Seiwadai Pharmacy - Kawanishi

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seiwadai Pharmacy

住所 :

3 Chome, Seiwadaihigashi, Kawanishi, 〒666-0142 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87799
Postal code : 666-0142
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

3 Chome, Seiwadaihigashi, Kawanishi, 〒666-0142 Hyogo,Japan
Takeshi Honjo on Google

メルパパ on Google

The reception is too unfriendly
あきさん on Google

Correspondence of receptionist is bad
ふくおかこーじ on Google

A dispensing pharmacy and a convenience store are together. All products are expensive!
アルカ(Lyoth) on Google

日頃から薬剤師の態度が酷いので利用していませんでしたが、必要に迫られたので先日調剤してもらいました。 お薬手帳を持っていなかったので店内に貼られているポスターのeお薬手帳(日本薬剤師会提供)を導入しましたが「紙の手帳でないとダメ」といわれて管理料を取られました。年配の薬剤師曰く「国が認めていない」そう。んなわけあるか。 調べたところもちろんそんなことはなく、相互閲覧サービスを導入していないだけのようです。客の安全よりズボラな客から管理料を取りっぱぐれるのが嫌だということでしょうか。 嘘つきの薬剤師がいることも含め、やはりこの薬局はできるだけ使いたくないと再認識しました。
I haven't used it because the pharmacist's attitude is usually bad, but I had to dispense it the other day because it was necessary. Since I did not have a medicine notebook, I introduced the e medicine notebook (provided by the Japan Pharmacists Association) on the poster stuck in the store, but I was told that `` It is useless if it is not a paper notebook '' . According to an elderly pharmacist, the government does not recognize it. What is the reason? According to the investigation, of course, there is no such thing, and it seems that the mutual browsing service is not introduced. Doesn't it mean that we don't want to get rid of management fees from customers who are more sick than customers? I realized again that I don't want to use this pharmacy as much as possible, including the fact that I have a liar pharmacist.
秋海棠界 on Google

ホントにオススメできない。 とにかく調剤が遅い。順番待ちの札をくれますが、待ち時間を聞くと「30~40分くらいかかります」と言われることも。湿布だけででもそれくらいかかるときもある。 薬を出すときに薬剤師さんが説明して薬を薬袋に入れますが、自分のハンコを押さねばならないのに忘れたり、「今日は忙しい」と愚痴を言われることも。そんなん、患者側の知ったことではないですね。
I can't really recommend it. Dispensing is slow anyway. They will give you a waiting ticket, but when you ask about the waiting time, you may be told that it will take about 30-40 minutes. Sometimes it takes that much with just a compress. When the pharmacist gives out the medicine, the pharmacist explains and puts the medicine in the medicine bag, but sometimes he forgets to push his stamp or complains that he is busy today. That's not what the patient knew.
Aれいか on Google

薬局の都合(処方箋の薬の在庫がない場合や、一包化に時間がかかる場合)で、翌日以降に取りに来るように言われます。 地域に他の調剤薬局がないので、胡座をかいているようです。 認知症の母のために一包化を頼みましたが、やりたくない感じでした。翌日出来上がったものには、袋ひとつひとつ名前が書いてあって日付の記入は無し。なんのための一包化か、意味がおわかりにならなかったようです。ホスピタリティーがないので通じないんでしょう。
Due to the pharmacy's convenience (if the prescription medicine is out of stock or it takes time to pack), you will be asked to pick it up the next day or later. There are no other dispensing pharmacies in the area, so it seems that they are in the middle of nowhere. I asked for a package for my mother with dementia, but I didn't want to do it. The next day's finished product has the name written on each bag and no date. It seems that he didn't understand what the package was for. I don't think it's possible because there is no hospitality.
teru teru on Google

I knew from before that the dispensing was slow and the pharmacist's ability to explain was uneven, but this time it was the worst. First of all, the reception is poor. If you don't have the medicine, I think it's normal to ask if you'll come to pick it up at a later date and then cancel it. "Ah, yes ..." and in the dispensing room in the back, "I'm sorry, I heard you need this," he responded with a troublesome smell. I was only told to hand it over tomorrow evening, so when I called to check the arrival time in the daytime the next day, I just asked my name and put the call on hold ... I'm telling you, "he said frustratingly, and he clicked here and said," I'm calling because I know that. I want to know the time. " Instead of a pharmacist. There is no word "please wait". There is no explanation of the time even on behalf of the pharmacist. I've heard this because the time is limited, but I can't even suggest "Would you like to contact me when it arrives?" Too bad ...

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