Seibuumetate Daishi Park - Hiroshima

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seibuumetate Daishi Park

住所 :

1 Chome-2 Inokuchimyojin, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0841, Japan

Postal code : 733-0841

1 Chome-2 Inokuchimyojin, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0841, Japan
金田真由美 on Google

On a sunny day with a big pigeon and a good weather, a lunch box is also good
milky “milky” on Google

It is a place of relaxation between the east and north wing of the Alpark.
ma ko on Google

We used for child to play during waiting time until movie. As of November 23, the swing had been removed.
こって牛 on Google

町中に公園が有るとイイですね‼️ ピンクと白の桜が混じって綺麗でした。
It is nice if there is a park in the town !! Moth Pink and white cherry blossoms were mixed and beautiful.
藤本明德 on Google

10月3日 返り咲き
October 3rd, return bloom
nieee geee on Google

The cherry blossoms in the park are in full bloom
電気うに on Google

Western landfill park series. Adjacent to Alpark. A relatively large park located on the left and right of the elevated road. Facilities such as toilets, fire protection tanks, slides, jungle gyms, swings, and low-iron bars are available. It's so large that you want to swim in the sandbox. In spring, cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
ぶちあっちょんぶりけ on Google

午後は学校帰りの学生たちが多くベンチなど座って談笑してる姿がありました 他にもお年寄りもいたりのんびりした雰囲気の公園です アルパークのすぐ隣にある公園
In the afternoon, many students returning from school were sitting on benches and chatting. It is a park with a relaxed atmosphere with other elderly people. Park right next to Alpark

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