policy to treat not only the pain itself but also the root of the pain. All the teachers who listen to me kindly help me to talk about pain easily. It will take a while until it is completely cured, but I think I can do my best with the teachers.
seki-m [KANDAGAIGO] on Google

For a while after I went there, I didn't really feel honest, but after about a month, I started to feel the effect rapidly, and my friends improved my attitude! Has come to be said. I feel that the gentle treatment and acupuncture that do not make me feel uncomfortable are very suitable for me. I finished the half marathon that I had been aiming for, and I was able to set a better time than before. He listens to the story carefully, listens to the situation at that time and his request, and performs the treatment, so it seems that he has become a personal trainer for the body!
Ay on Google

産後の体型が気になり、骨盤矯正で通いはじめました。どのような方法で矯正するのか、痛みが伴うのかなど不安でしたが、先生方がとても丁寧に説明をしてくださり安心してお願いできました。実際の施術も、痛みは全くなく、その日の体の状態を見て、筋肉をほぐし、ローラーなどの矯正器具で、骨盤や体の歪みを矯正していただいています。通うにつれ、体の歪みが改善されていくのを実感しています。 また、子どもを連れて通っていますが、先生方や受付の方も明るく子どもに接して預かってくださるのでとても助かります。
I was worried about my body shape after giving birth, so I started going for pelvic correction. I was worried about how to correct it and whether it would be painful, but the teachers gave me a very polite explanation and I was relieved. In the actual treatment, there is no pain at all, and we have you look at the condition of the body on that day, loosen the muscles, and correct the distortion of the pelvis and body with orthodontic appliances such as rollers. As I go there, I feel that my body strain is improving. Also, although I bring my children with me, the teachers and receptionists are very helpful because they are cheerful and take care of my children.
sae T on Google

「体の痛み・違和感の改善」と「その原因をできるだけ取り除きたい」と思われている方にお勧めの整骨院です。 私の場合は、これまでにないような急激な腰の違和感と痛みを感じて通い始めました。 朝は腰が痛くて起きる、腰の突っ張りと痛みで靴下を履く動作ができない、座った状態から立ち上がるときに腰が抜けそうな違和感と痛みを感じていました。 初回は現在の症状について丁寧に話を聴いてくださり、姿勢チェックをした上でこれからどんな風にこの状況を改善していくのか、わかりやすく提案してくれました。先生の対応はとても親切で和やかな雰囲気で、まずこの段階ですごく安心できます。 施術は背骨をローラーで整えたり、左右差のある部分を調整したり、どれも想像していたよりもはるかにソフトでしたが、その効果はビックリするくらいはっきり現れています。 現在通院を初めてわずか5回目ですが、1回目の翌日には痛みは劇的に改善されて靴下が自分で履け、2回目が終わると今度は外側に開きぎみだった右足が前を向くようになり、3回目のときには腰の痛みは嘘のように軽減され、腰を反らせられるようにもなりました。 痛みが再発しないように体の歪みやバランスを整えてもらいつつ、体の使い方や姿勢を改善するためのアドバイスもしていただいていて、すごく心強いです。 体を整える技術と気持ちを整える技術の両方を備えていることが良い整骨院なんだなぁと感じました。 実はいくつかの偶然が重なって、たまたまこちらに通うことになったのですが、施術を受けてみて、知り合いにも安心しておすすめできると思っています。
This is an osteopathic clinic recommended for those who want to "improve body aches and discomfort" and "eliminate the cause as much as possible". In my case, I felt a sudden feeling of discomfort and pain in my lower back like never before, and started going. In the morning, I woke up with a pain in my lower back, I couldn't put on my socks because of the tension and pain in my lower back, and I felt a sense of discomfort and pain when I got up from a sitting position. At the first time, he listened carefully to the current symptoms, checked his posture, and suggested in an easy-to-understand manner how to improve this situation in the future. The teacher's response is very kind and friendly, and I feel very relieved at this stage. The procedure was much softer than I had imagined, such as trimming the spine with a roller and adjusting the left-right difference, but the effect is surprisingly clear. It's only my 5th visit to the hospital for the first time, but the day after the 1st visit, the pain improved dramatically and I could put on my socks myself. At the third time, my lower back pain was alleviated like a lie, and I was able to bend my back. It is very encouraging to have my body strained and balanced so that the pain does not recur, and also to give me advice on how to use my body and improve my posture. I felt that it is a good osteopathic clinic to have both the technique to prepare the body and the technique to prepare the feelings. Actually, I happened to go to this place because of some coincidences, but after receiving the treatment, I think I can recommend it to my acquaintances with confidence.

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