
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact なな輝

住所 :

Senbonminatocho, Numazu, 〒410-0845 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : http://nanaki.jp/
街 : Shizuoka

Senbonminatocho, Numazu, 〒410-0845 Shizuoka,Japan
PilotFish on Google

I got the live squid of the swordtip squid swimming in the aquarium at the storefront at the market price. One cup is 5,000 yen! The freshness of Kinme was outstandingly bad. Well, it's a painful fish, so it can't be helped ... Is it because it was damaged? Absolutely not, but the level I really want to comment on. It's a taste that you can understand if it's around 1,500 yen, but if you set that price, you have to give a negative evaluation. Compared to the shops in the surrounding area, it's easy to eat for lunch, so I think it's better to quit with children. I can't feed you a lot ... bitter smile. It was not a "delicious and expensive store", but a natural "expensive and delicious store" at this price (the total of the posted images exceeded 10,000 yen). Expectations for breaking away from tourist destinations ★ 2.
まるはしひでお(ひでまる) on Google

最初にお断り。一口も食べてない、ってか、着席さえしてない男の評価です。 マイ50年人生史上、最悪のお店。美味しい美味しくない以前の問題。暖簾くぐったらいきなり「そこの名簿に名前書いて外で待っといて」と、店の奥から顔も出さずに放り出し。 はぁ?12月ですけど?浜風ビュービューですけど?店先に風よけ無いですけど?コロナで密はダメだと思うけど、客のこと考えてる? そして待つこと10分、まったく音沙汰なし。 はい、アウト~客商売やる資格なしだよね~星1つどころかマイナス1億点だよね~♪ヽ(´▽`)/ さよなら~
First decline. It is an evaluation of a man who has not eaten a bite or even sat down. My 50 years The worst shop in my life history. Previous problem that was not delicious. When I passed through the noren, I suddenly said, "Write your name on the list there and wait outside," and throw it out from the back of the store without showing your face. Huh? Is it December? It's a beach breeze view, isn't it? Isn't there a windbreak at the storefront? I don't think it's good to be dense in Corona, but are you thinking about your customers? And wait 10 minutes, no sound at all. Yes, it's out-I'm not qualified to do customer business-It's minus 100 million points instead of one star- ♪ ヽ (´ ▽ `) / Goodbye ~
Chie on Google

ワンコOKで、美味しい地魚料理と地酒がいただけます。沼津港の魚介類を買い出しに行く時は、こちらへ必ず伺います。 近隣の怪しい輸入冷凍ものを、平気で浜焼きとして営業しているお店が行列ができているのを横目に、ゆったり落ち着いて食事が楽しめます。 テラスは屋根と囲いもあるため、外からだとテラスだと分からない造りです。冬場はストーブを近くに置いて下さるので、暖かいです。 鰺の開きの焼き加減も絶妙。 お値段設定も適正だと思います。
You can enjoy delicious local fish dishes and local sake with dog OK. Whenever I go shopping for seafood at Numazu Port, I always visit here. You can relax and enjoy your meal with the suspicious imported frozen foods in the neighborhood lined up in a line of shops that are open as beach grills. The terrace also has a roof and an enclosure, so you can't tell if it's a terrace from the outside. In winter, it's warm because the stove is placed nearby. The degree of grilling of the opening of the horse mackerel is also exquisite. I think the price setting is also appropriate.
Yoshihito Hosokawa on Google

I used it for lunch. It was spacious and comfortable.
Tatsuo Kawasaki on Google

ワンコ連れにとってもありがたい、屋根付きの屋外特設?スペースで頂けます。格子壁で囲われており、部屋と言えば部屋な感じです。 お食事はお寿司を中心に丼ものもあります。少し少なめなので、単品でお刺身や焼き物が追加で頼むといいでしょう。 お値段はそれなりですが、都内でこの品質のものはそうそう頂けません。 大満足のランチでした。
A special outdoor installation with a roof, which is also appreciated for those with dogs? You can get it in the space. It is surrounded by a lattice wall, and when you think of a room, it feels like a room. Meals are mainly sushi and rice bowls. It's a little small, so it's a good idea to order additional sashimi and pottery as a single item. The price is reasonable, but you can't get this quality product in Tokyo. It was a very satisfying lunch.
T Matsu on Google

There were many shops like the market cafeteria in the surrounding area, so I decided to go to this shop immediately with a restaurant like cooking. The inside of the store is large and you can eat comfortably and quietly. The dishes are authentic seafood (some are bowls). I like the boiled sea bream because it's not too seasoned. The dried horse mackerel was thick and satisfying to eat. The price is still higher than the surrounding shops, but I think the content is appropriate.
えむ5 on Google

【なな輝】 夕食で伺いました。 こちらはメインの道から一本裏の通りにあります。 店内はモダンな雰囲気で個室もありました。 車でお酒は飲めなかったので 上刺身膳をお願いしました。 お寿司のメニューもあって、 店舗奥にはカウンターもありました。 お刺身は、中トロと金目鯛、シメ鯖、アジ。 生シラス、ブリ、とり貝、 ボイルのホタルイカ。あと何かの白身。 他にお新香と茶わん蒸しも付いてます。 お刺身はどれも新鮮でした♪ やはり沼津はアジは美味しいですね。 生シラスも新鮮でクセが無く美味しいし、 中トロや金目鯛も脂が乗ってました。 途中でご飯が足りなくなって おかわりしちゃいました。 茶わん蒸しは竹の子がいっぱい入ってて、 食感が良かった♪ あっという間に完食です。 店内はモダンな雰囲気だし、 料理も美味しいし、 一品メニューも充実していて、 お寿司の単品メニューもあるから、 ここは飲みに来てもいいと思います。 沼津港には観光客向けの盛りのいいお店も沢山ありますが ここは少し路線が違う感じ。 でもコスパもなかなかいいです。 また来てみたいと思います。
[Nana Kagayaki] I visited for dinner. This is on the back street from the main road. The inside of the store has a modern atmosphere and there are also private rooms. I couldn't drink alcohol by car I asked for the upper sashimi set. There is also a sushi menu, There was also a counter in the back of the store. The sashimi is medium fatty tuna, splendid alfonsino, mackerel, and horse mackerel. Raw shirasu, yellowtail, chicken shell, Boyle firefly squid. And some white meat. In addition, new incense and steamed tea bowl are also included. All the sashimi was fresh ♪ After all Numazu is delicious horse mackerel. Raw shirasu is also fresh and delicious with no habit. Chutoro and Kinmedai also had fat on them. I ran out of rice on the way I have refilled it. The steamed tea bowl contains a lot of bamboo shoots, The texture was good ♪ It's finished in no time. The inside of the store has a modern atmosphere The food is delicious The one-item menu is also substantial There is also a single sushi menu, so I think you can come here for a drink. There are many good shops for tourists in Numazu Port, The route is a little different here. But cospa is also quite good. I would like to come again.
milk m on Google

テラス席ワンコOK? しっかりと屋根があるので日差しが強くても雨の日でも大丈夫です‼︎ 夏のような暑い気候でしたが、テーブルの上にサーキュレーターが置いてあり涼しかったです。メニューは海鮮丼や天丼、お寿司、金目鯛の煮付け、フライ等たくさんあります。 本日は家族で金目鯛の煮付けと上天丼、ネギトロ巻きをオーダーしましたが、他にも食べたいものがあったので、リピ決定です! 場所は丸天さんの向かいにあります。
Terrace seat dog OK ? It has a solid roof, so it's okay even on rainy days even in strong sunlight! ︎ It was a hot summer climate, but it was cool with a circulator on the table. There are many menus such as seafood bowl, tendon bowl, sushi, boiled sea bream, and fried fish. Today, my family ordered a boiled sea bream, a top bowl, and a Negitoro roll, but I had something else I wanted to eat, so I decided to repeat it! The place is opposite Mr. Maruten.

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