Seikeigekamizuno Clinic

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seikeigekamizuno Clinic

住所 :

Hattoriyutakamachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0859 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Hattoriyutakamachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0859 Osaka,Japan
はっち on Google

I went to the hospital for a while because of a traffic accident. The staff were always bright and kind. The teacher made an accurate diagnosis, and it improved completely. I would like to see you if I have something again. it's recommended!!
かずまろ太郎 on Google

医療レベルや患者対応には非常に満足出来る。服部天神駅周辺に住んでいる人が怪我や痛みで困っていたらまずここを勧める。 ただ、リハビリテーション科は診察時間終了30分前に器具を片付け始めるので、診察時間終了30分前には入らないとフルサービスが受けられなくなる。 その事についてホームページその他に記載がないので☆一つマイナス。
Very satisfied with the medical level and patient care. If a person living near Hattori-Tenjin Station is suffering from injuries or pain, we recommend here first. However, since the rehabilitation department starts to clean up the equipment 30 minutes before the consultation time ends, you will not be able to receive full service unless you enter 30 minutes before the consultation time. There is no mention on the homepage or other about that ☆ ☆ minus one.
ふーみん on Google

The receptionist and staff are always smiling and the response is great, but the teachers are miscellaneous. I didn't hear much from the patient, and although I had no idea what the cause was, I had to pull my lower back and my condition worsened. The staff had no idea why this symptom needed this treatment, which made me anxious. I think it's compatible, but it didn't suit me so I decided to go to another hospital.
e w on Google

先生の対応がすごく雑でした。症状を伝えても「そんなもんでしょ」みたいな言い方をされ、思いやりもなかったです。受付の方も患者に対して作業として接しているのか、笑顔もなく、こちらが対応に不快な思いをしたことを伝えても謝りもしない。 他のスタッフの方は丁寧な人もいましたが、 もう行きたくありません。
The teacher's response was very rough. Even when I told him about my symptoms, he said something like "That's right," and I wasn't considerate. The receptionist does not smile and does not apologize for telling him that he was uncomfortable with the response, perhaps because he was dealing with the patient as a task. Some of the other staff were polite, I don't want to go anymore.
N N on Google

何度か通わせていただきましたが、先生が人の話を聞かない先生でした。 頭ごなしに怒鳴りつける様な感じでしたし、もう少し物腰が柔らかい方が良いのでは? 非常にサバサバしているので合う合わないがハッキリ分かれるかと思います。 受付の方などは愛想よく丁寧だと印象を受けたので★1に。
I went there several times, but the teacher didn't listen to people. It felt like yelling at me, and I think it would be better if I was a little softer. It's very dry, so it doesn't fit, but I think it's clearly divided. I got the impression that the receptionists were friendly and polite, so I decided to go to ★ 1.
みたん。 on Google

息子がお世話になりました。 近所の小児科を受診したけれど確信な診断を受けれずあちこちの病院をたらい回しにされたなか 的確な診断をしてくださり 大きな病院の紹介もしてくださり とても感謝しております。 的確な診断、丁寧な診察 息子にもたくさん優しく話しかけてくださり嬉しかったです!(*^^*) 待ち時間、子供がぐずってしまい 騒いでしまって申し訳ありません。 近くなのでまたお世話になることがあると思います。その際はよろしくお願いします。
My son took care of me. I went to a pediatrics department in my neighborhood, but I couldn't get a definite diagnosis, so I was forced to go to hospitals here and there. Please make an accurate diagnosis Please introduce me to a big hospital Much obliged. Accurate diagnosis, careful examination I was happy to talk to my son a lot! (* ^^ *) Waiting time, my child is sick I'm sorry for making a noise. It's close, so I think I'll be able to take care of it again. In that case, thank you.
ほえほえ on Google

今から約三年前の受診にてひどいモラハラを受けました。 この日は血液検査の結果を聞く日でしたが、私は血糖が高く糖尿病予備軍です。 前回より数値が悪くなっていた私に対して医者はイライラしながら、 「このままじゃ将来足壊死するよ!足切る事になるよ!ずっと食事制限や散歩しろと言ってたのやってないの?」 と、怒鳴られました。 統合失調感情障害で一日中寝て過ごしてるから散歩なんて無理だよと思いつつ黙っていたら、 「私は何食べなさいと言った?」 と、聞かれたので「野菜なんか高くて手が出ません」 と言うと、 「そんなん言ってない!ゆで卵食べなさいって言ったよね?それからお肉やマヨネーズ食べなさいとも言ったよね?だいたい君ら生活保護者はあれこれすぐ言い訳する!」 野菜よりハードル上がってるやん。そもそもこの整形外科は治った右肩にも電気治療し、一年通ったタイミングで突然「採血しましょう」と言って血糖値が少し高いからと言う事で薬出たのだ。「あ、これは点数稼ぎだ」とすぐ思った。 医者のイライラはマックスになり、「スマホ持ってるだろ、出せ」仕方なく出すとロック外せと言われ、外すとヘルスケアを勝手に立ち上げ、私のデータを入力しながら「こんないいiPhone使って、月いくらかかってるんだよ。ガラケーに変えてタバコ辞めれば十分やっていけるだろ!」と言った。 この時点で私はかなり怯えながら怒っていた。プライバシーの侵害だろ! 「とりあえず10日分だけ薬出す、ヘルスケアをチェックするから、一日8000歩が最低ラインだからね。」 怒りで震えながら診察室から出ようとする私に医者はこう言った。 「良くなりたいなら働け!働け!働け!憲法にもこう書いてある。勤労の義務と!」 家に帰って泣いた。怖くなって泣いた。 ケースワーカーさんにすぐ電話したが、なしのつぶて。結局泣き寝入りしかない。 夕方クレームの電話を入れたが、そんな事言ってないと、のらりくらりと交わされガチャ切り。 もう泣くしか無かった。 翌日すぐメンクリに行って頓服を出してもらったけど効果無し。 そんなこんなで転院する決意した。
I had a terrible morale at the consultation about three years ago. This day was the day to hear the results of the blood test, but I have high blood glucose and am a diabetic reserve army. The doctor was frustrated with me, whose numbers were worse than last time. "If you keep going like this, you'll die in the future! You'll cut your legs! Haven't you been telling me to restrict your diet or take a walk?" Was yelled at. If I keep silent while thinking that it is impossible to take a walk because I spend all day sleeping due to schizophrenia and emotional disorder "What did I tell you to eat?" I was asked, "Vegetables are expensive and I can't afford them." Speaking of "I didn't say that! You said you should eat boiled eggs, and you also said that you should eat meat and mayonnaise? Most of you, the guardians, make excuses right away!" The hurdle is higher than vegetables. In the first place, this orthopedic surgery also treated the right shoulder, which had healed, with electric treatment, and suddenly said "Let's collect blood" at the timing of one year, and the medicine was released because the blood glucose level was a little high. I immediately thought, "Oh, this is a point earner." The doctor's frustration became maximal, and when I had no choice but to put it out, I was told to unlock it. How much does it cost a month? If you change to a garage and quit smoking, you can do enough! " At this point I was pretty scared and angry. It's an invasion of privacy! "For the time being, I will only give medicine for 10 days, I will check health care, so 8000 steps a day is the lowest line." The doctor said to me, trembling with anger and trying to get out of the examination room. "If you want to get better, work! Work! Work! The Constitution says: It's an obligation to work!" I went home and cried. I was scared and cried. I called the case worker immediately, but nothing was killed. After all, I have no choice but to cry and fall asleep. I made a complaint call in the evening, but if I didn't say that, I was exchanged with Rarikura and cut off the gacha. I had no choice but to cry. The next day, I went to Menkuri and asked him to give me a dress, but it didn't work. That's why I decided to transfer to another hospital.

愛想悪すぎるしマスクしてるから笑顔が見えないとかの問題じゃなく話し方とか声のトーンとか患者のことを想って対応するべきなのに全ての行動からしてやる気の無さを感じる。それは先生だけでなくリハビリテーションのスタッフや受付のスタッフも。 唯一、看護師の方とレントゲンのスタッフの方は良かった。だから星一。 最後、患者が帰っていくときにスタッフが口を揃えて「お大事に〜」と言っているけど、薄っぺらい。たった一言だけだから、心の底から言ってもいいと思うのに流れ作業なんだろうなと思った。 この口コミの評価を見ても良いとは言えない評価だけど妥当だよ。むしろ、星5をつけている人がいるっていうのがびっくり。きっとそれはその日によって仕事に対する気持ちの波があるんだろうね。 そんな病院に行きたいとは思わない。
It's not a matter of not being able to see a smile because it's too unfriendly and masked, but I should think about the way of speaking, the tone of the voice, and the patient, but I feel unmotivated from all actions. Not only the teacher but also the rehabilitation staff and reception staff. Only the nurses and the X-ray staff were better. That's why Hoshiichi. At the end, when the patient returns, the staff all say "Take care", but it's thin. Since there is only one word, I thought it was an assembly line even though I could say it from the bottom of my heart. It's not a good idea to look at this review, but it's reasonable. Rather, I'm surprised that some people have 5 stars. I'm sure it has a wave of feelings for work depending on the day. I don't want to go to such a hospital.

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