ワークマン 倉吉店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ワークマン 倉吉店

住所 :

Seidanicho, Kurayoshi, 〒682-0017 Tottori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.workman.co.jp/
街 : Tottori

Seidanicho, Kurayoshi, 〒682-0017 Tottori,Japan
澤井輝二 on Google

I had the logo printed on the shirt. The staff was very kind to me, which was helpful.
Noβu on Google

雪掻き用の防寒手袋を買いに行ったのですが、品揃えが多くまた行きたいと思いました。店員さんも気さくに話せる方で良かったと思います。 駐車場が狭く感じましたが、店舗裏にも駐車場があるようなので長時間見たいときは裏に停めるのが良いかもしれません。
I went to buy winter gloves for scraping snow, but I wanted to go there again because of the large selection. I think it was good that the clerk could talk freely. I felt that the parking lot was small, but it seems that there is a parking lot behind the store, so if you want to see it for a long time, it may be better to park it in the back.
石見栞里 on Google

The clerk was a kind woman. The response of customers in need was also appropriate. I'm glad that the number of women's products is increasing.
Rage Hawai on Google

It is a conscientious shop where it is cheaper to buy at the store than the net price. We also have a solid selection of products according to the season.
Dai D on Google

品揃えは季節に応じて変化し、価格もお手頃。 もう少し市街に近い所にあるともっと良い
The assortment changes according to the season, and the price is reasonable. It ’s better if it ’s a little closer to the city.
Masasi Hosod on Google

春、夏物並んでいました。 とりあえず、フレイムテックジャケットを買って帰ります。
Spring and summer items were lined up. For the time being, I will buy a Flame Tech jacket and go home.
Mantan Jilin on Google

Since it is a popular store recently, the parking space has become smaller. Workman products are well designed and functional. Moreover, since the price is reasonable, I was happy to come and not disappoint. It is good that the price includes tax. I think no matter where I go, I would like to expand the store area a little more and enhance the number and size of items.
Guntur Sugira on Google

many choices clothes for work

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