Seijo Ishii Takasaki Montres Store

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seijo Ishii Takasaki Montres Store

住所 :

Yashimacho, Takasaki, 〒370-0849 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Yashimacho, Takasaki, 〒370-0849 Gunma,Japan
はやまとて on Google

小さい店舗と聞いてましたが品揃えは一人前の店舗かと。チーズケーキの種類も多いし、お惣菜も豊富にある。 ぎゅぎゅっと成城石井の美味しいとこが詰め込まれた感じ。すれ違うのがちょっと大変!って通路の狭さだけが気になりますが、欲しい物は大抵揃ってるので高崎にいくとついつい寄ってしまいます。
I heard that it is a small store, but the product lineup is for one person. There are many types of cheesecake, and there are plenty of side dishes. It feels like it's packed with delicious things from Seijo Ishii. It's a little difficult to pass each other! I'm only concerned about the narrowness of the aisle, but I usually have everything I want, so when I go to Takasaki, I just stop by.
水道ソーダ on Google

いつになったら路面店を出店してくれるのかな? 駅ビルの店では、手に持てる量しか買えないし、瓶とか重いものは回避しちゃう。 日常はマイカーでの買い物だから、量や重さなんて気にしたこと無いからなぁ。
When will you open a roadside store? At station building stores, you can only buy as much as you can, and avoid bottles and other heavy items. I don't care about the quantity and weight because I usually shop in my car.
スマイルスマイル on Google

今日も大好きなプレミアムチーズケーキを買いました?あまりしつこくなく、意外とあっさり食べられます? たまには成城石井もいいですね?
I bought my favorite premium cheesecake today ? It's not too persistent and it's surprisingly easy to eat ? Sometimes Seijo Ishii is also good ?
松本英昭 on Google

各メディアでも取り上げられたプレミアムチーズケーキは本当に絶品な味わいでした。 プライベートブランドの食材から数々の輸入食材も豊富で、魅力溢れるスーパーマーケットです☆
The premium cheesecake featured in various media had a truly delicious taste. It is a charming supermarket with plenty of imported foods from private brand ingredients ☆
渡辺奈美 on Google

There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages such as pasta, bread, and wine, and it feels like a luxury supermarket. There are many kind clerk who will order the cheese when you can't find the cheese you were looking for.
K I on Google

1年以上前だが店員に嫌味を言われた Go to トラベル電子クーポン取り扱い店なのに、レジの若い女性は、私が電子クーポンの使い方がわからなくて困り果ててていたのに教えてくれないだけでなく、「Go to トラベルなんて行っている時間がない」と嫌味まで言う始末。 他の小売店ではきちんと対応してもらえたのに。 店側の教育がなってない。出来て当たり前の対応はやめてほしい。 本当は星ひとつも評価したくない。 二度とここには行きません。
More than a year ago, the clerk told me that I didn't like it Go to Travel An e-coupon dealer, but a young lady at the cash register not only doesn't tell me when I'm at a loss because I don't know how to use e-coupons, but she also says, "I don't have time to go to travel. "The disposition that even dislikes. Even though other retailers responded properly. There is no education on the store side. I want you to stop taking the usual measures. I don't really want to evaluate even one star. I will never go here again.
masatoshi komaguchi on Google

OK. We offer products that are not available at other stores. There are originals, and we also sell alcohol. There are local specialties, so it's expensive, but considering that you buy it as a souvenir, it may be cheap because there are no transportation costs or shipping costs. Asian side dishes stand out. It will be nice when you get tired of a normal convenience store. When the expiration date is the day before, 20% to 30% will be discounted. Is it a classic in Nara? It is also interesting to have persimmon leaf sushi. Cheesecake, castella original, and carpis butter are both unsalted and salted. Recently, it has a strong presence in Kyoto, but it's nice to have it at Takasaki Station. Depending on the item, it will be backordered. From one item. It may be cheaper than other stores.
jnk kb on Google

ちょっと贅沢なおうち時間を過ごしたい時にチーズケーキなどスイーツやパン、お菓子など買います。 品揃え豊富なのは良いですが、場所柄?店舗が狭く、密になってる様に思える所と電車利用の際は大量の買い物はどうかな?と思うので☆−1にしました。
When you want to spend a little extravagant time, you can buy sweets such as cheesecake, bread, and sweets. It's good to have a wide selection, but is it a place? How about a lot of shopping when you use the train and the place where the store seems to be small and crowded? I think it is ☆ -1.

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