Seino Okayama - Okayama

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seino Okayama

住所 :

130-1 Ofuku, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0204, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 701-0204
Webサイト :

130-1 Ofuku, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0204, Japan
かな on Google

Pongs and luggage were put on the shelf on the side of the door that can not be opened normally. Delivery date was on the previous day with goods specified on the date. I happened to realize it, but because there was no absent slip, I did not receive a thank you for the opponent though it was what I had. Can not you put one piece of memo into the post?
かたいおでこ on Google

集荷依頼した際、コールセンターに繋がり、丁寧に対応されたが、折り返しがあった岡山支店からは、無理ですね、それは無理ですね とビジネス会話とは思えない対応をされた。一般教養くらいは身につけてほしい
When the collection request was made, it was connected to the call center, and it was handled carefully, but it is impossible from the Okayama branch where there was a return, it is impossible And the business conversation was unmatched. I want you to learn about general education
KEN TAKA on Google

The response of the driver in charge who came to wholesaler town today was the worst. Your responsibilities seem to have changed recently, but what is “ha” in response to this request? I want people who can speak properly to change their responsibilities.
toma S on Google

代金引換の荷物の受け取りの際、釣り銭も持たず連絡も無しに持ってきました。 釣り銭が無いなら前もって連絡するべきではないでしょうか。 悪びれた態度もなく感じの悪い方でした。 以前の配達の方は配達日時の変更を申し入れたところ 「いつ持って行きゃあええんかな」 との言葉。 全く教育されていません。 いい歳をした大人の態度とは思えませんでした。 運転さえ出来ればどんな人間でも採用する会社なのでしょうか。
When I picked up my package for cash on delivery, I brought it without any change and no contact. If there is no change, should I contact you in advance? He was a bad person without a bad attitude. For previous delivery, we requested to change the delivery date "When should I take it?" Words. There is no education at all. I didn't think it was the attitude of a mature adult. Is it a company that employs any person who can drive?
sたもつ on Google

荷物を受け取りに夕方伺いましたが、入り口を見落として一周してしまいました。 時間帯によりますが大型トラックがズラッと並び、フォークが大忙しで走り回ってました。 受付は入って右側の方にあり、コレも時間帯に寄るかも知れませんが、階段は登らず左脇の スロープを登って小さな扉からが、荷物受け取りの正式な入り口っぽいです。 夕方からは受付などの業務は専門に担当が居ないくなるようなので、タイミングが悪いと 対応が悪くなりそうな感じなので、日中のほうが良いかもです。
I visited in the evening to pick up my luggage, but I overlooked the entrance and went around. Depending on the time of day, large trucks lined up in a row, and the forks were busy running around. The reception is on the right side of the entrance, and this may be close to the time zone, but the stairs do not climb and it is on the left side Climbing the slope and through the small door is like a formal entrance to pick up your luggage. From the evening, it seems that there will be no specialist in charge of operations such as reception, so if the timing is bad It seems that the correspondence will be worse, so it may be better during the day.
DA KANJI on Google

荷物の引き取りに行ったのですが 一般の車の置き場所が端っこの方に少しだけあります。 そんなに広くないので仕方ないですね。 でも受付に行くと丁寧に対応してくれました。
I went to pick up my luggage There is a little space for ordinary cars on the edge. It's not that big, so it can't be helped. But when I went to the reception, he responded politely.
岡山桃太郎 on Google

I visited to pick up a large baggage, but it was helpful to kindly respond to me, such as helping with loading.
りんご飴 on Google

入口がわかりづらくて電話で確認しましたが、「トラックの出入り口から入ってください」と言われました。が、かなり物があったりフォークも動いているので、とてつもない場違い感を感じました。帰りは、東側の門から出て帰りました。停める場所は建屋正面でいいそうです。 そして、建屋正面入り口が閉まっていた場合、西側に回り込んでください。僕は東に回り込んで、見事に従業員さん側に入ってしまい、とてつもない場違い感を感じましたw でも受付や荷物の受け渡しは丁寧にしていただきました。
It was difficult to find the entrance, so I checked by phone, but I was told, "Please enter through the doorway of the truck." However, there were quite a few things and the forks were moving, so I felt a tremendous out-of-place feeling. On the way back, I went out from the eastern gate. It seems that the place to stop is in front of the building. And if the front entrance of the building is closed, please go around to the west side. I went around to the east and got into the employee side, and I felt a tremendous out-of-place feeling. However, the reception and delivery of luggage were polite.

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